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Chapter 817

It was a warm, cozy night.

Grace snuggled up in Heinz's arms gently. They simply held each other tenderly as they exchanged trivial conversations andaffectionate gestures. As they talked and tired themselves, they remained nuzzled up until dawn.

The feeling of waking up while still being embraced by Heinz was euphoric.As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw his chin.

She looked at the chin of the man whose arms she was wrapped in and thought of the way he gently dried her hair the nightbefore. It was a serene moment for her.

While feasting her eyes with his handsome face, she reached out her hand to stroke Heinz's bearded chin.Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and she met his gaze."Good morning, Heinz," she called out softly as she staggered a little.

"Good morning, babe! We should change how we call each other," Heinz greeted her with an affectionate nickname. His tonewas full of satisfaction and his eyes were full of fondness.

Her cheeks and ears flushed with shyness. She felt a little embarrassed and was not very used to this way of calling.However, at the same time, she also enjoyed it very much.

Her identity had changed. She was Heinz's legally wedded wife.

Looking at him, she plucked up her courage and finally said, "Good morning, sweetheart."

Upon hearing it, Heinz felt content and smiled.

They did not do anything on their wedding night. She felt sorry and looked at him apologetically while saying, "I'm sorry, lastnight, |..."

He knew what she was thinking. She apologized to him because she didn't consummate their marriage on their wedding night. Inhis eyes, she was really a kind little human being.

His big hands gently touched her waist and hugged her tightly. He said, "We have a long way ahead of us, so you don't have toapologize to me about things like this. If | can't be considerate to you, how can | be your husband for the rest of our lives? Howcan we always be there for each other till death do us apart?"

She looked up gently and still felt sorry. After all, there was only one day in their lives that was that special.

"I'm still sorry."

Heinz gently rubbed her waist and said, "No worries, babe. You can make it up to me in the future."

She nodded and said solemnly, "I'll compensate you for it in the future."

Heinz carried her up and said, ""Silly girl! Let's get up. | may lose control of myself if | keep lying down by your side."Grace smiled softly at him and said, "Well, let's go wash up and then have some breakfast."


The two of them went into the bathroom together to wash up. By the time Heinz had changed his clothes and left the house, thechildren had yet to get up.

Grace went to the children's room and saw that the two little kids were already propped up in their beds, almost as if preparingtheir sleepy selves to get up for the day.

At the sight of her, the two of them immediately shouted, "Mommy!"

She looked at the two children and said, "Well, aren't you both early risers today. Good morning, my dears.""Good morning, Mommy."

The kids dressed themselves in the clothes that Grace had laid out for them.

She looked at her two sons with contentment.

“Mommy, are we going to stay at home today and not go to the kindergarten?" Gary asked as he was bored at home and wantedto go out to play.

“Are you bored?" She asked. She knew that her son could not stay idle and do nothing.Gary complained, "Yes, I'm bored to death. Can | go to the kindergarten now?"

She said softly, "I think we still need to stay at home for a few more days. Anyway, we won't waste the days. | don't want to asktoo much of you, so you just need to know what you are doing. Daddy and | will be busy these two days, therefore, can you juststay and play at home? After we have sorted out some issues, we will bring you to the kindergarten.”

Although he was a little reluctant, Gary still understood what his mother meant. He nodded and said, "| understand. We'll be athome. I'll take care of Ernest. You can be sure of that."

She looked at them and said, "Thank you, Gary, and you too, Ernest. Today, I'm going to take Lowell out whereas you two will bestaying at home."

Gary asked instantly, "Mommy, where are you taking him to? Could it be that you don't like him anymore and want to send himaway?"

An astonished Grace asked with a surprised tone, "No, why do you think so?"

He reacted quickly and said, "That's fine, | thought you wanted to get rid of him."

She was speechless. It seemed like he had misunderstood her.

She asked softly, "Do you think I'm a very irresponsible person in your heart?"

He shook his head and said, "Of course not. It's just that Lowell is very worried about being sent away by you. After all, you areonly his sister, not his mother."

Even the children could distinguish it clearly.

Grace sighed and said, "Lowell willnot leave in the future, eifather is willing totake cate ‘of himandthe Agrees to it. Otherwise, he willstay here and grow up with you twoin the future." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Mommy, is that true?" Asked Ernest, seeming rather unsure.She nodded and said, "Of course, you don't seem to believe what | said."

Gary shook his head and said, "It'snot that | don't believe you. Sinceyou're saying thatyweit jest tLowelbtrankly and offer him somereassurance. Otherwise, he willcontinue to feel very insecure."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

She nodded and said, "Alright. Go brush your teeth and wash your face. I'll go and see if Lowell has woken up."

Gary and Ernest said, "He got up a long time ago. Before Mommy entered the room, he had already popped by to wake us up.He's very self-disciplined, isn't he?"

Grace was startled.Being a young child, he was able to get up on his own. That was really amazing.She nodded gently as she lamented about how sorry she felt for him.

If a child was too thoughtful, it would only make people feel more sorry for him because he had to learn to be considerate forothers even at such a young age.novelbin

When she got up and went out, she saw Lowell, who was in the corridor, coming to check on Gary and Ernest. As soon as hesaw her, he said instantaneously, "Good morning, Grace."

She smiled and said, "Morning, Lowell.""Have Gary and Ernest gotten up?"

She walked over and said to him, "Yes, they have. Come on, let's go to the dining room to have some breakfast. What do youwant to eat?”

Lowell said with a smile, "Anythingwill be fine for me. All the foo Oprovided here ia dehtiels There's achakiatte kitchen who makesdelicious dishes. I'm not picky aboutfood." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Grace sighed again and said, "It doesn't matter if you're picky. Just tell me if you like something."

He said to her, "There's no need. Grace, it's a good fortune for me to be taken in by you. I'm very content."

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