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Chapter 705

Grace was stunned.

She didn't think Hermione would cry when she was alone.

Hearing this, Grace's heart ached for her.

Now that she thought about it, Hermione must've been through a lot for the past few years with that


Crying when no one was looking was something one did as a last resort.


"It's fine, it's all in the past." Hermione quickly changed the subject. "You seem to have taken a shower

and even dried your hair. If I didn't look at your eyes, I wouldn't be able to tell that you had a restless


"Let me put on some makeup. I don't want the artists to feel uncomfortable." Grace said.

"Okay." Hermione also nodded. "That way, you'll look more energetic."

"Yes." After brushing on some blush and applying a bit of lipstick, Grace was done. She turned to

Hermione and asked, "Do you want to have breakfast now, or do you still want to go for a walk?"

"It's already seven. Let's get something to eat," Hermione replied. "It's breakfast time, anyway."

As the two of them left the room, Grace stood frozen for a moment outside her room and stared at the

room next door.

Hermione looked at her calmly and queried, "What are you looking at?"

"Oh, nothing." Grace shook her head.

Hermione smiled slightly and teased, "Are you looking for Heinz?"

After hesitating slightly, she felt embarrassed and nodded. "He's right next door. I don't know whether

he arrived last night or this morning."

"And what's on your mind?"

"I can't forgive him right away," Grace reasoned. "Although everything's a mess, I know this isn't the

right time."

"He couldn't stand it any longer," Hermione spoke up for Heinz. "That's why he came to look for you. I

saw him standing at the door earlier and we exchanged a few words. Ultimately, he decided to leave."

"He's gone?" Grace was taken aback.

"Yes, do you want to hear what I told him?"

Grace nodded.

Hence, Hermione recapped the conversation she had with Heinz before.

Looking at her, Grace felt grateful. "Hermione, you're right. It's not the right time for us to get married. It

doesn't benefit me, Heinz or the children."

"That's right, and you have to wait for the right time." Hermione felt sorry for Grace. "However, this

means that you'll have to sacrifice a little."

"It's fine!" Grace shook her head. "I've been single for a long time! There's nothing sad about it."

After hearing her say this, Hermione smiled with relief.

The two of them walked into a restaurant together.

Unexpectedly, when they entered the restaurant, they saw Heinz eating with Alex.

Hermione was shocked. "Oh, he's here! I thought he'd left."

Grace was also surprised. "God knows what he's thinking. Let's sit over there."


Hence, Grace and Hermione chose a table far in the corner, all the way across the room from Heinz's


After choosing a few dishes from the buffet, they settled down.

At this time, Alex also spotted Grace and Hermione. He immediately reported this to Heinz. "President,

Miss Smith is over there."

"Don't look at her," Heinz noted in a deep voice. "We should leave once we're done."

"We're leaving?" Alex was surprised. "Like back home? Now?"

Heinz nodded.

"You're not bringing Miss Smith along?" Alex asked, doubting his own ears.


"Why is that?"

"It's for her own good."

Sensing the determination in his tone, Alex didn't question him anymore.

He wasn't sure what the President meant, but he knew it wasn't easy for him to come to this decision.

Therefore, Alex focused on his food.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing.

He quickly picked it up. Two minutes later, after he was done answering the call, he reported to Heinz,

"President, something's up!"

"What's the matter?" Heinz frowned.

Looking at Grace who was across the room with a benevolent face, Alex said to Heinz, "I just received

news that a newspaper wrote an article about your marriage with Jodie. They also mentioned that Miss

Smith came between your marriage and gave birth to two kids out of wedlock."

"D*mn it!" Heinz's handsome face was so dark that it was as if a thunderstorm had appeared above

him. A skeptical look flashed across his face as he searched his mind, trying to figure out who could've

leaked this news.

"Who was it? How could they have gotten it out so fast?" he thought.

He didn't think it was Jodie. She didn't have the connections nor power to do it. Plus, there was no way

she'd get it out this fast.

Then, who on earth could it be?

Seeing that he was at a dead end, Heinz found himself questioning if Jodie could actually be the culprit.

Simon and Marry were still being held in the detention centre.

The Lawson family no longer had the authority to do something like this.

"Then who?" "Which newspaper published this?" Heinz asked in a deep voice.

"Besides the company Miss Smith works for, all the other papers in Northern City have released an

article about it."

Alex couldn't figure out who wanted to hurt the President. The only thing he knew was that this news

would hurt both Miss Smith and the kids.

How could they frame someone as kind as Grace as a mistress?

This was completely unacceptable!

"Tell Lester to get to the bottom of this. Get him to find the culprit no matter what it takes. I need to

know who spread this to the news portals. Sent someone to keep an eye on the Lawson family and

Aaron. Don't forget Queenie too."

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As Hermione enjoyed her breakfast, she was casually scrolling the news. All of a sudden, she came

across a shocking news article.

It was the news that declared Grace as a mistress.

After reading it, Hermione was also shocked. She surfed through other media outlets and found that

most of them had articles about Heinz's marriage.

"It's happening, Grace," Hermione claimed as her face fell. A worried look flashed across her face as

she turned to Grace. "Grace, look at your phone."

Not knowing what was going on, Grace flipped open her phone in a hurry. Immediately, all the news

articles started popping out.

With just one look, she knew what this was about.

In an instant, the color on her face drained away as she continued reading the articles.

Staring in disbelief at these articles, she turned to Hermione. It felt like all the blood in her body had

frozen completely.

Trying to contain her feelings, Grace didn't know whether she should be angry or feel wronged. All she

could manage to mumble was, "Hermione."

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All of a sudden, Grace felt like all the energy had been drained from her body. Her eyes were filled with

rage. Why did the news portals call her a mistress?

Her worst nightmares had come true.

At this moment, it felt like everything and everyone was against her.

She sat in her chair, dazed, not making a single move for a long time.

Grace refused to cry so she just bit her lip.

After a long time, Heinz stood up and strode towards Grace.

In just a flash, he had arrived at her table. He glanced at Grace carefully and questioned, "Grace, have

you read the news?"

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Heinz felt sorry for Grace. He knew it was his fault for not protecting her.

"Yes, I've seen it." Grace finally spoke. "It has come to this. I don't think anything can change the way

things are now."

Narrowing his eyes, Heinz said in a determined tone, "Leave it to me. I'll handle it."

Grace wasn't in the mood to talk to Heinz. All she felt was embarrassment and helplessness.

Turning her face away from him, she took a breath and said, "Take care of the kids. I'll come back when

I'm done with work."

Hermione was quick to reply, "Grace, look at the situation now. I think we should change our plans. You

need to leave with Mr. Jones."novelbin

"There's no need for that, Hermione," Grace argued stubbornly.

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