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Chapter 702

"I've come to show you something!" Heinz had already thought of how to explain everything. After

planning and strategizing the entire night, he didn't take into account that Grace would retaliate.

"I'm not looking at whatever it is." When she saw Heinz's face, she felt even more irritated.

Grace didn't think that he would come this fast, moreover getting the room next to hers.

Seeing him behave like this, Grace felt like he hadn't changed at all.

She didn't know why she was angry, but she felt a fit of sudden anger building up and was a little


Turning around, she stomped back into her room.

At the same time, Heinz also advanced forward, following behind Grace closely.

Grace was shocked by his boldness. She turned to face him when she saw that he was stepping into

the room with her. She spat at him, "Why are you coming into my room?"

"I want to show you something." Heinz wasn't in a hurry, nor was he angry. He said this with much

patience as he tried to persuade Grace.

Grace was speechless. She was furious, but there was no way she was going to argue with him in

public. After a slight moment of hesitation, she allowed Heinz to enter her room.

Seeing that Grace was welcoming him in, Heinz's spirits were lifted and his eyes flashed with a hint of


He knew she wouldn't be cruel.

After entering her room, Heinz closed the door behind him and followed her in.

Grace had just returned from her run and her body was covered in sweat from head to toe so she

couldn't wait to jump into the shower.

However, there was no way she was going to do that with her ex in the room.

She just uttered to him coldly, "Well? Hurry up!

I haven't got all day."

She didn't look too pleased.

Seeing how frustrated she looked, Heinz came back to his senses. He took a deep breath and

mustered up his courage to say, "Grace, you have to hear me out."

"Just spit it out. There's no need to beat around the bush." Grace didn't want to listen to anything.

Actually, she just wasn't bothered to.

"Let me show you my divorce papers." All of a sudden, he pulled out a stack of papers from thin air and

handed it to Grace.

Seeing the papers in front of her, she was shocked.

"Was this what divorce papers look like?" She wondered.

Grace was confused; she always thought that there would be files of paperwork. However, there were

the words "divorce agreement" printed on the header of each paper.

It was only then that Grace discovered that a divorce could be summed up in just 5 pages of paper.

Even though all this was going through her mind, she didn't take the papers from him. She just shot

him a glance and said, "We're no longer together so why are you showing me this?"

Her words felt like a bucket of cold water that had just been poured all over him. A nervous look spread

across Heinz's face.

"Now that we have broken up, nothing about you matters to me anymore." Even Grace was surprised

by the words that came out of her own mouth.

She figured that she must've been hiding all this resentment in her heart. Only then would

it make sense as to why she was literally trying to pick a fight with Heinz.

He hesitated for a moment before flipping through the papers. "Look, there's my name here, and my


Squinting at the photo, Grace thought he looked very angry at that time. He must've been raging mad

for it to turn out like that.

It was the complete opposite of how he looked when they took their wedding photos.

The name was his, and the stamp was also from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

After a quick glance at the papers, Grace plopped down on the sofa. Not bothering to even look at him,

she said, "I've seen it. You can leave now. I want to take a bath."

The sweat on her body had evaporated after so long, and she was starting to feel cold.

Heinz was stunned. As he looked at her, an understanding and considerate look flitted across his eyes.novelbin

He told her, "You can go take your bath, I'll wait for you."

"Mr. Jones." Grace said matter of factly, "We're not a couple, I don't think it's appropriate for you to wait

for me while I bathe."

Hearing this, Heinz felt a little lost. He muttered, "Grace, I..."

"We've broken up, and it was you who suggested it." Grace cut him off. She didn't hesitate to remind

him of the important fact that he was responsible for this. "Can you just leave, right now, please?"

All of a sudden, Heinz felt as if he was being interrogated. Scratching his head, he mumbled meekly,

"I'm sorry."

Besides this, he didn't know what else to say.

Right now, he knew that the best thing to do was to cling onto her, but judging by the look on her face,

she was really angry. He didn't blame her for that. She did have the right to be angry. It was true, he

was the one who proposed breaking up.

Furthermore, he had chosen such a terrible time to do so. No, he chose the worst timing. Grace had

already agreed to register their marriage. Just as they were about to step into the town office, he'd

thrown this at her and embarrassed her outright.

Heinz pouted while he looked at Grace with his puppy eyes, hoping she'd have some sympathy for


Grace didn't bother to look at him. All she felt at that moment was anger and disgust.

Turning her face away from him, she raised her voice. "Leave, now."

Seeing that she wasn't swayed, Heinz thought for a moment before saying, "Fine, I'll wait for you

outside. I'll come back in once you're done."

Grace frowned. "I think it's better if you don't. Why don't you just go ahead and do whatever you need


"I'll wait for you!" He pleaded.

After saying that, Heinz didn't argue with her any longer. As he headed for the door, he kept turning

back to look at her for pity.

"This man thinks he can gain my sympathy by doing this?" Grace thought to herself.

She noticed him stealing glances at her as he left.

"Why was he behaving like a child? Why's he being immature?"

Finally, Heinz reached the door and pulled it open. Before he stepped out, he turned around and stared

at Grace with his puppy eyes again, hoping she would stop him.

However, all she did was turn her face away, not paying him any attention

After hearing the door click shut, Grace stood up from the sofa. She walked up to the door and bolted it

before heading into the bathroom.

On the other side of the door, Heinz heard the sound of it being locked. He froze as a look of horror

spread across his face.

She didn't take him back!


But he knew he deserved it.

Heinz knew very well that he had brought this upon himself.

He sighed and continued to wait at the door patiently.

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"Mr. Jones?" Hermione called out, "I didn't expect you to come to Julesburg. What's going on? Are you

planning to continue chasing her?"

Turning around, Heinz saw Hermione. A touch of embarrassment flashed across his handsome face.

She had caught him at a bad time and he was truly ashamed.

Not saying anything, he just stared desperately at Hermione. His eyes were a little helpless.

Hermione, who was seemingly experienced with situations like this, knew exactly what was going on.

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"She's taking a bath," Heinz muttered in a low voice as he shot her a cold glare. He had to commend

Hermione for her boldness. No one had teased him before.

Hermione snorted and said, "Oh, I see. Then, why are you still standing at her door? Did you fly from

Northern City last night, or did you rush over this morning?"

Heinz refused to play along with her.

Hermione cackled again and added, "Did our poor President Jones have trouble sleeping last night? I

can carry my groceries with those bags under your eyes! Hell, even your eyes are bloodshot!"

She didn't hold back and broke out into a fit of laughter.

Seeing that she found all this very amusing, Heinz was obviously unhappy.

"And why are you looking for Grace?" Heinz glared at her. "If it's something important, then give her a

call. If it's not, then leave! Don't waste my time."

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