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Chapter 609

It was very likely that Jensen was the most pathetic man in the world. After doing it without any

consequences for the first time, he had been keeping himself clean for six years.

After doing it for the second time, he actually ran into the predicament of breaking up with his girlfriend.

Wasn't such a life considered too tragic?

Not only that, but both times were with the same woman.

Jensen stood at the door for a long time. He was so irritated that he couldn't describe his inner feelings.

He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and went out again.

Heinz and Grace waited in the house for a long time. After opening the door several times, Grace saw

that they had entered the house. She was still worried and could not be at ease.

Heinz comforted her and said, "This kind of thing must be known sooner or later. If she had known

about this earlier, then she would have been able to accept it earlier. The later she knows about it, the

harder it will be for her to accept it."

"Don't tell me such a big principle." Grace frowned and added, "Even if you didn't tell me, I'd still know

about all this."

"Then, don't worry. Let's just wait for Alice to grow her feelings for Jensen. If there's no other way, then

you can go and persuade her."

"Why did you talk to Jensen about this today?" Grace didn't understand. This guy had actually said it

out loud at the door. Didn't that mean that he wanted Alice to overhear it?

Heinz was stunned, a look of helplessness coming over his face. "I didn't do it on purpose."

Grace rolled her eyes at him, "Such a misbehaving mouth!"

Heinz pursed his lips. "Thank goodness I'm thick-skinned. Otherwise, I would have been dead from

being scolded by you like this."

Grace was also helpless. She sighed after looking at him.

Heinz reached out and held Grace's hand. "I believe that Alice is a reasonable girl. She will be able to

come out of it soon and she won't really quarrel with Jensen."

"It's hard to get out of this kind of thing." Grace said, "You're not a woman, so naturally you wouldn't

understand a woman's feelings."

"I am a man and you all wouldn't understand how a man feels." Heinz felt that he could understand

Jensen's feelings.

Grace nodded and said, "What Alice experienced six years ago was already very painful. She'd never

dared to look for a boyfriend all these years. At that time, she was not even an adult yet. For something

like that to happen, I feel partly responsible for it too as I shouldn't have gone to a mountain resort."

Heinz then said, "But if you didn't go, then how could we have met each other? If we didn't meet, then

how could Little Gary and Ernest exist?"

Grace sighed and replied, "Yes, this is a kind of fate. This fate has destined that everyone has their

own path in life."

Heinz comforted Grace. "Alice and Jensen are destined to be together too."

"But Alice might not think so."

"Why did you all hide it from her since then?"

"Were you afraid that she would turn away immediately if she knew Jensen was the person from that

time and so she wouldn't fall in love with him?"

Heinz said, "The fact that we hid it, was also a lie. Her heart was already so sensitive and lying to her

was just more harmful."

"So Jensen and I thought it was best to hide it from her. We would tell her when she fell in love." Grace

now felt very distressed. "Maybe I did the wrong thing from the beginning."

Heinz answered, "Don't blame yourself. This is what Jensen should be responsible for. Now that she

knows about it already, the only thing we don't know is if Alice has fallen in love with him or not."

"She must have, otherwise, she wouldn't have slept with Jensen tonight," Grace said with

consternation and a slight blush appeared on her face. After all, she was still not used to talking about

this kind of thing so openly.

Heinz nodded slightly and said with a frown, "It's only because they like each other that they can

devote their all to one another, so there's no need to worry about it. They have feelings for each other

so they can't be separated just like that."

"I'm just worried that they will feel deeply hurt because there is love. She may feel hurt now, maybe

because she suspected that Jensen doesn't love her enough since he was just taking responsibility for

what happened. This girl loves to get herself into a dead end."

"You're right." Heinz turned around and opened the door. Suddenly, he saw Jensen smoking alone


He immediately turned back and said to Grace, "Jensen is out now. He's smoking outside."

"Ah, I'll go out and have a look!" Grace immediately walked to the door and opened it. As expected,

she saw Jensen there.

He was a little dejected. He lowered his head, took a hard drag, and exhaled a puff of white smoke.

Surrounded by the smoke, he looked down at the floor. She couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Officer Charm!" Grace muttered in a low voice.

Jensen was stunned and immediately looked up to see Grace standing not far away, with Heinz

standing behind her.

He was startled and then he took in another drag before putting out the cigarette butt. Looking at the

cigarette butt, a trace of helplessness flashed through him.

"Come over here." Grace felt that she could not chat in the corridor.

Jensen nodded. He turned around and followed Grace and Heinz into their room.

As soon as he entered the door, Grace asked,

"How's Alice doing?"

"She's in the house. The door was closed as she said that she needed some quiet time for a while. I

was afraid that she would do something silly but she told me that she wouldn't."

Grace then said, "I'll go and check on her later."

Upon hearing that, Jensen was a little taken aback. Then, he took a closer look at himself and thought,

"Maybe Grace should go and try to comfort Alice on purpose. Otherwise, he wouldn't feel at ease

knowing that Alice was alone in the room."

"Then, Grace, could you please go and comfort her for me? Or if you don't think it's the right time yet,

then you could just say nothing. Just look after her and make sure that she is fine."

After hearing what Jensen said, Grace knew in her heart that he was really anxious.

Grace nodded. "I know. I'll go now. You wait here and talk to Heinz."


Soon, Grace went over to the guest room. Without knocking on the door, she entered the room.

Walking into the living room outside, she found out that the door of the bedroom was closed.

Grace walked over and knocked on the door.

The sound of something knocking on wood could be heard.

Alice was wiping away her tears in the room. When she heard that, she frowned.

She did not open the door.

Didn't he just say that he would give her some quiet time for a while, but why was he still knocking on

her door? Could he be any more annoying than this?

Grace knocked on the door several times again.

Alice's anger was roused. She got out of bed again, went to the door, pulled open the door and

shouted, "Aren't you annoying?"

Grace let out a sigh of relief when she saw her burst of anger.

"Grace?" After Alice finished yelling, she saw that it was her sister and not Jensen.

Grace nodded and her eyes were full of distress. She stepped forward and said, "I was worried aboutnovelbin

you, so I came here to apologize to you."

Alice's eyes turned red all of a sudden. When she saw her sister, the grievance in her heart slowly

overflowed and the tears came out of her eyes again.

She choked with sobs and let out a cry, "Grace!"

Grace stepped forward and hugged her. "| know. It's my fault. I shouldn't have hidden it from you. It had

nothing to do with Jensen. It was my idea. If you want to blame someone, then blame me."

Grace wanted to take on all the responsibilities. In this way, her sister and Jensen would not quarrel

and they could make peace.

Evidently, Alice did not think so.

"Grace, I know that you are doing this out of kindness." Alice then said, "I also believe that Jensen was

doing this out of kindness, but he doesn't truly love me."

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