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Chapter 599

Alice could not stand it anymore. She retorted, "I didn't cry, Heinz." Her face had already turned red due

to embrrassment.

"Okay, you didn't. It's Jensen who cried. Please go and comfort him." Heinz smiled and looked atnovelbin

Zachary. "Do you have any guest rooms left?"

"The room is ready!" Zachary replied, "I will take them there now."

"Don't bother," Jensen said, "I am taking Alice out to get some stuff. I didn't bring a change of clothes

because I came straight from the office."

"Alright," Zachary said. "I will take you there now. You can go and buy some necessities after that."

"I don't want to go," Alice refused. She recalled that Jensen had gotten mad at her when she was in

Northern City previously. However, she didn't expect that he would come so soon.

Jensen didn't care. He strode in and grabbed hold of Alice's hand. "Let's go. Stop messing around."

Alice felt uncomfortable to have her hand held by Jensen, especially in front of other people.

She withdrew her hand from his grasp quickly.

Everyone was watching them.

Alice's face was flushed red from embarrassment as she strode out of the room without looking at

anyone else.

Jensen gave them a sheepish smile and followed her out.

Zachary brought Jensen and Alice to a guest room in a suite next door. He passed the keys to them

and said, "You should find everything you would need here except a change of clothes."

"Thank you," Jensen replied. "We will be back later."


They quickly drove to a bustling shopping mall located in the city center.

Alice sat in the car in silence.

Jensen did not know what to say either. There was a long awkward silence between the two of them.

Jensen could be pretty thick- skinned. However, it hurt his pride a little to always do this.

"Are you still angry?" Jensen finally asked.

Alice snorted and answered, "Should I not be angry?"

"It seems that I should be the one who should be mad, but I am not angry anymore, yet you still are."

He drove the car to the side of the road and stopped.

"Why did you stop the car? The shopping mall is going to close soon," Alice exclaimed as soon as the

car came to a halt.

Jensen looked at Alice calmly and asked, "Tell me, are you still angry?"

Alice looked up and met his gaze. In fact, she was no longer angry from the moment he had arrived

there. She just felt a bit embarrassed.

"I'm not angry anymore," she replied, turning her face away before continuing, "Actually, the both of us

are just being childish, so there is really nothing to be angry about."

Jensen paused, realizing that he may have overreacted.

He smiled lightly and reached out to caress her face with his hand.

Alice avoided his hands immediately.

A flash of disappointment spread across his eyes.

Alice seems to have noticed it. She smiled uneasily and said, "You know I am just acting on instinct."

"I am aware of that," Jensen replied hoarsely. He watched her silently for a few seconds before starting

the car again.

Alice asked, "Why didn't you call me? I have been waiting for your call because I thought that you

would've called me."

Jensen glanced at her and answered, "I was also waiting for your call. I thought you would call me, but

you didn't."

Alice felt surprised. She pursed her lips and replied, "What? Come to think of it, I'm still angry about it.

Why would I even call you then?"

"Yeah, I knew that you wouldn't call me." Since he hadn't received her call, he realized that she was

mad at him. He was both worried and apologetic, and he had told himself that he should treat her

better. In the end, he still couldn't bring himself to accept her every flaw.

Therefore, he had immediately rushed there once he had finished all his work in the office.

He was finally able to relax after seeing Alice as he was afraid that she would still be angry.

"Actually, I am at fault too," Alice said softly, glancing at Jensen.

"Hmm?" Jensen raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her. He hadn't expected that she would apologize.

Alice had also reflected deeply on this matter.

"I mean it is reasonable for you to be mad at me. I shouldn't have praised another man in front of you.

But what I actually want to say is that you are a very charming man too, Jensen. I really meant what I

said," she added.

Alice was worried that Jensen would not believe her words.

"Thank you for your compliment." Jensen replied. "I admit that I am a little too assertive and narrow-

minded. However, this is all because I care about you."

"I understand." Alice nodded immediately and continued, "So let's never quarrel again in the future."


Alice and Jensen had finally reconciled with each other.

They arrived at the shopping mall and parked the car.

Jensen got down from the car and reached out to hold Alice's hand. However, he hesitated because he

was afraid that she would reject him.

Alice noticed his actions and smiled. She reached out and held his hands.

Jensen paused. He was pleasantly surprised and felt comforted by her actions.

He felt warm and satisfied at this moment.

Jensen wrapped his hands around Alice's, with their fingers intertwined.

"Let's go. The shopping mall will be closing soon," Alice smiled and continued, "I will buy you some

clothes since I received some extra money today."

"You don't need to. That's your money," Jensen replied, looking at her with concern.

"You have been paying for all expenses all this while. It's time for me to pay you back," Alice said


"I am a man," Jensen replied. "It is my duty to take care of you."

"Relationships should be equal," Alice frowned as she replied. "You're not supposed to pay for my


"Definitely not," Jensen replied, shaking his head.

"I don't care. I have to buy it for you," She pouted and said, "You have to accept it even if you don't like


"Okay, you can get me some underwear," Jensen replied helplessly.

Alice blushed upon hearing his words.

Jensen had also noticed that. Pulling Alice into his embrace, he whispered, "I'd love it even more

because it's so intimate."

Alice muttered, "I know exactly what you are thinking about. You just don't want to spend my money."

"Then you can buy me the most expensive one," Jensen replied. His voice was magnetic. Alice

blushed as his warm lips brushed across her ear.

She looked up at him with a bright smile. Jensen was mesmerized by her beauty.

Alice did not utter another word. Standing on her toes, she leaned in and kissed Jensen on the lips.

She had taken the initiative this time.

This was a really unexpected surprise.

Jensen was surprised that Alice had actually taken the initiative to kiss him.

Jensen returned her kiss passionately. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pressed her against the

car door while kissing her fiercely.

Alice gasped as her back hit the door of the car.

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