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Chapter 720

"Mr. Logan, we followed Jodie, but we lost her." The person who followed after Jodie reported to Alex.

"What?" Alex was also shocked. "You've lost Jodie? Everyone on both sides has lost her?"

"Yes, Mr. Logan. We don't know what happened either, but Jodie got rid of us after taking several turns.

She seemed to have found out about us."

"Nonsense," Alex barked in a low voice. "You guys are just looking for an excuse for your laziness.

How is it possible for Jodie to have escaped?"

"It's true, Mr. Logan. There were two groups of our people, but she still got rid of us. She is now in the

underground shopping mall on pedestrian street. We've been looking for her for a long time, but we

haven't found her," the man said.

"Are you sure that she discovered you?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Alex muttered to himself, "Then secure all the exits. I don't believe that we won't be able to find her."

"Yes, sir."

Alex hung up the phone and immediately gave Heinz a call.

Heinz had almost arrived at the villa.

When he saw it was Alex who called, he immediately picked it up. "Alex, speak."

"Jodie's acting suspiciously. She managed to get rid of two groups of our men," Alex reported.

"What?" Heinz was shocked as well. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Alex confirmed. "Why don't we pay more attention to Jodie? The news must have had something

to do with her."

"Send more men," Heinz instructed. "Find the best people to follow Jodie. No matter what, we can't

lose her."

"Yes, President,"

Heinz put down the phone and paused slightly. His gaze was much colder. Jodie, it seemed that she

had some secrets on her.

His car still did not slow down and he went back to Ernest's place.

When he arrived, Heinz saw that the car was still blocked by the crowd and the reporters were taking

pictures and videos.

Heinz stood far away and watched.novelbin

His phone then rang. "Heinz, don't act rashly. I'm in the police car and have dispatched enough police.

When our leader heard the reporters crazily encircling two five-year-old children, he was very angry

and sent more people. I saw your car, so don't get out of the car first, understand?"

Upon hearing Jensen's voice, Heinz felt warm in his heart. "I know what you mean, but at this moment,

if I don't do anything, my children will also look down on me."

Therefore, he got out of the car.

He had to do something about this.

"Don't act rashly," Jensen repeated in a low voice. "Heinz, we don't know what the media will report


"Don't worry, I have already arranged for everything," Heinz replied. "Even if they control the media, I

can reverse it."

"You have a plan?" Jensen was surprised.

"I've been arranging it."

"Well, I'll get out of the car with you."

"Thank you."

Jensen smiled and waved it off. "Don't mention it. We are a family."

Heinz also smiled and agreed, "We are inlaws after all."

"Haha, sure.'

The both of them were relatively optimistic. After Heinz finished his words, he got out of the car.

He was even angrier when he saw countless reporters surrounding Little Gary and Ernest's car.

Coldness flashed through his eyes.

No matter who was controlling it behind the scenes, it was an unforgivable act to hurt the children.

Heinz slammed the door of his car.

The sound of the door closing startled the crowd.

Everyone turned to look in this direction and they were slightly surprised to see Heinz.

It seemed that no one had thought that Heinz would come, nor that he would come so soon.

What was even more surprising was that he had arrived alone. Standing under the sun, with a sense of

oppression, he came. His aura made people shudder.

His cold eyes seemed to have frozen everyone in place.

It took them a full minute to react. As they looked at Heinz, they whispered amongst themselves, "It's

Heinz. He's here."

"Why would he come?"

"He's alone. What can he do?"

The reporters began to discuss.

The bodyguards seemed to have had a boost of morale.

They immediately grew excited upon seeing Heinz.

Even the police officers were a little excited.

After scanning the crowd, his cold gaze fell onto the reporters.

After a short pause, he took a step forward and walked towards the crowd with determination.

With every step, everyone automatically made way for him.

Heinz soon arrived at the center of the crowd. He didn't know what kind of self-control he used, but he

didn't get angry. He knew that it was useless to do so, so he must keep his rationality.

Finally, he stopped in front of the car and glanced around coldly. Immediately, he noticed the reporter

who was the one leading the pack.

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His voice was loud and clear as it echoed.

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As soon as Jensen showed his policeman's license, everyone was surprised.

Several people in the crowd immediately began to panic.

Jensen then ordered, "Start the investigation."

With an order, the police came forward with cameras to record the whole investigation.

"Please show me your ID card and your reporter's license."

Some of them managed to show their ID, some of them didn't.

Visit Dramanovels.com to read full content.

This order instantly caused several people's faces to pale.

Heinz's gaze swept past them and he immediately understood. Some of the reporters among them

were fake.

If it was as expected, these fake reporters were trying to incite everyone and then take advantage of

the chaos to achieve their goal.

Just like Sam and the others in the morning, they had been hired by someone else.

"There are five." After a while, someone came to report to Jensen. "Leader, we have finished checking

them. These five people are fake reporters. Let's take them back to the police station."

"Go ahead," Jensen agreed.

The fake reporters were taken away.

Jensen then immediately shouted, "Look, everyone. These five were not reporters. They were

pretending to be reporters in order to stir up chaos and I believe that everyone already understands

their purpose here. There's no need for me to say more."

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