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Chapter 777

"Simply because my daughter, Grace is going out with you. I think since you're so in love with her, you

shouldn't be so stingy to spend one hundred million dollars on her mother, right?" Candace asked in a

matter- of- fact way.

Heinz took a long drag on his cigarette and exhaled as he pondered what she had said. He sneered

callously and answered, "Fine. I'll give you one hundred million dollars, but, on one condition. You have

to stay away from us in the future. Consider this your retirement fund."

Seeing how blunt and straightforward he was, her eyebrows relaxed as a hint of a smile flashed across

her face. "Oh! How generous of you, Mr. Jones. Very well then, given your generosity, I will comply with

your terms and steer clear of you both. However, this stands only for as long as you keep this matter a

secret from Grace," she Candace.

"Sorry, but you're not qualified to set any terms with me. I will tell Grace about this matter, including

Jensen and Zachary for sure. Everyone will know about this so that they'll stand as a witness that

you've taken one hundred million dollars from me and will not harass Grace and Alice in the future."

"That won't do. You cannot let Grace and Alice know about this matter," refused a dissatisfied Candace

in an instant.

"Madam Lowe, do you mean to say that you want both the money and to stay in your daughters' lives?

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world," he scoffed as he smiled sarcastically.

Her face flushed, and it became twisted with anger. "Are you such a narrow-minded man? Do you have

to let everyone know that I'm asking you for money?"

"Let me remind you. It is you who are heartless. That gives you no right to be questioning people for

not extending you with a generous favor. We've only just met and you're already asking me for one

hundred million dollars. Do you really think anyone would comply with such demands from a person

like you?"

"You have just promised me, but now you are going back on your words. Heinz, do you think this is

appropriate? Perhaps I will have a tight relationship with Grace in the future. Aren't you afraid that I will

speak ill of you to her? I doted on her a lot, so I'm sure that must have left some sort of bond," warned


"But you're not an amiable mother now. Had you been one, you wouldn't have left them in the way that

you did. You dare to come back here demanding not only the love of your family but money as well? I

personally feel that you do not deserve a single one of all the good things that have happened," roared


"Grace is a sensible person. If she knows that I didn't tell her that I've given you a hundred million

dollars, she will be mad at me in the future," he added.

"I would rather tell her and face the music now than hide it from her and have it all blow up in my face

when I least expect it."

"Plus, it's really not worth ruining our relationship for a mother like you."

"What exactly do you want?" She asked.

"Apologize to them. Repent to both Grace and Alice sincerely, and tell them that you were wrong all

these years and should not have abandoned them," he demanded in a deep voice.

"I can't do it," she refused.

"Then you're not getting a single cent from me," he said as he turned to leave.

"Heinz Jones!" Candace yelled from behind.

He ignored her yelling.

He stormed off, heading for the gate.

"What on earth is Aunt Candace going to do?" Asked a rather dumbfounded Zachary.

"Borrow money from me. One hundred million dollars," Heinz replied in a deep voice.

"F*ck! That is straight- up extortion," exclaimed Zachary, who simply couldn't hide his astonishment.

"She's asking for an exorbitant sum of money," stated Jensen who was shocked himself.

"Don't worry about her. Let's go," said Heinz as he got into the car and left with Jensen.

Zachary turned back and looked at Candace who was running after them.

She watched Heinz's car leave and turned to him asking, "Zachary, can you lend me some more

money?" She did not have an ounce of guilt or shame.

He frowned. He looked at her and shook his head, refusing almost instantly, "No."

Candace's face turned pale as she couldn't hide how upset she was. She pursed her lips, pulled herself

together and said, "I need this money to save someone's life."

"No," he looked at her and refused bluntly once again.

He only felt that she had too many secrets, which made him a very passive person now.

"If that's the case, then forget it," she responded. She came out of the Smith Villa and walked out.

She lowered her head as a grief-like emotion descended upon her.

Some time later, a car arrived and picked her up.

Zachary instructed his subordinate to follow her immediately.

Meanwhile, Heinz went to the office to sort out some of his affairs.

Grace and Alice did not budge from their decision to not meet Candace. After a short moment of

absent-minded reflection, Grace put her feelings aside and took the children to play in the backyard.

The two sisters sat on the rocking chairs as they watched the children playing.

As the children played, the butler came to report in a hurry, "Miss Smith, something bad has


"What's wrong?" Grace asked as her heart thumped and she got to her feet in an instant. Looking at

her anxious butler, she couldn't help but pressure him for answers, "What's wrong, Mr. Butler?"

"An eight-year-old child is here. He knocked on the door claiming that he wanted to see you. What's

more interesting is that he says that he's your younger brother." said the butler.

"My younger brother?" Repeated a startled Grace with her eyes wide open.

When did she ever have a younger brother?

Alice and Grace looked at each other in utter astonishment.

"Let's go and see what this is about," said Grace as she strode to the front door in an instant.

The children too got up immediately and followed Grace and Alice to the front yard.

At the sight of Grace, the little boy went forward immediately, smiled and introduced himself, "Grace,

Alice, I am Lowell, your younger half brother."

Grace who felt like she was in a daze couldn't help but think, "What the hell is going on?"

Alice also had her eyes wide open. "Who is your mother?" She asked.

"I've already said it." Lowell answered, "I'm your half brother, so my mother is obviously Candace."

"What? Did that woman give birth to another child again?" Alice yelled.

Grace felt that everything felt like it wasn't real. It was simply too much of a nightmare.

"Who is your father?" Grace demanded.

"You mean, you want to live with us?" Alice, who was completely frightened, asked. This younger

brother who appeared out of nowhere took not only her by surprise.

"Grace, what should we do?" She asked, as she looked at her sister, speechless.

Grace observed Lowell too. He was a handsome boy. His looks were really somewhat similar to hers.

He looked a little like Alice, and even Gary and Ernest too.

It was simply unbelievable.novelbin

"Boy, we simply cannot believe your words. We are not your sisters. You'd better go back to where you

came from," she said.

Upon hearing this, Lowell was instantly taken aback. He stared at Grace with his large eyes and asked

innocently, "Grace, are you going to drive me away?"

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