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Chapter 485

"He's not dead?" Alice looked at her sister in a daze. After being stunned for a while, she nodded, "It's

possible. That cruel woman Marry has now exposed her true colors. What can't she do with her

deteriorated morality?"

Grace was lost in thought.

She had been trying hard to recall what had happened that day. Just now, Simon's face had obviously

shown a trace of panic. He was acting weird and left in a hurry.

He must have had his own reasons for that.

"Grace, do you still remember?" Alice thought for a while, worry creasing her brow. "Think carefully

about what happened that day. Are there any details that were abnormal?"

"Simon just said that it was inconvenient for me to appear personally since I had just given birth."

Grace frowned and thought, "But I remember that he was there on the day I gave birth."

"There must be something fishy." Alice immediately made a decision. "He looked like he had done

something bad just now."

"You think so too?" Grace looked at Alice in surprise.

"Yes," she nodded. "It's obvious."

Grace nodded in agreement. She had an idea, but it seemed that she would need Simon's help to carry

it out.

"Grace, you just said that we want the shares of Sunny Group. Is it really true?" Alice stood in line

behind her sister, letting her know the misgivings in her heart.

"Do you want them?" asked Grace.

"I didn't want it at first, and I didn't want to get involved in the matter. However, Marry was so annoying.

She kept looking to stir up trouble with us. I wanted to wipe that arrogant look off her face. She wants

what rightfully belongs to us. Even if we donate out part of the shares, it's still better than letting that

pitiful person have them."

"I'll discuss this with Heinz later," Grace said. "The most important thing right now is to ask Simon about

the child and Grandma's ashes. We have to look for a good cemetery to bury Grandma."

"Simon is not a good man either." Alice huffed, "Last time, he lied to us that Grandma's ashes were

sprinkled in the flower field."

"He's indeed possessed by the devil."

"Grace, you have to be careful if you're going to look for him. Simon has always had his eyes on you.

I'm worried that he'll take advantage of you." Alice kept feeling uneasy. She did not want her sister to

be taken advantage of by Simon.

"Don't worry," Grace reassured her. "I know what to do. Now just line up."

Only then did the two of them line up quietly.

They queued until they took their waiting numbers for the psychology department.

As soon as they got their numbers, they turned around and were about to go upstairs, but were

suddenly blocked by reporters.

"Are you Miss Smith?" A reporter asked.

Grace was stunned, but she didn't answer.

The reporter kept taking pictures of her and continued to ask, "Did you really give birth to Mr. Jones'


For the first time, Grace was blocked by reporters and bombarded by questions. She had always been

the one interviewing others, but this was the first time she had been interviewed.

There were some things that she knew she couldn't disclose.

It would inevitably cause a great uproar to the public.

"I'm sorry but we have something to do," Grace took Alice and left.

The two of them went upstairs.

The reporters followed closely, blocking the both of them from progressing. They didn't intend to let

them get away.

Grace understood deep inside that they probably wouldn't be able to see the doctor that day.

Alice took her hand. "Grace, let's go quickly."

They went back down the staircase. When they reached the lower floor, the reporters were still after


"Miss Smith, please answer our questions. When did you meet Mr. Jones? How old is your child?"

Alice pulled Grace along, quickly hailed a taxi, got into the car, and said to the driver. "Let's go, hurry!"

The taxi rushed off quickly.

Both sisters had solemn expressions on their faces. "The reporters are all here. They probably saw

some online live broadcast, or they received the news. You wouldn't know how to answer their


If Heinz did not speak up about this but let her sister do the talking, everyone would view her as a

woman with ulterior motives.

"No, we can't visit the doctor like this. If someone takes a picture of me seeing a doctor, I'm afraid it will

be bad for Heinz, you, and Jensen," Alice said.

Grace was taken aback. "Why are you thinking so far ahead?"

"Grace, we have to." Alice was very worried, "Look at what happened to me. It's taboo to see a doctor

for this kind of thing. Fortunately, it was messed up, or it'd have been a really big deal if word got out."

"We came in vain," Grace also smiled helplessly. "But you're right. We should be more careful."

"Therefore, I'd better hold on longer with Jensen. By then, we'll see what will happen. If I get better by

myself, I won't have to worry you any more."

"That would be even better."

"Where are we going, then?"

"I'll call and ask them where they are." Grace picked up her phone and called Heinz, "Where are you?"

"I'm sleeping." Heinz's voice sounded especially lazy and a little hoarse, clearly having just woken up.

This guy has been working hard all night, and now he had the time to take an afternoon nap.

"Where is Jensen?" She asked.

"He's in Alice's room. Where have you been? I asked you but you didn't give me a straight answer."

"At the hospital."

"What's wrong?" Heinz immediately became anxious, "Are you ill?"

"It's something involving womanly needs," Grace said. "Don't ask. It's embarrassing to tell you."

"Is it about Alice?"


"Okay, I won't ask any more." Heinz added, 'TH go pick you up."

"It's alright. I'll send Alice back and report to the newspaper company. You can go anywhere you want

to go."

Heinz raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you ask for leave?"

"I only have leave for half a day."

"Let's have lunch together later," Heinz suggested.

"No," Grace thought that she needed to meet Simon. "I want to meet with Simon for a while."

"Are you meeting Simon?" Heinz raised his voice, "Why?"

"There's something I need to talk to him about."

"Absolutely not," Heinz said firmly.

Grace paused for a while and didn't say anything.

Heinz finally reacted and felt that he was being too narrow- minded. He said, "Well, it's not that I'm

worried about you. I'm just worried about Simon."

"I know what I'm doing." Grace said, "Don't worry, okay?"

"I'm still a little concerned," Heinz said hesitantly. How could he not be worried?

The feeling Simon gave him was that he was interested in Grace. He was really worried about him.

"Don't worry," Grace said. "If I had known you would react like this, I wouldn't have told you."

"Okay," Heinz relented after hesitating for a moment. "Get Alex to drive you there."

Grace was slightly stunned. She didn't expect that he would make such an arrangement. She felt a

warmth in her heart. "Well, then I will reach Emerald Apartment in ten minutes. Is Alex there?"

"I will ask him to wait for you downstairs."


After hanging up, Alice immediately asked, "Grace, why did you tell Heinz about meeting Simon?"

"It's good to be honest." Grace frankly said, "Lying means you have something to hide. It's better to benovelbin

honest with him, and I'll feel more at ease if he knows, too."

"Yes!" Alice nodded vigorously. "That's the right thing to do."

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