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Chapter 832

Grace shook her head and said, "I don't know, but if he really wants to repay the kindness, it proves that he is grateful. He will bea great person when he grows up.”

"Don't worry. By staying by your side, he will definitely be a good person."

"You're so confident in me?"

Heinz smiled and embraced her while saying softly, "Of course, the woman | chose can't be wrong."

She blinked her eyes mischievously and retorted in a low voice, "Well, the woman that you had chosen before was wrong."He was staggered. Looking at her, he felt a little helpless and said, "Can you not mention her? It's such a turn off."

She smiled and understood that Jodie might probably remain a blemish in Heinz's life forever.

"My choice is right this time. | know you will make my life delightful and wonderful," he said.

She answered, "I also bring a lot of trouble to you."

He shook his head and said, "Don't say that. Your problem is my problem and we will go through everything together no matterit's a bliss or a challenge. Dear, don't regard me as an outsider, okay?"

"| got it. You go to work first, I'll go and have a look," she replied.

Soon, she came out.

The piano lesson was over soon. As soon as the teacher left, Lowell ran to her and asked, "Grace, can you come to my room?""Sure," she answered before she followed him to his room.novelbin

Watching his mother and his uncle leave, Ernest asked Gary suspiciously, "Where are Lowell and Mommy going?"

Little Gary didn't care about it and said, "It's just a secret. Don't worry about that, they will deal with it themselves."

Ernest nodded and said disappointedly, "Recently, our family members are all busy. We can't help any of them. We are quiteuseless, aren't we?"

Little Gary looked at him and said, "We're too young. They think we're useless as children.""Can't we go to the kindergarten?” Ernest asked. He was so bored at home.

Little Gary complained too, "Let's wait for a few more days. Well, | told you that you have a worthless father. He can't even getthings done for you and yet he has two wives. What else is he capable of other than being thick-skinned?"

Heinz, who was behind him, happened to hear these words and his face instantly darkened.Ernest asked, "You and | have the same father, so why is he 'my' father’ instead of ‘our father’ all of a sudden?”

"It's precisely because he is very unreliable that he annoys me so much." Little Gary turned around as he spoke and happenedto see Heinz with a dark face. He raised his brows and rebuked him directly, "What are you looking at? I'm talking about you, sowhat?"

Heinz narrowed his eyes and ignored him. He walked up to Ernest and asked, "Do you want to go to kindergarten?""Yes, Dad. | think it's boring at home. There are many children there," replied Ernest.

He said, "| promise you that I'll take you to kindergarten in a few days."


Grace followed Lowell into his room. He pulled her to sit on the edge of the bed. He stood there looking at his sister and saidseriously, "Grace, what I'm about to tell you is not good news."

She looked at him in confusion.

"It's a very bad thing for you and Heinz. | didn't dare to say it before because | was afraid that you might hate me after you foundout. Now, you are so nice to me, | can't bear to keep hiding it from you," he said. He was very depressed, and he maintained adignified expression.

Grace comforted him softly, "Although | don’t know what you are going to say, I'm very grateful that you can take the initiative totell me. No matter how bad it is, | promise that | won't hate you or leave you."

He nodded and his eyes reddened when he said, "Grace, do you know why | don't call Heinz my ‘brother-in-law’ but 'brother'?"She was surprised. She shook her head and said, "It is your preference. We won't force you."

"That is not the reason," Lowell said and shook his head. He looked at her carefully and said seriously, "Actually, my last name isJones!"

She was astounded and there was an indescribable feeling was welling up in her. It didn't seem good and her face was slightlypale. Looking at him, she whispered, "Your last name is Jones?"

He did not look away, and he continued to say, "Yes, Stephen is a nickname for Lawrence Jones and he is my father. He's alsoHeinz's father!"

Grace's mind was about to explode.

She was horrified, as if she had heard some news about the end of the world. Her mind went blank.She could only stare blankly at Lowell. She couldn't believe what he said.

This was like when she heard about Heinz's previous marriage.

Lowell knew that she was frightened. When he saw her ashen face, he cried out, "I don't want to deceive you anymore. Theseare all my secrets. You and | have the same mother whereas Heinz and | have the same father.”

She still didn't say anything.

"| know that my existence will put you and Heinz in a very awkward position. Mom was also probably worrying about this. Shedidn't allow me to tell you, and | had promised it too, but it has been a trouble for me because lying just doesn't suit me. | don'twant to be someone who tells lies."

Grace stood up in a panic. She feltthat her hands and f et|werecO,|ang sheasked! "dwell what you justsaid, is it true?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

He could hear that his sister's voice was trembling. She was extremely scared.He nodded and said, "Yes, | didn't lie to you. I'm telling the truth."Heinz's father and her mother got together, and they gave birth to Lowell. Grace was really shocked by such an insane story.

She had never dreamt that she would

encounter such a ridiculous gitagitionain Sha diate dW w y these

a acnngs kept happening to her.

Please read the original content at


She was speechless.

Looking at Lowell, she didn't know what to say.

He was also terrified when he saw his sister's expression.

Outside the room, Heinz's phone rang.

When he saw that it was Jensen's call, he picked it up right away and said, "Jensen."

“Heinz, I've found out Lowell's identity. Be prepared mentally," said Jensen. He couldn't help the quiver in his voice.Heinz frowned and asked, "To prepare mentally? What do you mean?"

He didn't understand what Lowell's identity had to do with him.

Jensen said, "Lowell's last name is Jones, Lowell Jones."

Heinz was astonished and did not understand what Jensen meant.

However, in the next second, he immediately came to his senses. "Lowell Jones? Does he have anything to do with Lawrence?"

Jensen sighed and said, "It's related.Heinz, your father i his\fathee. Cowellig yquaye@usiel Brother and hismother is Candace." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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