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Chapter 524

"Oh, my darling, you're so sweet," Alice said and hugged Ernest in her arms. "Come here, give your

aunt a hug."

Ernest spread his arms wide then retracted his arms hastily, and said shyly, "Auntie, my hands are

covered in mud."

"It doesn't matter." Alice couldn't be bothered at all. "This little bit of mud is nothing to me. I'm so glad

for your mommy. Now that we've found you, the both of us are really happy. I don't mind a bit of mud."

Ernest felt that Alice was rather friendly as she was not afraid of dirtying her clothes for the sake of

hugging him.

Ernest extended his little hands and used his arms to hug Alice by the neck. He smiled happily and

said, "Auntie, I'm happy too. It feels great to be loved by you."

"How sweet," Alice hugged him back tightly and picked him up. She looked at Grace and said excitedly,

"Grace, remember how we were joking that Ernest looked like you? I can't believe that he is indeed

your son. Now, Ernest is a part of our family for real."

Grace nodded as well and added, "Yeah, the first time I saw Ernest, I felt a strong bond. I didn't expect

that he would turn out to be my other child."novelbin

"It's all because of those two b*stards, Marry and Simon. They separated your children from you and

broke your family apart."

Alice still felt frustrated and enraged when she thought of this.

"What happened to them?" Grace hadn't received any updates about them. "Have they been sent to

the police station?"

Alice immediately laughed and said, "Oh yeah. Simon finally received his karma last night. He was

bitten by a dog so badly that he's in a bloody mess. But Marry was smart and did not get out of the car,

so she was spared. Marry is in the police station now, and Simon is in the hospital. He lost half his ear,

so he will probably have to rely on one side for the rest of his life."

Grace paused as she thought of something. She turned over and looked at Jensen.

Jensen smiled, as if everything was fine and what had happened had nothing to do with him.

Grace was a little astonished. Could it be that Jensen did not know what happened?

"Officer Charm, if a dog bit Simon, won't that be tied to you and Heinz?"

"No," Jensen replied. "There isn't sufficient evidence so he could only be considered unlucky."

Grace sighed. "Simon won't admit defeat so easily. I've misjudged him all these years. It wasn't until

now that I understood what kind of a person he really is."

"Sometimes, we don't know each other very well even though we live together," Jensen added. "You

don't have to worry about him. People like him are irrelevant."

"I'm worried that he'll take revenge on you in the future.'1 Grace couldn't help but worry. If Simon had

lost half his ear, he'd be disabled for the rest of his life.

"Grace,” Jensen said. "Heinz and I have been through a lot throughout these years. It's not that easy

for us to be defeated. What's more, evil will not prevail. If he hadn't done such despicable things, he

wouldn't have come to such an end. It's all his own fault."

"Yeah." Alice nodded and put Ernest down. "Ernest, go play with your brother. I will hug you later."

"Okay," Ernest replied and rushed off to play.

Alice looked at Grace and said, "Don't worry about it. Simon had caused both you and Ernest to be

separated for so long. Have you forgotten about the suffering you went through for the past five years

because of him?"

Grace shook her head. "I didn't forget."

"Then don't worry about it."

"Okay." Grace nodded. "You're right. He deserved it. There's nothing to be concerned about."

"That's right." Heinz's voice came from behind.

When Grace turned around and she saw him staring back at her. Grace could sense that he was


He might have misunderstood her concern for Simon.

Actually, she was troubled that Simon would cross

the line and take action on the children.

As a mother, she tended to have uneasy feelings about everything. "Heinz, were you the one who

arranged everything?"

"Do you think I was the one who did it?" Heinz returned her question.

Grace faltered.

Heinz's expression fell as he noticed Grace's concern. He wasn't sure if it was because of Simon; after

all, the two used to be together.

Grace observed his frown and sighed. "You do as you please. He isn't someone who deserves pity


"I initially planned that Marry would suffer the same fate, but she managed to escape this time. She

was just lucky," Heinz huffed. "It was really a pity."

"According to Lester, Marry didn't escape. Simon ran away and didn't want Marry to tag along. When

the dogs got to him, Marry locked the car. The both of them were trying to hurt each other. That was

how it ended," Alice said. "Heinz, you should make another arrangement to teach Marry a lesson."

"Pfft!" Heinz laughed. "Are you addicted to punishing them now?"

Alice nodded and did not deny it at all. "She was so mean to us so I definitely won't play nice. I'm

furious with how she treated my sister so I want to teach her a lesson."

"Well, I like it," Heinz said. "An eye for an eye. Grace, you should learn from your sister."

After being called out on the spot, Grace nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Jones."

Heinz grabbed her waist and pulled her into his embrace. "Think about what Marry is most afraid of. I

really can't be at peace if I don't teach her a lesson."

"She's most afraid of losing Simon," Grace replied. She reached out to pat Heinz's hands, signalling for

him to let go of her.

"Not necessarily." Jensen shook his head. "She watched as Simon was being bitten by dogs without

doing anything to save him. You can only imagine that Marry is much more ruthless than you thought.

She is capable of losing Simon now."

"Who cares?" Heinz replied curtly. "I want to know if she is afraid of snakes, scorpions... that sort of


"Probably," Alice said. "If I'm scared of those, she'll definitely be scared too."

"Good. Let's use a snake to scare her."

"Sure." Alice clapped her hands in agreement and nodded instantly. "I think it's a good plan. I support

you, Heinz."

"Would it be feasible to put snakes in the detention center?" Jensen shook his head. "Will I still have

my job then?"

"Quit your job."

"Quit your job."

Both Heinz and Alice spoke at the same time.

Both of them were taken aback.

Heinz stared at Alice and chuckled. "Alice, tell me what you have in mind."

"The police can't even deal with the bad guys. They might as well just stop being the police then." Alice

pouted. "Moreover, they're so busy every single day. What's the point?"

"Exactly," Heinz chimed in. "Alice is right. Quit your job and work for me. The annual salary is

equivalent to your job as a policeman for eight lifetimes."

Jensen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Both of them were usually not on the same page. However,

they were now standing united and working together to persuade him.

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