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Chapter 744

"What's the matter?" Zachary stabilized himself and immediately asked in a loud voice.

The driver in front also took some time to calm down before he said, "There are a group of people in

front blocking our way."

"A group of people?" Zachary looked ahead. Sure enough, there were reporters in front. This was the

way out of the airport. How could there be reporters?

Grace tensed up instantly.

She looked ahead and saw that the intersection was blocked, and someone was running towards them.

It was a reporter.

"Turn around immediately," Zachary ordered and immediately called Heinz. "Heinz, we are surrounded

by reporters on the road."

Heinz's hand, which was holding his phone, turned stiff. "You've been blocked again?"

"Yes, they're really aggressive," Zachary replied. "Something seems off."

"I'll be right there."

"You don't have to come," Zachary refused and reminded him. "We brought a lot of people this time.

You should know what to do."

"I know, just hold on for ten minutes," Heinz stated. "Ten minutes from now, there will be a video

released online to distract everyone."

"Okay, we can hold on for ten minutes." Zachary hung up the phone, looked at Grace and comforted

her, "Don't worry. I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you."

As she turned to him, Grace shook her head and said, "Zachary, if a reporter really wants to ask me

questions, I can face it."


"We can't be sure if they are reporters. We can only wait now."

In fact, waiting was very torturous because no one knew how dangerous the future would be. All they

could do was wait for confirmation.

"I'll go take a look," Tyler suggested in a low voice. "You guys stay in the car. I'll go down and see

what's going on."

Grace was taken aback. "Tyler, you shouldn't go."

"As a friend, you have taught me so much. It is only right for me to stand up for you." He took a deep

look at her current state right now. He smiled and exchanged gazes with Zachary. Then, he opened the

door and got out of the car.

Zachary suddenly said, "Wait a minute. Tyler!"

The two of them whispered something to each other by the car door, and then Tyler left. After he got

out of the car, he quickly walked towards the group of reporters in front of him. Grace stared in his


Reporters quickly surrounded Tyler. He was in a wave of microphones and camera flashes.

"Everyone, you have blocked the intersection and severely interrupted traffic. I'm sure you guys don't

want to become the cause of a traffic jam right?" Tyler stood there with a powerful aura. Looking at the

group of reporters, his gaze was cold. "You should all be responsible and hold onto your moral values,

not be people who disrupt another person's daily life."

Among them, someone provokingly said, "Mr. Henley, we are here to interview Madam Smith. I heard

that you are a very ambiguous friend of hers."

"You heard?" Tyler turned his gaze over to the reporter coldly, and he interrupted him in a cold voice.

"Who did you hear it from? Who stated that our relationship is ambiguous? You'd better have the

evidence to back up your made-up facts, otherwise, it's illegal. You there, why don't you show me some

ID to see what company you're from. What kind of place do you represent by speaking like this?"

Faced with Tyler's fierce demeanor, the reporter frowned and replied, "We have our sources."

"You can't even show me any identification, so please forgive me for not answering your question. In

addition, we will be asking our bodyguards to sweep the scene. We don't want any fake reporters here

after all. Just today alone, there have been several fake reporters. Your identity is very suspicious."

"I'm a reporter from the Northern Times." The man suddenly stated, "This is my ID."

As he spoke, he took out his ID card.

Tyler glanced at it and said, "Since you are a reporter from the Northern Times, then you should know

that you can't block an intersection just to get an interview."

"We want to interview Grace. Why don't you make it easier for us, Mr. Henley?"

"Yes, Grace wants to meet you all, but not now. Please leave quickly, otherwise, we will have to ask our

bodyguards to clear the way."

As he spoke, he immediately gestured for the bodyguards to come forward.

This time, there were a lot more men.

In the end, Grace managed to come out of the circle of reporters.

Tyler glanced at the scattered reporters and stated loudly, "Everyone, you can keep an eye on the

news. Maybe there will be a surprise tonight."

Upon finishing his words, he strode towards the car and got into it quickly. Now, they could leave safely.

In the car, Zachary was busy scrolling on his phone. Ten minutes passed by very quickly.

A video had emerged online. In it was a person speaking English with a foreign accent that shocked


Grace took out her mobile phone and watched it.

The three of them watched the video together.

It was Jodie.

Grace recognized that it was her voice, and her face looked the same as the photo on the tombstone.

How could she be doing something like that?

Grace fell into deep shock.

She felt a little awkward and quickly turned the video off.

Zachary also turned it off. He looked at Tyler and said with a smile, "It's gone viral. I believe that the

media's attention will be diverted now."

"It really is something," Tyler remarked. "Jodie has really fallen too far off this time. From now on, she

will forever be known for being so wild."

"Heinz did it." Zachary looked at Grace and said deliberately, "Grace, he is very serious about you."

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Grace's heart was beating like a drum. She had mixed feelings, and she didn't know how to express

what she felt.

"If this video came out this morning, perhaps the incidents today would never have happened," Tylernovelbin


"We don't know whether it's Jodie or not." Grace was rightfully worried. If that wasn't Jodie in the video,

it was very wrong for them to put it out.

Visit Dramanovels.com to read full content.

Grace held her mobile phone and suddenly said, "Zachary, send me to Ernest's place."

Upon hearing this, a touch of admiration flashed across Zachary's eyes.

That was more like it. They should face this problem head-on together, as a family.

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Grace nodded. "Thank you very much, Tyler and Zachary. Thank you for what you've both done for us."

The car turned around again and they soon arrived at Ernest's villa.

They sent her in, but Zachary and Tyler did not enter.

They sat in the car. Zachary glanced at Tyler and asked in a straightforward manner, "Do you like


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