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Chapter 596

Upon hearing his words, Grace finally eased up a little. However, when she thought about Maxim trying

to persuade Heinz, and how Heinz had also gone to see Maxim, she felt annoyed again.

An inexplicable irritation welled up in her mind, making her subconsciously frown.

Heinz could see that she was in a bad mood. Whenever it came to Marilyn's affairs, Grace was always

like this and her mood easily became unstable.

"Why did you go?" She looked at him and complained. "Just because he asked for you, does that

mean you have to meet him?"

Heinz answered in a low voice, "It's not that I was afraid that he won’t make it through the night.

However, if I didn't go, it would be a lifelong regret of mine. I would always want to know what he had to


"Why do you care about him?" Grace cried out. "You also know that he treated my grandmother badly!

Why did you still go to see him?"

Heinz saw Grace had become incredibly agitated and he didn't dare to speak and tell her what exactly

he had done wrong.

Her eyes were brimming red, with all kinds of complicated emotions intertwined, which made her feel

extremely annoyed.

She thought back to the years after she had left Marilyn, when she had to raise her children alone. The

emptiness, loneliness, and lack of stability left her with no sense of security at all.

She didn't get to say her final goodbyes to Marilyn and that was already one of her lifelong regrets.

Rather than the injustice suffered by Marilyn, it was better to say that she was even angrier at herself.

She hated herself and that was why she was so frustrated.

Seeing her like this, Heinz's heart ached as well. He looked at her patiently and comforted her in a

gentle voice, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have gone to see him and I shouldn't have told you."

Grace looked up at him with red and watery eyes.

"I know that you are upset. You were not able to say your final goodbyes to your grandmother so you'll

regret it for the rest of your life."

She felt a quiver in her heart and tears rolled down her cheeks.

He had seen through her.

"You blame Master Lowe, but you blame yourself more." Heinz looked into Grace's eyes. He changed

the subject and said, "However, the truth is, the one you should blame is me."

Grace was suddenly touched by his words. She was still looking at Heinz, and she was shocked.

He started, "It was I who got you pregnant and didn't stay with you. It was hard for you to live life

wandering the streets alone for so many years. You have gone through all kinds of hardships and have

been frightened. Moreover, you have gone through so much torment because of Ernest." "Honestly, it's

not your fault either." Grace shook her head. She was rational and would not blame Heinz for no


"No!" Heinz also said in a low voice, "All of this is because of me, because I have made you suffer like


The stuffiness in her heart suddenly disappeared at that moment.

Grace looked at Heinz in a daze, with tears streaming down from her eyes.

Teardrops gathered in her long eyelashes, which glittered like stars. She looked so fragile that he

couldn't help but want to protect her.

"That's because I didn't take responsibility in time. If I had taken responsibility for your pregnancy at

that time, you wouldn't have left. It was all my fault that you weren't able to see Grandma for the last

time," Heinz whispered and embraced Grace in his broad arms, with vexation and guiltiness flashing in

his eyes.

He wasn't saying this just for the sake of it. His words were filled with sincerity; he was apologizing to


His handsome face was filled with regret. "I'm also sorry for another thing. What if this really wasnovelbin

Grandma's wish? After all, she had left Southland and stayed single in Northern City for the rest of her

life. Why did she do that?"

"You don't understand." Grace shook her head and held Heinz's hand, only to find that his palm was


Grace suddenly realized that Heinz was actually nervous and afraid of her being angry with him.

She looked up at him and said, "Grandma suffered a lot. She had nothing left with her and she had to

run around for so many years. How pitiful."

"I understand," Heinz replied. "I didn't understand before but now I do. I know how difficult it was for

you and how hard it was for Grandma too."

"No, Heinz." Grace shook her head. "Grandma suffered more than me. At that time, she was very poor,

and didn't have a single cent to her name. She had to skip meals and didn't have any clothes to wear.

My mother was sick and so was my grandmother. I almost couldn't bear that feeling of sorrow."

"Fortunately, I found you." Heinz stared at Grace with deep affection in his eyes. "I will never let you go

again, and I will never let you suffer anymore."

"Heinz, it's not about living a materialistic life but it's the torment we suffer inside," Grace said softly

again. "I really want to cry. It's unbearable."

"I understand," Heinz said gently, "If you want to cry, just cry in my arms. This place will always be your


Grace's mind went blank for a while, and a warm feeling hit her, melting away the obscurity and

darkness that had been suppressed in her heart for many years.

Grace gently snuggled into his arms. Heinz's huge hand stroked her long hair, and the softness of his

hand made her feel nostalgic. Heinz said, "Master Lowe is also very pitiful. In the end, he doesn't have

anyone to rely on. He knows that his three children are not trustworthy. He doesn't want Zachary to

forgive him, either. In fact, he's finding it difficult to forgive himself."

"Don't talk about him." Grace's body trembled.

"We cannot keep avoiding the matter by not mentioning him," Heinz stated gently. "I know you're upset

that Master Lowe was so heartless to your grandmother. However, he has now admitted that he was


"Can he make up for my grandma's 50 years of loneliness even if he has already admitted his

mistakes?" Grace frowned. "And now he has even requested to be buried with my grandmother in the

same urn after his death! He should've treated her well when she was still alive!"

Heinz understood Grace's feelings.

He knew that Grace was restraining her anger. She was such a strong girl and rarely cried. When

Ernest was finally found, she cried with so much sorrow as years of despair had finally turned into hope


Heinz also let out a long sigh. His attractive face was full of irrepressible regret and helplessness.

"I'm sorry." Grace's heart tightened when she heard Heinz's sigh. "I'm not angry with you, I'm just


She left Heinz's embrace, walked over to the bed and sat down.

She felt helpless when it came to Maxim. It was hard for her to let go of her feelings toward him.

Heinz stood by the door and stared at Grace's slender figure. He walked over and sat behind her.

"Why did you apologize to me? It's not like I don't understand you."

She wiped her tears, and took a deep breath. She then turned her head and looked at Heinz. She

looked into his deep eyes and said, "Heinz, are you saying that you want me to agree?"

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