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Chapter 590

When Heinz received the call, he immediately rushed back. Fortunately, he hadn't gone far, so he

returned within a few minutes.

When he saw that Little Gary had come back with two policemen following behind him, Heinz had a

complicated feeling in his heart.

While letting out a sigh of relief, he also marveled at his son's abilities. He was indeed an outstanding

child. Otherwise, how could he have gotten back on his own?

Little Gary had returned, without a single scratch.

As soon as he saw Little Gary, Heinz strode over. With a flicker of emotion in his eyes, he carried Little

Gary up into his arms.

His voice was a little excited. "Boy, you're back?"

"Yes." Little Gary nodded and looked at Heinz. "If I hadn't come back myself and waited for you to

realize I was missing instead, I might have already been killed by them."

A hint of guilt flashed across Heinz's eyes.

Little Gary continued, "During times like this, I can only save myself. There is no such thing as a

superhero in this world so I have to save myself. I know this very well."

"You brat. It doesn't matter if you say something like this to me, but your mother and Little Aunt will

definitely blame themselves." Heinz looked at Grace and Alice and realized that the two of them were

indeed feeling down.

Grace and Alice both looked guilty, especially when they had heard Little Gary accusing Heinz.

Alice immediately said, "Little Gary, your parents handed you over to me. You were kidnapped because

I wasn't responsible enough."

"It's my fault," Grace said. "I shouldn't have left you guys behind. I should have been waiting here."

Grace truly felt that the return of her son was thanks to his own abilities. He had always been

intelligent. If he had relied on adults to look for him, he might not have been found so easily.

Thinking of her incompetence, Grace felt even sadder and blamed herself again.

Grace and Alice looked at Little Gary apologetically.

Little Gary smiled in embarrassment when he saw how much his mother and Alice blamed themselves.

He awkwardly said, "Actually, I just wanted to complain about Heinz. Mommy, Little Aunt, you're

women. It wasn't too much of your responsibility. I don't blame you at all."

He treated them differently. He only thought that Heinz was not good enough.

"It's our fault." Alice held herself accountable. "I didn't protect you well enough."

Little Gary blushed again and looked at Heinz. He said to him in a voice soft enough that only the two

of them could hear it, "Heinz, you're not good enough!"

Heinz frowned. It was true that he had been too

careless this time.

Little Gary continued in a low voice, "You refused to admit to your own problems and even dragged

Little Aunt and Mommy into your mistake. I didn't even mention them, but you just had to drag them

into this."

"You're great at changing the subject. Did you do this just to excuse yourself?" Little Gary asked.

Heinz paused, and looked at his son in despair. "Kid, I know that in your eyes, I'm a useless father."

"You really are," Little Gary said frankly. "You should just admit it. Don't be so full of yourself. Others

might think that you're amazing, but to me, you don’t deserve your reputation."

"I don't deserve my reputation?" Heinz didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"That's right!" Little Gary nodded seriously. "You're so irresponsible. The only thing you care about is

your reputation."

Heinz sighed helplessly. "Alright, I'm useless."

"Don't say that like you're being forced to," Little Gary huffed. "I was taken away yet you didn't even

know about it. You didn't foresee it. You've neglected your responsibilities."

"Yes!" Heinz nodded along. "I did neglect my responsibilities."

"Secondly, when I was taken away, the guards didn't even realize. Uncle Zachary's men weren't skilled

enough either. You even claimed to have brought your elites here, yet you didn't even realize that I was

missing," Little Gary continued. "You must be very


"Yes, you're absolutely right."

"I'm not done yet."

"Go ahead."

"After you found out that I was missing, you didn't even start searching for me as soon as possible.

Your emergency measures are too slow. With efficiency like that, if I was not smart enough, I might've

been dead by now."

Heinz nodded repeatedly. "You're right. I've made a mistake."

"Every piece of evidence that I've pointed out has proven that you are absolutely no good." Little Gary

finally came to a conclusion.

Heinz was rendered speechless by his son's argument.

He could only hold him in his arms and reflect on his actions. In any case, now that Little Gary had

come back, he had to rearrange everything. He needed to strengthen the safety measures and never

allow something like this to ever happen again.

"Alright, I've said everything that I needed to. You can put me down now," Little Gary said.

Heinz wasn't done hugging him yet.

Little Gary began struggling in Heinz's arms, and Heinz finally had to put him down. He asked, "Were

you the one who called the police?"

"I just happened to bump into them so I made a report. Then, I got them to send me back." Little Gary

spoke like an adult. "You should take care of what

happens next."

"This little boy is really smart." The policemen came forward and said to Heinz, "Hello, sir. Are you his


"Yes!" Heinz nodded. "I'm Heinz Jones."

"Are you really Heinz Jones from Northern City?" The policemen asked.

Heinz nodded. "I am."

"So you're Mr. Jones. I've long heard that you're a billionaire from Northern City. Your son has inherited

your outstanding talent. He's very quick-witted and knows how to save himself."

"Sir, I got that from my mommy," Little Gary immediately corrected him loudly. "Heinz isn't as good asnovelbin


Heinz, who had been humiliated, could only smile.

The policemen also laughed.

Grace pulled him over and said in a low voice, "Don't push your father too far."

"Alright." Little Gary spread out his hands. "I was only telling the truth."

Grace smiled helplessly.

The policemen recounted the whole story to Heinz.

"He even set a fire?" Heinz was very surprised.

The policemen nodded. "That's right. What a clever child!"

Heinz looked at Little Gary and picked him up again. "You set a fire?" "Yes. If not, should I have given

them a bag of gold

or something?"

"Ha!" Heinz smiled and said, "Well done, you did a good job."

Little Gary said, "Everyone already knows about this. I've already told the police and Mommy and Aunt

Nerissa also knows. Is there a point in repeating the whole story here?"

Heinz burst into laughter.

"We need to arrest this man's younger brother now." Little Gary pointed at Tom who was being

escorted away. "Then we can file the case. Did you hear that? The police already decided to hand over

the case to the crime department for investigation, and now only you realize. Heinz, you're really


Heinz felt humiliated, and was embarrassed to no end. However, he was the one who had been

careless with his son's safety, so he did not fight back. He spoke with a smile on his face. "I'll deal with

the rest."

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