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Chapter 483

"Marry." Simon walked over and stood in front of Grace and Alice. He shouted at Marry, "How long are

you going to do this?"

"Ha, everyone, look. This adulterous man is scolding me. He is yelling loudly at me, his wife. What a

bully," Marry yelled.

"Shut up," Simon rebuked her angrily. "Look at you, you're such a shrew."

"A shrew?" Marry was so angry that her beautiful face morphed into one of fury. She yelled at Grace

and Simon, "I'm a shrew now because of you two. You two are meeting each other behind my back.

Aren't you ashamed to call me a shrew?!"

Alice moved closer to Grace and whispered a few words in her ear.

Simon was still dealing with Marry.

"Get out of my way." Alice reached out and pulled Simon aside. Then she appeared in front of Marry.

Simon staggered and almost lost his balance.

He didn't expect Alice to be so strong.

Alice stood in front of Marry and said in a loud voice, "Everyone, come here. Look at the President of

the Sunny Group making a scene here. Can everyone here take a picture of her and upload it to the

Internet so that everyone can see?"

There were already a lot of people waiting in line in the hall. At this moment, when they heard Alice's

voice, many more people looked over at them.

Alice said to everyone, "Everyone, look carefully. This is our eldest sister. This is our brother-in-law who

divorced her, and this is our second sister."

Everyone looked at them.

"Today, I'll let everyone be the witness," Alice said. "Let's talk about the old accounts these years and

see who is the crazy one, and who is greedy."

Once again, panic flashed across Marry's face, but she didn't want to admit that she was panicked. She

raised her voice to cover up her guilt.

"What are you talking about? It's Grace's fault. She seduced my husband," Marry screeched.

"You're talking nonsense," Simon said furiously, "Marry, aren't you ashamed?" "I feel shame for you."

Marry was still so prideful that she didn't want to stop. "I haven't divorced you yet and yet you asked

her to meet you in the hospital. Aren't you the one who is shameless?"

Slap! Simon slapped Marry across the face and said, "Crazy woman."

"How dare you hit me!" Marry's big eyes were filled with tears again. She looked at Simon with anger in

her eyes. "It's you who's in the wrong, but you hit me! Simon, you have no conscience!"

"Woman, you're really unreasonable." Simon's cold gaze landed on her face. He said in a deep voice,

"I've already told you, the more you make a fuss, the more you'll end whatever last bit of affection there

is between us." "How can there be any affection left between the two of us?" Marry continued to urge

the two men to take photos. "Take a clear picture of them, especially of Grace and Simon."

Simon immediately looked at Grace and the look in Grace's eyes was particularly cold.

Her eyes were full of disgust.

Simon looked at her guiltily. He was sorry. If he hadn't been with her just now, she wouldn't have been

so unlucky to be caught by Marry.

Simon turned his head to look at the man, his sharp gaze sweeping over the two men with a warning


They didn't dare to look at him.

The onlookers began to take pictures.

Grace and Alice were trapped and couldn't leave. If they left now, others would think that they were

cowards and afraid of getting into trouble.

Alice turned to look at her sister and asked, "Sister, what should we do?"

"Since we can't leave, let's talk about this with her," Grace said calmly. However, she was afraid that itnovelbin

would affect the main reason they'd come here to begin with.

"It's not too late to see a doctor. We can come any day," Alice said, disgusted at Marry.

Marry watched Grace and Alice and did not speak. She pointed at them and said, "You two are

speechless, aren't you?"

Grace really wasn't in the mood to deal with her.

The people around whispered, "It was this Miss Smith last time. I heard that she is Heinz's woman who

gave birth to a child. I don't know if it's true or not.1'

"I also read the news on the Internet," another man said.

Upon hearing this, Grace remained silent.

Simon couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted at Marry in a low voice, "Marry, how long will you continue

your nonsense? Both Grace and I are innocent.”

"Innocent? You've been talking about her all day and you're still innocent?" Marry shouted.

"Marry..." Simon was angry.

"Simon." Grace interrupted him in a deep voice, "Marry, if you talk about this again, I will be bored by it


"Exactly." Alice agreed from next to her, "Marry, you took over our shares of Sunny Group and you're

still talking nonsense here. We can't be bothered arguing with you. How can you still do this to us?"

"Originally, I didn't want to have such a quarrel with you. Since you're always in such a hurry to look for

me, let me tell you this formally: We're going to get back the shares of Sunny Group that you stole from


"You can forget about it." Marry said angrily, "You've stolen my man, and you still want to rob my


"Firstly, I don't care about your man. Secondly, the company belongs to our father, not you. The

inheritance doesn't belong to you either," Grace said in a deep voice.

"It's mine." Marry shouted, "Dad left it to me."

"Take out our father's will then," Grace said in a low voice, "I never asked to see the will before. This

time, we should look at it."

Simon said next to her, "Grace and Alice. You indeed have your shares in Sunny Group. Marry has

forged a will before and the real will is still with her. I can testify to that."

"Simon, are you still a human being?" Marry hysterically shouted."You collude with outsiders to bully

your wife.”

"You did this to yourself." Simon closed his eyes painfully. "In my life, the thing that I regret the most is

knowing you and marrying you."

The crowd burst into an uproar again and kept whispering.

Marry felt embarrassed.

Simon said, "Grandma's ashes are not in the flower field. Marry hid her ashes in the funeral house. Her

ashes are not buried yet."

Grace's and Alice's faces changed, and their faces turned pale.

Grandma was their favorite person in the world and they hadn't thought Marry would treat her like this.

Their eyes reddened.

Grace walked up to Marry, looked at her, and said coldly, "I thought that even you wouldn't be so

extreme, but I didn't expect you to be like this."

Marry waited for her. Suddenly, she grabbed her wrist, sneered in a low voice that only the both of them

could hear, and said, "There are many things that you don't know. Even your child, who was born dead,

was also thrown into the trash can."

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