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Chapter 692

Heinz had heard what she said.

Jodie became more agitated. Staring at Heinz, she shouted, "I was with Aaron when I was with you.

Although I don't know whether my child is yours or his, I did betray you. I admit it."

"Jodie!" Aaron shouted angrily, his voice full of chagrin.

"Shut up," Jodie said and continued to look into Heinz's cold eyes. She slightly raised her chin, still

proud and sharp. "You're the one who should be sorry. You didn't care about me at all. You're the one

who made me feel that I was low and petty when I was with you. You didn't care about my feelings at


Heinz still didn't say anything.

Everyone gasped.

Queenie looked extremely embarrassed.

Nathan and Pearlyn were also shocked and very humiliated. They looked at their daughter with pain

and looked at Heinz in shock.

Heinz stared at Jodie with a pair of icy eyes, as if he came from hell.

His imposing manner made the hearts of the people around him beat faster.

Jodie was also startled by his gaze. She was terrified, but now that she knew what was going on, she

could no longer keep up her pretense.

She could only face it.

Jodie continued to raise her chin and looked at Heinz. "You didn't think of it, did you? It's all because

you forced me. It's all because of you."

Heinz really didn't expect that she was with Aaron and him at the same time. In his life, he had never

been played like this.

Jodie was really bold.

Jodie focused on his face. As Heinz heard these words, there was no emotion on his handsome face,

and his eyes were extremely indifferent.

The corners of his mouth were also slightly lifted, and there was a hint of irony in his smile.

This pained Jodie. She felt that Heinz never cared for her.

She couldn't reconcile herself to it.

She loved him so much, so deeply, but he didn't care about her at all.

Jodie could not agree with this point.

She suddenly rushed forward and wanted to hug Heinz.

However, Heinz took a step to the side, and she fell to the ground.

She was in a very sorry state.

Heinz dodged to the side. Standing at a safe distance, he looked like a king looking over his


Aaron's hand, which wanted to help Jodie, retreated back.

Alice and Jensen both saw this scene.

Of course, that action did not escape from the sharp eyes of Heinz.

Aaron wanted to help Jodie up, but at that moment, he knew he had to restrain himself.

After falling to the ground in a sorry state, Jodie was totally stunned.

The gesture of Heinz's disgust made her suffer a heavy blow in her heart, and her parents looked at

her blankly with heartache reflected in their faces.

Queenie also looked at her with sympathy and disappointment in her eyes.

As for Jensen and Alice, they both looked down upon her, completely despising her.

Jodie couldn't take it anymore.

She sat on the ground and burst into tears.

She cried again!

Alice rolled her eyes. When she saw Jodie, she suddenly despised Heinz from the bottom of her heart.

Although Jodie was indeed beautiful, she was also a very troublesome woman.

She doubted Heinz’ s taste in women. Perhaps he was blind to find such a girlfriend in the past.

Heinz did not sympathize with Jodie. From what she had just said, all traces of affection he had for her,


"Why aren't you angry?" Jodie shouted.

Seeing that Heinz was not even willing to be angry at her, Jodie went crazy.

She was mad.

This meant that in Heinz's heart, there was no place for her at all.

"Jodie, you guessed wrong." Heinz stared at her coldly as he said.

Hearing what Heinz said, Jodie's eyes widened.

"Dr. Clarke didn't tell me anything. It was because you were too agitated and guilty." Heinz continued in

a deep voice, "But I didn't expect you to be such a promiscuous woman who slept around."

In that instant, everyone sucked in a cold breath of air.

Jodie's heart was also in pain and her face went pale. She looked up at Heinz, who showed no mercy

to her.

How could he say that about her?

Nathan and Pearlyn opened their mouths, but no words were uttered.

They couldn't say anything when their daughter was criticized by others in this way.

Because she was caught.

She was caught red-handed.

"Heinz, how can you say that to me?" Jodie yelled.

T ve shown you mercy by saying those words," Heinz answered faintly. "All the things you have done

are so amusing. Why should you care about what others say?"

"It's just that you made a mistake." Heinz sneered, "Aaron didn't tell me these things. It was all you."

Jodie's face became paler and she looked at Aaron.

Aaron also turned to look at her.

Their eyes met and a hint of helplessness flashed through Aaron's eyes. He looked at Jodie and

laughed at himself.

After all, they were in a lower position.

He lost.

He could just give a wry smile.

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He had long lost his patience.

He just wanted to end things as soon as possible and then live a good life with Grace and his children.

"Chief Stone, now that things have come to this stage, do you have anything else to say?" Heinz

looked at Queenie.

Queenie didn't know what to say. She just felt ashamed.

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"To be honest, I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen anyone as shameless as her."

"She did something bad, yet she still blamed others." "Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, you two have raised your

daughter well," Heinz said.

These few mocking words left Nathan and Pearlyn speechless and flustered.

They said nothing.

The two of them felt deeply chagrined.

They didn't expect to be so embarrassed in front of everyone.

Their daughter, who used to be so clever and sensible, became so strange.

How could she be so dignified after what she had done?

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"No, I don't accept this!" Jodie shook her head. "I'm pregnant with a child. I don't know if it's yours or


Bang! Queenie landed a slap on Jodie's face.

"Auntie!" Jodie shouted in a low voice.

"How can you say those words? Don't you feel ashamed?" Queenie yelled.

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