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Chapter 631

Alice looked down and shook her head. "I'm just asking casually. I just thought that your mother is not

in good health and that we are not suitable to be together for the time being. Jensen, you should go


She was about to chase him away again.

Jensen frowned and said coldly, "I've said that I won't leave. I'll give you some time to think about it."

"In a week's time, don't think about being separated from me. I will be with you every day."

He had made up his mind.

Alice felt that this was not a good thing. She said helplessly, "You want to be with me for a week? Isn't it

just because you want to make love with me?"

Jensen could not deny this idea. He really wanted to.

Therefore, he simply admitted generously, "Yes, I want to. I can't control myself. Shouldn't you be

responsible for it?"

"Jensen." Alice was very helpless. "What should I be responsible for?"

Jensen said in a deep voice, "I don't care. I am only interested in you now. I may not be interested in

other women for the rest of my life."

Absorbing one's body was something that could not be expressed with words.

Alice turned her head and looked elsewhere. "It's very uncomfortable for me to hear you say that."

"You have to take responsibility for me," he said. "I can only be with you. You can't do this to me. When

you want me, you'll be as passionate as fire and when you don't want me, you'll be as cold as ice.

"I can't accept it. I am a man. If you trample on my dignity, I will not allow it as a man!" His attitude was


Alice was stunned and said, "Well, since you want to live here, I am a little tired. Can I go and wash up


"Okay!" Jensen immediately agreed.

Under his sharp gaze, Alice got up and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Jensen sat alone in the room, feeling a little depressed. The whole room was still filled with the faint

smell of cigarettes and the scent left by their passionate love-making.

It was rather depressing.

Jensen sighed, put on his clothes and also went out. He lit a cigarette outside, feeling empty and


He didn't know what the problem was. He only felt frustrated.

When Alice came out of the bathroom, she saw Jensen smoking. He looked very lonely.

She felt extremely distressed and guilty, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Maybe loving rationally meant that the love was not enough, but a deep love could result in both sides

suffering from great losses.

She had never been a person who was overly confident. When she spoke of others, she might be very

thorough. When it came to herself, she would not be able to make up her mind.

She also hated herself like this and he also blamed himself deeply. It shouldn't be like this.

"Eat something." Alice said in a soft voice, "You haven't eaten anything, have you?"

"No!" Jensen shook his head.

Ever since he had returned, he had no appetite, nor was he in the mood to eat.

"Then let's eat together."

When she saw how he smoked, she was really worried. She knew that he was hurting his body and

she couldn't bear to see him doing that.

Jensen paused, and said, "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be back soon."


Soon, he went to the bathroom.

Alice patted herself on the back of her head and thought to herself, "What should I do?"

She went to the kitchen to heat up the food and her heart was filled with irritability.

She couldn't bear to let go; she couldn't let go and she dared not to. She stopped, and struggled in


Soon, the door of the bathroom was suddenly opened and Jensen came out from inside.

The lower half of his body was casually wrapped in a bath towel. His hair was messy and dripping with

water. His slender figure was extremely attractive.

Alice quickly lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him.

Jensen took a sharp glance at Alice and raised his eyebrows; it was not that he didn't see her reaction.

His eyes flashed as he realized that she was reluctant to part with him.

Very reluctant.

There must be a reason for that. Otherwise, she would not go back on her words like this.

As he thought about it, a smile appeared on Jensen's lips.

Without putting on any clothes, he walked over and sat down opposite Alice.

She had already changed her clothes to a set of conservative pajamas, which was not the same dress

as before. She was now on guard.

Jensen's brows furrowed even deeper.

He was thinking that it would be very difficult for him not to touch her if he lived there.

The two of them sat across from each other in silence.

This was because Jensen was not wearing any clothes and Alice was sitting there. Every time she

raised her eyes, she could look right into his eyes, which made her feel uneasy as if she was sitting on

pins and needles.

She took a bite of the food and barely filled her stomach. Then, she stood up and said, "I'm full. You eat

by yourself."

Across the table, Jensen suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist. With a sudden force,

Alice was pushed down onto the seat. "Continue eating."

Sensing his strength, Alice frowned and said, "I'm full."

"Eat with me!" He insisted.

Alice lowered her eyes, not wanting to look at him. She felt as if he was looking at her; his entire face

was tensed up, making him look very cold and stern.

She knew Jensen had not eaten much. If she left now, he would have no appetite.

If she insisted on walking away, it would hurt Jensen's self-esteem very much.

Alice could only sit there and lower her eyes, refusing to look at Jensen.

