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Chapter 760

It had always been a huge offense for the young to go against the elderly. In this case, it was not just

going against them, but a physical attack.

Queenie looked at Jodie in disbelief, who had slapped her so hard that causing the corner of her lips to

bleed. Blood dripped from Queenie's lips and the taste of blood filled her mouth.

Queenie's eyes widened as she trembled with anger. She pointed at Jodie and exclaimed, "Did... Did

you just hit me?"

"So what if I hit you?" Jodie didn't seem to care at all. "I'm hitting you to remind you to stop being a

busybody, you old hag. You're always meddling in our family affairs. Aren't you tired of it?"

She was left speechless by the question. She stared at Jodie in shock.

Queenie had always been warm-hearted, and had a good relationship with her cousin. She had indeed

participated in the matters of the Lawson family because she was genuinely concerned forthem.

Because they were relatives, it was normal for them to help out each other.

However, Jodie dared to talk to her in this way. Queenie was astonished.

After she came back to her senses, she noticed her impatient expression.

"Get out of here, you old hag. I don't need you in my business."

"Do you think I want to do this?" Queenie returned. "Keep it up, Jodie. Keep doing what you're doing

and let the whole world know what a fool you are. You have no respect for anyone. You abandoned

your father, and now you're attacking your elder."

"Yes, I've hit you. You were the one being a busybody." Jodie was not bothered. "What do my affairs

have to do with you?"

"Fine. You really are something else, Jodie." The corners of Queenie's lips curled up into a cold smile.

"Since you're so heartless, don't blame me for being cold-blooded either."

"What can you possibly do to me?" Jodie retorted. "Make my situation worse? Who do you think you

are, you old hag? Go ahead. I used to acknowledge you as Aunt Stone because I used to respect you,

but now, I don't think I have to anymore. I have nothing to lose anyway. I don't care anymore."

Queenie pointed at her with her hand trembling. "What could I possibly do? Just wait and see. I'll make

you regret this."

"Thud..." Jodie lifted her foot and kicked Queenie in the chest.

She kicked her so hard that she fell onto the ground and her chest felt so heavy that she felt like she

was about to die.

"Stop digging your own grave," Jodie warned. "Let me tell you, if I find out that you are sabotaging me

behind my back, I will hit you every time I see you."

"You are indeed fearless." Queenie smiled wryly. "Alright, I was a busybody, it's my fault."

"Indeed." Jodie glanced at her coldly.

Queenie didn't say anything. She stood up from the ground and walked to the door.

She staggered and looked as if she had been badly injured.

"Stop." Jodie snapped, "You said that you were going to make me regret this earlier, what are you

going to do?"

"It's none of your business what I am going to do. We will go our separate ways from now on. We willnovelbin

have nothing to do with each other," Queenie replied.

When Jodie heard her sarcastic tone, she felt furious. She walked towards her and blocked

her way. "You old hag, I don’t think you’ve learnt your lesson yet. You want to trick me, but you don't

dare to say how. Let me teach you a good lesson now."

As she said that, she raised her hand again and slapped Queenie's face again and again. Queenie’s

face quickly became swollen.

Her mind was in a state of chaos.

She felt dizzy, and almost couldn't find her way to the door.

She leaned against the wall and quickly stabilised herself. She gazed at Jodie, suppressing the sorrow

and anger in her heart.

"What are you looking at?" Jodie had already lost her mind. "You old hag, you are too self-righteous.

I’ve hit you just to let you know that you are not in charge of other people's business."

"Your father is about to die in the hospital and you're not there with him. We are trying to help you. How

is that being nosy?" Queenie was furious after being hit by Jodie again and again. Tears of anger

welled up in her eyes. "Are you even human?"

"I'm not," Jodie responded. "I'm not a human. You're a human. Why don't you look at yourself, you old

hag, before you speak to me? Get the f*ck out of here!"

After being scolded and beaten, Queenie knew that she had suffered a great loss, so she didn't bother

to entangle herself with these matters anymore.

She staggered out of the door.

When the bodyguard noticed the state that Queenie was in, he immediately reported it to Heinz.

"President, Queenie went to Jodie's house and wanted to persuade and teach her a lesson, but she

was beaten up by Jodie. She slapped her several times and her face is now completely swollen."

"Jodie hit Queenie?" Heinz was very surprised. He fell into shock. After all, they were relatives. How

could she hit her?

"Yes, we heard all of Jodie's insults and she was extremely rude to her," the bodyguard replied.

"Queenie is also seriously injured."

"Keep a close eye on it," Heinz ordered. "You don't have to worry about Queenie."

"Yes, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, Heinz said, "Jodie even hit Queenie."

"Has she lost her mind? After all, Chief Stone was her aunt. How could she do this to her?"

"Her father is in critical condition in the hospital and she didn't bother to visit him.

She would do anything at this rate."

Grace was taken aback. She nodded and agreed, "That's true. She's lost her rationality now and is

willing to do anything."

"Yes." Heinz nodded. "I'll have people keep an eye on her and find Henry."

"I really hope that this matter will be over soon," Grace said softly.

"We'll get through it."

The phone rang again, and Heinz received a call. He looked at it in surprise and said, "It's Queenie."

"Chief Stone?" Grace was stunned. "Is it because of Jodie?"

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When he picked up the phone, Queenie's voice came from over the phone. "Heinz, I'm Queenie."

"Chief Stone, what's the matter?" He asked blandly.

"Let's meet tomorrow," she said.

"There's no need," Heinz replied flatly. "There's no need for us to meet again."

Upon hearing this, Queenie laughed in a selfdeprecating way. "Yes, you must hate me a lot now. I know

that I've annoyed you with my nosiness."

Heinz didn't reply, which meant that he agreed to what she had said.

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Heinz frowned. "Why are you looking for reporters?"

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He thought for a moment and remarked, "Chief Stone, it's surprising for you to be like this all of a


"Yes, people always have a moment of selfrepentance." Queenie's voice was very low. "I can't always

do things against my conscience."

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