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Chapter 726

"I hope you will fulfill your own words," Grace said in a deep voice. "This matter is targeted at me. It's

obvious that it aims to make Jodie appear as the protagonist."

Heinz paused. "Do you mean it has something to do with Jodie?"

"I don't know," she replied. "You should be the one to find out if it has anything to do with Jodie or not."

When he heard her words, Heinz could only apologize to her. "I'm sorry, I will do it as soon as possible.

I will find out the truth as soon as I can."

"Take good care of the children." After saying that, Grace hung up the phone.

Heinz's heart felt like it was under immense pressure.

If he couldn't find out the truth, how could he be worthy of taking care of the children?

The reason Grace called Heinz was that she had seen the follow- up of the online news and had heard

Heinz's words. She had turned on the laptop and watched Heinz on the news; she even saw the

children's cars surrounded by reporters.

She felt very uncomfortable in her heart and quickly got up. She had to hurry to work and finish the

interview report before she could head back.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Grace arranged for another interview with the artist.

At 3:30 pm, the interview ended.novelbin

When she walked out of the meeting room, she bumped into Hermione.

"Chief editor!"

"Grace, have you finished all the work?"

"Yes, it's done."

"Let's go back to Northern City tonight," Hermione said. "I have discussed with Zachary; you still have

to go back. We'll let Chuck take over the work. Now, pack up your things and go back with me."

"Hermione, do we have to leave now?" Grace thought that there were two more artists left behind. It

would take a day to interview them.

"Yes, right now," Hermione repeated. "Clean up. It'll be late at night when we arrive in Northern City. I

have discussed with Zachary that in order to prevent the paparazzi from finding you, you should go

back to live with the Smith family, or stay at Zachary's place. We have arranged for someone to protect

you. We don't want to have anything to do with Heinz at this time, otherwise, there will be trouble

before it all ends."

"Thank you, Hermione." Grace's heart was filled with gratitude for her thoughtful consideration.

"I'm also your cousin," Hermione reminded her. "We've gotten along well and we're relatives. I will

never allow others to bully my own family."

Tears welled up in Grace's eyes and she nodded heavily.

Hermione quickly made a decision. "You should pack up your things first. Zachary will arrange a car

and we will set off immediately."


After packing for ten minutes, her phone suddenly rang. She saw a strange number and answered in


"Yes, hello. Who is this, please?"

"Are you Grace?" The woman on the other end of the line asked with uncertainty, her voice slightly


Confused, Grace asked again, "May I ask who you are?"

After saying this, Grace recorded the phone call without even knowing why.

"This is Jodie Lawson. I'm asking if that is Grace Smith?"

Grace was really surprised. She frowned and confirmed, "Miss Lawson, Grace's speaking."

It was surprising that the call came at this time. She thought Jodie wouldn't call her.

However, Jodie didn't seem to think so. When she heard on the phone that Grace confirmed her

identity, she immediately became excited and her breathing increased. "Do you know that because you

broke into our relationship, Heinz and I got a divorce? Are you satisfied now?"

She was taken aback by the question. When she heard Jodie's self- righteous words, her initial feelings


"Miss Lawson, I don't think there's any reason for you to question me like this," Grace stated.

"Your children were born while I was still with Heinz, weren't they?"

"Miss Lawson, they were born after your death." Although Jodie's words were the truth, there was a

reason for it. "You died six years ago and came back to life again. There are very few such incredible

things in the world. I'm sorry. This was an accident, so it's very difficult for me to agree with your


"How can you still be so self-righteous even when you're the one who intruded into our relationship? Do

you know what the media wrote about you?" Jodie asked.

"I've seen it," Grace replied. "As you said, I was belittled to the lowest point."

Jodie's voice was sharp. "You still don't know the mistakes you've made and don't think that what you

did was shameful? You're still clinging onto Heinz. Why are you so shameless?"

Grace was at a loss for words. She took a deep breath and responded, "Miss Lawson, I have never

done anything wrong. It's you who cheated on him during your marriage. Since you are not ashamed of

what you did, I don't think I have to feel that way."

"You!" Jodie gasped. She tried to say something unpleasant, but soon, she calmed down and

continued, "Do you know it was the first time for the both of us when we did it? We were very loving

together. At that time, he pestered me every day and slept with me."

"Miss Lawson!" Grace interrupted her blandly and said in a deep voice, "As you've said, that's the past.

That's your relationship and your fate. Since you loved each other so much, why do you have to show

off your love to me? I think only people who are extremely unconfident and insecure will show off

something like this."

"You are the dirtiest person I've ever met," Jodie retorted sharply. "You don't dare to listen because you

are not confident. If you have the confidence to win over Heinz's love, why won't you listen to me?"

"Where did your confidence come from? You are just telling stories of the past. Why would

I be afraid to listen to it? I just don't care about it," Grace returned coldly.

"Then do you know where the sensitive points on Heinz are?" Jodie asked proudly.

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"How dare you say that? Who do you think you are?"

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"You're just too much of a coward to face me." Jodie naturally didn't agree with this statement.

Grace didn't know what to say. "Miss Lawson, take care of yourself."

After that, she hung up the phone.

She really didn't want to receive a phone call from such a woman.

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Did something happen to her during her six years' time in Alsburg, or was she naturally dumb?

This made Grace feel very confused.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she received another call again.

Grace looked at the phone number. It was still the same phone number and she refused to answer.

However, the phone rang again.

Helplessly, she had no choice but to answer it.

"Who told you to hang up the phone?" Jodie's questioning voice came, sounding confident and self-


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