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Chapter 583

After Charles exited Zachary's house, he cursed out of anger after getting into his car. "They're all such

ungrateful people. If I had known that he was so heartless, I wouldn't have let him study abroad."

"Charles, does he not want to help us?" Donald asked.

"Obviously not," Eva said, "They're cooperating with Heinz of Northern City now, that's why they're so

arrogant. Didn't you see? Even Nerissa has begun to show her arrogance."

"Eva, you're so petty. I'm not trying to scold you, but you're too rash. You shouldn't have spoken so

harshly today," Donald stated.

"Me? Speaking harshly?" Eva burst out in anger, "Charles, you were being polite when you talked to

them, weren't you? Look at how angry you are now. They didn't give us the money we wanted, and yet

you still dare to tell me not to be angry?"

Upon hearing this, Donald was also fuming with anger. He said, "Zachary was never close to us, and

neither was Philip. We just can't get along."

"Charles, I think we'd better do something as soon as possible to get the money!" Eva piped up.

Charles rubbed his head and thought for a moment. A glint of evil flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I

saw that Grace has two five-year-old sons that are twins. We can force them to give us money if we

take one of them away."

"Kidnapping?" Eva instantly grew excited.

Charles looked determined and instantly became alert. With a glint in his eyes, he came back to his

senses and said, "We can't do this, we can't act recklessly. Kidnapping is illegal. We can't just do

anything for money!"

"I'll do it, I'm not afraid." Eva sneered, "I'd like to see how long they can keep being so arrogant. The

only problem is that I don't know what the twins look like!"

Charles paused for a moment. After thinking for a while, he took out his cell phone to look for a picture,

and then gave it to Eva so she could have a look. "Here, it's these two boys."

"Charles, where did you get this picture?" Donald was also surprised. He leaned over and took a

glance, "Aren't they twins? Why don't they look identical?"

"They're fraternal twins," Eva replied. "Considering that they don't look alike, they must be fraternal."

"Oh, I see." Donald snorted, "She's so good at having children that she gave birth to two babies."

"Yeah, she is." Eva looked carefully at the children in the picture and frowned. She then looked at

Charles and asked, "Charles, don't tell me you have informants stationed in Zachary's house?"

Charles smiled with a cunning look in his eye and said, "It's better to plan everything as early as

possible. Otherwise, who knows what will happen? Fortunately, we have made early preparations,

otherwise no one would help us."

"I've gotten a clear look," Eva said. "Charles, I'll

execute the plan. Don't worry. Even if something happens, I won't tell others that it was your idea."

Charles replied, "Eva, don't worry. The three of us are in the same boat. As long as I get the benefits, I

will definitely share them with you guys."

The three of them immediately began to scheme in the car.

A few minutes later, they quickly went their separate ways.

Meanwhile, in the Lowe family mansion.

Right after Eva entered, she headed straight to the study room upstairs. When she reached the

doorway, she instantly kicked the door to the study room open.

Maxim was still holding the urn with Marilyn's ashes in his arms. He was shocked when the door was

kicked open.

Eva walked in aggressively.

"Hey, Dad, you're still holding that urn?" Eva strode over and stopped in front of Maxim.

Maxim was surprised. "You didn't even knock before coming in, where are your manners?"

"I didn't knock?" Eva exclaimed angrily. "Dad, I've warned you that you're going to be ninety soon. Don't

try and scare me, I'm not afraid of you anymore."

"You b*tch." Maxim couldn't restrain his anger.

"B*tch?" Eva laughed mockingly. "I'm about to do something b*tchy today, just you watch."

As she said that, she grabbed the urn from Maxim's

hands and raised it above her head.

"Put that down." Maxim was shocked and his face paled. "What are you doing?"

Eva held the urn and smiled. "I'm going outside to scatter her ashes!"

After that, Eva walked out.

Maxim was so scared that he was trembling. He shouted, "Somebody, help! Stop that demon!"

The butler was shocked. When he entered the door, he saw Maxim quivering and was barely able to

keep his balance. The butler was so scared that he hurried over to help him.

"Quick, stop Eva and get the urn back for me." Maxim looked at the butler with panic, anxiety,

uneasiness, and regret in his eyes. "Hurry up and get it back."

He already felt sorry for Marilyn when she was still alive, he did not want to feel even more sorry for her

after her death.

The most unforgivable thing he had done in his life was letting go of Marilyn. He had atoned for his sins

by living a lonely life.

However, he didn't expect that he couldn't even say his final goodbyes to her.

If Eva were to scatter those ashes, how would he face Marilyn in the afterlife?

The butler immediately ordered the staff, "Quick, stop Miss Eva. We can't let her scatter the ashes!"

Someone went to stop her.

The butler helped Maxim downstairs.

Soon, they arrived at the yard.novelbin

Eva was standing on the edge of the flower bed outside. She stood tall as she said sternly, "All of you,

watch out. No one is allowed to take a step forward. Otherwise, I will immediately break this urn."

The servants who originally wanted to grab it were also frightened. They didn't dare to move forward or

say anything.

They could only turn around to look at Maxim and the butler.

Maxim stood at the doorway, and he saw the urn in his daughter's hands being lifted so high that if it

were dropped, the ashes were really going to be scattered.

"No, Eva, put it down. You can't do this." For the first time in his life, Maxim sounded so humble. He

trembled as he pointed at his daughter and said, "Put it down, quickly. Don't scatter them, I beg of you."

"You're begging me?" Eva smiled mockingly. "Dad, are you begging me for the sake of Marilyn?"

"I'm begging you," Maxim nodded and said. "Put the urn down for me. I will listen to you, just please

don't break it."

"Dad, you've really let me down," Eva roared angrily. "You haven't forgotten that woman who left you

fifty years ago. How can you treat my mother like this!"

"Put it down," Maxim shouted. "Eva, you can't do this, I'm begging you."

Maxim didn't dare to get angry, for fear of provoking

his evil daughter.

However, Eva was livid. When she saw her father was being so nervous over the urn, her rage burned


"Dad, the more you beg, the angrier I become. You really shouldn't beg me." Eva held the urn in her

hand and looked at her father with despise in her eyes. "I hate this woman with a burning passion. She

gave birth to two of your children, and even when she was chased away she had an iron grip on your

mind. This woman is simply a demon. I'll smash her to pieces and grind her bones into dust!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Eva let go of the urn and it smashed to the ground immediately,

sending ashes flying into the air.

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