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Chapter 488

Jensen did not give it too much thought and told Alice, "He wanted to know something about Ernest. I

was the one who brought Ernest to Heinz."

"Why did he ask about Ernest?" Alice was also curious. "And why did you give him to Heinz? Why

didn't you raise him yourself? He's such a lovely child; it would've been very cute if you raised him


"Ernest is very cute," Jensen was taken aback. After thinking for a while, he said, "But I am a

policeman. How could I have the ability to look after a young child?"

"What's more, at that time, Ernest was still very small, only weighing five pounds. He was a small baby

and looked so pitiful.

"That's really light," Alice nodded. "My nephew Little Gary is also very light. When he was born, he was

only a little more than 5 pounds. It was very hard for my sister to raise him."

When Alice thought about how hard it was for Grace to take care of her child, she felt both admiration

and distress for her. However, when she thought of how Marry had schemed against them, she was

very angry.

Yes, she couldn't just give the Sunny Group to Marry. She had to take back what rightfully belonged to

her Grace and herself.

"Little Gary only weighed five pounds?" Jensen was very surprised, "He's so light."

Alice nodded, "It's not easy to raise a child so small. Fortunately, my sister worked very hard. She was

so sad, but she still worked hard to maintain her breastfeeding and raised the child well. It's amazing."

"Your sister was sad?" Jensen frowned.

"Of course. She didn't know who the father was and she couldn't find him." Alice complained, "One

simple mistake led to an unplanned pregnancy. The guy got away lucky, leaving my sister alone. My

sister went through immense pressure to give birth to Little Gary. It was all Marry's fault. All in all, it was

such a hard time."

Jensen nodded and suddenly said, "Alice, I will be by your side when you give birth to our child in the


Alice froze all of a sudden and stammered, "W-what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense."

"Who wants to have a baby with you?" Alice's face burned bright red as she yelled, "Don't talk


"You!" Jensen came close to her, put his head on her forehead, and his hand around Alice's waist

slightly tightened. He pulled her into his arms firmly and did not intend to let go. "Only you. My child will

only have you as his mother."

"Impossible." Alice hastily diverted her gaze, she did not dare to look at Jensen anymore.

She couldn't even be a real woman with him now, let alone anything else.

She didn't want to think about it.

"Jensen, don't hug me so tightly," she whispered and reached out to push him.

However, the more she tried to push him away, the harder he hugged her.

He lowered his head to get close to Alice's face and pecked her lips, whispering, "We will try our best.

We can definitely do it. Believe in yourself, and also believe in me."

His soft voice caused ripples in Alice's heart. Alice lowered her eyes and said with some annoyance,

"I'm really scared. Every time I get there, I feel so nervous and scared. I'm afraid that I won't be able to

do it for the rest of my life."

As she said, she turned around and looked into Jensen's eyes.

He stared straight at her.

"Jensen..." Alice frowned in frustration, pursing her lips. "Can I really be a woman?"

"Of course," He said with certainty. "You can do it!"

Alice took a deep breath in her heart. She was held tightly by him. She should have pushed him away,

but she couldn't help but put her arms around his neck and stare at him.

Listening to the sound coming from the laptop, a man and a woman were dating, and the scene was so


They looked at each other with their gazes entwined.

Alice nodded lightly, "Then, I promise to work hard."

"This is my Alice," Jensen lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Her eyes were blurry, and she was slightly stunned for a moment. Then she hugged his neck and

responded to him.

She wasn't particularly against this kind of intimacy.

What she was scared of was the next step

If they did so, she would be scared.

When he put his hand on her legs, Alice's body froze. That night flashed in her mind, and it was as

painful as if her heart had been torn. It was obvious that she wanted it, but the pain was overwhelming

at that moment.

She'd almost suffocated. That night, no matter how she begged for mercy, she could not escape the

man's grip.

He didn't listen to her pleas at all.

She'd felt like she was going to die after that.

The painful memories flashed in Alice's mind. She couldn't bear it any longer and suddenly pushed

Jensen away.

With a loss of balance, Jensen fell to the ground.

The atmosphere immediately became awkward. Alice looked at Jensen, who was sitting on the ground,

looking a little embarrassed. She said awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

Jensen also did not expect this. Not only did they not make any progress, but they had regressed


When they were doing this before, they could at least manage to do a little bit more. But now, how

could they not even reach that step?

After a short period of astonishment, Jensen picked himself up. He shook his head with a smile and

said, "It doesn't matter. You don't have to blame yourself."

"I'm such a mess." Alice was depressed and sprawled out on the chair, finding that she had taken a

step back.

She was not as brave as before.

"No, you're doing good." Jensen shook his head and remained on the ground, looking up at Alice.

Alice immediately said, "You should get up, stop sitting on the ground."

Jensen reached out his hand, meaning to ask Alice to pull him up.novelbin

Alice hesitated for a while but still stretched out her hand to pull him.

Her small hand held on to his large hand, and he held onto hers firmly. His hand completely wrapped

around Alice's hand. He did not get up, but gently asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

Alice was stunned, the redness on her face gradually receding. In an instant, her face turned pale, and

she pursed her lips.

Jensen's hands tightened and his brows furrowed. "Thinking of the bad things in the past?"

Alice snapped out of her daze and looked up at him.

His handsome face was dazzling. She hummed in response and lowered her head.

She felt inferior deep down inside.

She'd always felt that it was wrong for a woman to not give her most precious thing to her husband.

She was a traditional girl. The more she thought about it, the guiltier she felt.

Her head hung even lower.

Jensen stared at her, and lightly pulled her onto his lap.

She looked like a kicked puppy, as if she'd done something wrong, which made his heart ache even

more for her.

There was a flash of distress in his eyes. He held her in his arms and whispered, "That's enough, don't

think about it, alright?"

It's not like she could control her thoughts.

Alice shook her head. Her head would often drift back to those thoughts unconsciously.

"Well?" Jensen gently shook her.

Her eyes immediately widened as she stared at him in a daze. The look in her eyes was weak, pitiful,

and innocent.

Her gaze evoked a man's desire to conquer at once.

In an instant, Jensen pulled her closer.

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