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Chapter 587

Charles was also stunned. When he saw Hodge coming in with the police, and then looked at the

ashes on the ground, he was terrified.

"It's all because of you," Charles shouted, complaining.

"Charles, it's not my fault," Eva yelled. "They're the wicked ones!"

"Shame on you." Charles was furious to no end. "Can you keep your mouth shut later?"

Eva's eyes were swollen as well. Her face was covered with thorns and bumps. She was in so much

pain that she was about to go crazy.

As soon as the police arrived, she ignored Charles' advice and shouted to them, "Sir, you've come at

the right time. I wanted to call the police. They hurt me. Look at the scars all over my body. They're the

ones who hurt me."

When the policeman heard her words, he frowned.

"What's going on?"

"Sir," Alex started. "I am the one who called. I've already told you about the situation earlier. Madam

Lowe here smashed the urn containing the ashes of President Jones' wife's grandmother to the

ground. This is the spot."

The cops all looked at the scattered ashes and the broken urn outside.

"At that time, Master Lowe wanted to stop her, but before he could, he began to vomit blood on the

spot. Mr. Zachary has sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment." Alex continued, "As for why

Madam Lowe was injured, you can ask Hodge and the other servants. They are the witnesses here."

"Well, let's go in and get more details. After that, let Madam Lowe get her wounds treated first," the

policeman said.


Everyone entered the mansion.

Eva quickly argued, "Detective, it was Heinz Jones who made me fall into the flower bed. I was hurt all

over. I called for him to save me but he didn't try to help at all."

Heinz was very calm as he glanced at Eva.

The policeman looked at Heinz and said, "Mr. Jones, what do you have to say about this?"

"I tried to!" Heinz replied calmly, "When Madam Lowe fell into the flower bed, I was trying to think of a

way to help her. However, before I could even do that, she started accusing me of hurting her. I tried to

explain myself and she started to verbally abuse me. Then came a swarm of bees suddenly and I

couldn't do anything."

The policemen were stunned when they heard this, and they then looked at the others.

"Where are the witnesses?"

"Hodge is from the Lowe family." Alex pointed at Hodge and said, "There are other servants in the

mansion too. You can ask them about the situation."

Hodge said, "Miss Eva did break the urn first and Master Lowe couldn't stop her. She then jumped onto

the flower bed herself and fell into the rose bushes accidentally. I saw that Mr. Jones was going to save

her but Miss Eva scolded him and accused him of wanting to hurt her. I also wanted to save her but

she scolded me before I could even do anything. I went back and called for help. When I returned, she

was being attacked by the bees."

The policemen recorded all the details in their notes.

"Are there any other witnesses?" The policemen looked at the others.

A servant said, "What happened was Miss Eva scolded Master Lowe as soon as she entered the

mansion. She said some really unpleasant things to him before smashing the urn. Right after that, she

fell into the flower bed. These rose bushes attract bees everyday. We saw that she hit the bees and

then they began attacking her."

"You b*stards, all of you betrayed me. I am the master of the Lowe family. How dare you slander me

like this," Eva immediately exclaimed. "And you policemen, you must be working with Heinz."

The cops frowned and looked at Eva. "Miss Eva, you need evidence for your claims."novelbin

It was obvious that the policemen were instantly disgusted with her.

Charles realized that Eva's words had offended everyone, including the police.

Charles immediately spoke, "Sir, my sister was acting on impulse. Please don't take it seriously. I think

it's better to let her go to the hospital for treatment first. I was also attacked by the bees. As my father is

still in the hospital, we also have to go there to check on him. Please give us some time before getting

our statements."

"How do you want to deal with Zachary's grandmother's ashes?" Heinz lowered his voice and asked.

Right then, Nerissa pushed open the door, followed by Grace.

Grace instantly burst into tears. Although the ashes outside were fake, thinking of the real ones being

scattered like that was like a knife had plunged into her heart.

Eva Lowe was really something else.

Nerissa's eyes were also full of tears. She cried as soon as she entered the room, "My mother-in-law's

ashes were scattered to the ground. How will I face my late husband?"

"We brought back Marilyn's ashes, but you have spilled it. How much hatred do you have for your

stepmother? She was framed and driven out by you when she was alive, and now that she's dead, you

refuse to let her rest in peace. Eva Lowe, are you even human?"

As soon as Nerissa entered the room, she began to cry and grieve, causing Eva to become enraged.

"Why are you crying? Your mother-in-law deserves it. I want to grind her to pieces!"

"Sir, did you hear that?" Nerissa said to the police, "She doesn't even feel guilty. What kind of attitude is

this? How will she be punished?" "Madam Nerissa," the policeman said. "About this matter, we will

handle it impartially. For now, let them go to the hospital to treat their wound. Tomorrow, we will conduct

a thorough investigation."

"Okay, thank you, sir." Nerissa looked at Charles and then at Eva coldly.

Grace had been holding Nerissa's arm the entire time, and her eyes were filled with glimmering tears.

She only felt sorrow and despair.

After giving his signature, Charles took Eva to the hospital.

Heinz entrusted Hodge to clean up the fake ashes in the garden. After that, he went out to the garden

together with Grace and Nerissa.

"Aunt Nerissa, you and Grace are great at acting," Heinz said. "Both of you had tears in your eyes.

Otherwise, the police would have doubted whether the ashes were real."

Grace said, "Who would have thought that Eva would be so cruel?"

"She can't even let go of the dead." Nerissa added, "Master Lowe was so angry that he coughed up

blood. It seems that he still has feelings for Marilyn."

"It's too late." Grace stated, "He made Grandma live a lonely life. Even if she loved him, she wouldn't

have been able to withstand such hurt from him.

Moreover, he doesn't regret it at all."

"No," Heinz replied. "He regrets his actions."

Grace looked at Heinz in surprise.

Heinz continued, "He just can't put away his pride.

That's why he's suffering so much!"

"Bad news; Little Gary is missing." Suddenly, Alice rushed over while holding Ernest's hand. "Grace,

Heinz, Little Gary has gone missing. I've been looking for him in the garden, but he's nowhere to be


Grace's heart immediately fell. She looked at Alice and asked, "How come?"

"Grace, it's my fault. I was still watching over him before he went missing. When I came back from the

guest room to get my cell phone, he was already gone."

"Look for him now!" Heinz ordered. "Hurry up! Search everywhere!"

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