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Chapter 787

Grace couldn't help marveling at Heinz's skills.

This time, he had arranged for a new place yet again.

He had locked Candace up in a spacious house, where there were no neighbors around.

She was locked up in a room. They could watch her through the CCTV, but she could not see anyone.

The room was sealed by steel bars. She couldn't get out as the only exit was the door.

Candace cursed, "Let me out. Do you f*cking hear me? Why did you lock me up?"

However, no one paid any attention to her, hence she could only curse to herself.

Heinz, Grace, and Jensen watched the CCTV and heard Candace swearing inside, but they did not do anything about it.Soon, Candace got tired of swearing. She sat down on the floor, took off her high heels, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Grace was standing in front of the CCTV as she watched the woman inside quietly. There was an indescribable sadness in hergaze.

This woman was her mother. Even after not meeting her for so many years, she did not miss her at all. Instead, there was onlysorrow, disappointment, and deep grievance in her heart.

It was extremely saddening for them to become such a pair of mother and daughter.

Grace laughed at herself as a trace of sadness flashed across her eyes.

She didn't say a word. Her heart was as frosty as the glaciers of the North Pole, without a trace of warmth.The word ‘mother’ should've been a wonderful word.

However, the happiness fifteen years ago had long since disappeared. Candace had left, without a care for Grace'sgrandmother, father, Alice, or Grace herself.

Alice was still so young at that time.

Candace just left without hesitation, which was really unacceptable.

Grace stood there as she looked at her quietly.

Heinz put his hand on her shoulder wordlessly to show her support and comfort.

She turned around and looked into his eyes.

She flashed him a comforting smile as she reassured him, "Heinz, I'm fine, don't worry."

How could she be fine?

How could he not know that she was pretending to be tough at this moment?

This kind of pain was not something that everyone could understand.

When Heinz saw the woman in the room, he couldn’t wait to beat her up and vent the anger in Grace's place.However, that woman was her mother. He couldn't beat her, nor scold her.

Alex and his bodyguards were waiting for orders.

"President, what should we do with Madam Lowe?" Alex asked for instructions.

Heinz didn't say anything. He averted his gaze to look at Grace.

She understood that the person inside was her mother. Since it was her mother, she had to arrange for it herself.

She took a deep breath and said, "Lock her up. Don't let her die, and don't bother her. Just lock her up for two days. Let her loseher temper first, and then we'll see."

Heinz and Jensen both paused at her words.

She then continued, "Keep an eye on her and prevent her from harming herself. Other than eating, don't talk to her, and don'tgive her any communication devices. Check if she has any communication devices with her, such as jewelry or mobile phones.Remove all of them from her body."

Alex nodded.

Heinz's heart ached for Grace, but at the same time, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was used to being pranked,hence she even knew how to use those tricks herself now.

Jensen smiled slightly as he remarked, "I think that this arrangement is splendid. In fact, many criminals are like this. They refuseto tell the truth at first. After keeping them locked up for a long time, they won't be able to bear it. Soon, they will lose theirtemper, and their willpower will collapse gradually. Then, they will tell the truth then."

"Then let's keep her up all night." Grace's gaze was unfeeling as she said calmly, "Don't allow her to sleep. Once she fallsasleep, make some noise. Anyway, don't let her sleep."

Alex looked at Heinz."Do as Grace says," he responded. He also felt that Candace would not tell the truth if they didn't teach her a lesson.

“Let's go. Heinz, Jensen, let's go back to rest." Grace looked at Alex again and ordered, "Alex, arrange for the other subordinatesto take turns to rest. Don't be taken advantage of by that woman. She is very smart."

"Got it." He nodded.

Heinz took her hand and walked over to the door. When they arrived at the door, he ordered in a low voice, "Keep an eye onCandace. If she escapes or something goes wrong, all of you can get the f*ck out of here. | won’t keep useless pieces of trashhere.”

"Yes!" Everyone instantly stood up straighter.

“By the way, we also need to obtain some of her blood. After that, send it to the hospital and carry out a DNA test to verifyLowell's identity."

"Yes, sir!"For the first time, Grace felt Heinz's callous aura when he gave orders, which was indeed very domineering.After they came out, her expression was grim.novelbin

As the journey was not very long, Grace said to Jensen, "Jensen, go back and take care of Alice. | am a little worried about her.Both of you pack up your things, and we will live together these days. Clean up the guest rooms here and it'll be convenient forus to discuss things."

"That will do," Heinz agreed with this idea too. "Jensen, Grace is right. You and Alice should live here first.""Alright." Jensen nodded. "I will bring Alice here tomorrow."

After they finalized the plan, everyone quickly went back to rest.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Grace got up. The children got up too.

Heinz was making a phone call.

"Mr. Butler, how's Lowell doing?" Heinz asked.

When Grace heard that he was asking about Lowell, she walked over to him.

Heinz turned on the speakers for the call.

"Mr. Heinz, Lowell is very obedient.After Butler Holland sent him here, |arranged a room on the first floor farhim. He didn't agyRstars bat tustrhovedaldithd in his own room. Hedidn't stay in the living room either.He basically stays in the yard and hasa good time with the dogs in thebackyard. He seems very obedient,"came the reply from the butler.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"What time did he sleep at night?" Heinz inquired.

"Ten o'clock. He went straight to bedafter washing up at 9:30 p.m. | k

him company frbtrloGrseWel andldich't ind anything unusual.He woke up at 6 o'clock this morning.He even made the bed." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Somehow, they all felt slightly sad because a child was behaving so obediently.

"Okay." Heinz then hung up the phone.

After pondering for a while, Grace suggested, "How about allowing him to come here first? Alice and | won't go out anyway.”"You think that an eight-year-old child can be so self-disciplined that it melts your heart, don't you?" He asked.

Grace nodded. "Yes, he is a pitifulchild too. You're right. | disliked himat first. When | remembered chefectthat he is Candace! Sohn ,nethately despised him. However,his eyes are bright and clear. Heshould be an intelligent andwell-behaved child. | believe that hewill be a very good boy if we treat himsincerely." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Grace, you are always so soft-hearted." Heinz put his hand on her shoulder as he smiled. He was in no hurry and could observehim for a while more.

"Fetch him back after breakfast," Grace said. "Perhaps we can get to know something from Lowell. | actually have this purpose

too.Heinz thought for a moment and

nodded. "Alright, anything you say."

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