"Let go of me. I'll eat with you!"

Jensen then let go of her hand, held the spoon, and took a bite. Then, he asked casually, "What

happened after I went to the workplace today?"

Alice froze at once. She looked up and saw Jensen staring at her sharply. Her heart stopped for a


"Nothing happened." She tried to calm herself down and not talk about his mother.

"Look into my eyes." Jensen said in a low voice.

Alice's heart was beating like a drum and it kept thumping, but still she met Jensen's eyes.

"Hurry up and eat," Alice urged. "It's going to be morning soon."

"You are avoiding me!" Jensen's eyes became sharper. He glanced at Alice's face and said, "You seem

to have forgotten what my job is."

Alice frowned and tried her best to hold it back, in order to stop herself from panicking.

"Any crime can be traced," Jensen said. "In terms of criminal knowledge, it's the same in this case. You

have something to hide from me today and it has something to do with me.

After he calmed down, no matter how Jensen thought about it, he felt that Alice would not suddenly go

back on her words like this.

Alice was really flustered. She asked hurriedly, "Do you think of me as one of the suspects you


"Same thing!" Jensen continued.

"I'm not," Alice retorted immediately. Jensen was so shrewd that he could detect minor details. She didnovelbin

not dare to face him again, so she stood up again and wanted to go back to the room to escape.

However, her wrist was grabbed again. He looked at her and said, "Then why don't you dare face it?"

"Let me go!" Alice struggled. "Jensen, you're hurting me."

However, after struggling for a while, Jensen still did not let go.

Alice was also anxious and shouted, "Jensen, you're hurting me. Do you hear me? Hurry up and let go

of me!"

"No matter how much pain you feel, it will not be equal to the pain I feel!" Jensen pointed to himself

with his thumb and shouted angrily, "No matter how painful it is for you, it will never hurt as much as my


Alice had never seen him like this. His eyes were filled with incomparable pain and his aura was

astonishing. He stared at Alice with a hint of anger in his eyes.

Alice closed her eyes and said, "Okay, I'll tell you why."

"Tell me!" He still did not let her go.

Alice had no choice but to say word by word, "Your mother came!"

Jensen suddenly froze and the hand that held her wrist froze there. Looking at Alice, he couldn't

believe it. "Did you say that my mother went to Hart Villa District?"

Alice suddenly shook off his arm and didn't want to see his shocked face. She said, "Well, since I told

you about it, I will tell you everything. Jensen, your mother insulted me and said that I didn't do

anything in the daytime and pulled you into bed. She said that I am an indecent woman."

Jensen gasped in shock.

As their eyes met, he saw extreme grievance, sadness, and helplessness in Alice's eyes.

At that moment, Jensen understood why Alice wanted to break up with him.

She couldn't stand his mother's attitude.

Even Jensen himself couldn't stand his mother, let alone Alice.

He felt bad and could not help feeling a sense of irrepressible sadness overflowing from the bottom of

his heart.

He stood up immediately and said, "I'll go back!"

Alice panicked and immediately said to him, "Don't go!"

She couldn't let Jensen go back to find his mother like this. As she was nervous, she hugged Jensen

and said, "Jensen, don't go. I don't want to be a woman who complains, but I really can't get along with

a person like your mother. I don't want you to be caught in a dilemma between us, so I'd better leave

now." Hearing this, Jensen felt as if his whole heart had been broken apart.

Being held in Alice's arms and hearing her dejected words, he felt like his heart was being cut by a


"Don't worry. I won't do anything to her. I won't tell her that you told me about this."

"Then you can't!" Alice shook her head. "Jensen, just pretend that this never happened."

"Alice!" Jensen turned around and held her in his arms. "Alice, I'm sorry!"

For the first time, he felt useless.

"Jensen!" Alice was also very sad. "I am not that brave so please forgive me!"

Looking at Alice, Jensen knew in his heart what kind of person his mother was. He loosened his grip on

Alice in his arms, went into the room, took his clothes and put them on; he insisted on leaving.

"Jensen!" Alice blocked him at the door. "If you go to find Auntie, she would think that I am a woman

who tells lies. I can't bear the heavy burden anymore. Can you stop adding fuel to the fire?"

"Was there another person who went with her?" Jensen said with a poker face. "That person should be

at the same age as my mother."

"There is an Auntie that called your mother her sister."

"That's my aunt," Jensen said. "I'm going to find my aunt now."

Alice looked at her watch and said, "It's 3:30 in the morning. You can't go at this time. Jensen, don't be

like this, okay?"

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