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Chapter 476

"You guys are leaving already?'1 Old Master Carter was stunned. "Where are you going?"

"Of course, well go back to our own home," said Little Gary. "It's not like my Mommy doesn't have her

own home. She just said that she doesn't want to get married first. With Heinz's behavior, he can't

stand any test."

"Little Gary!" Ernest called out to him worriedly.

Little Gary looked at Ernest and said, "How about this, Ernest, you can also come back with us. Heinz

is drunk. Just ask him to stay here."

Ernest looked at his father with concern, he said, "But, Dad is not in good condition now."

"There are butlers and cooks at your greatgrandfather's house. There are people to take care of him."

Little Gary looked at his grandfather and said, "Well leave now."

Old Master Carter looked at them and nodded, "Okay, I'll ask someone to send you home. Before you

leave, let me give you some gifts."

Grace was stunned. She was not in the mood to accept any gifts!

"Butler," Old Master Carter called out in a loud voice.

"Yes, Sir!" The butler brought over three boxes and placed them on the table.

The Old Master also dragged himself to the living room.

Grace was worried that Heinz would fall off the chair, hence she walked over and reached out to help

him. She whispered, "Let me help you to the sofa. It won't be comfortable to sit here."

Heinz was dizzy and his mind was in a mess.

As Grace tugged him, there was only one voice echoing over and over again in his mind. "She doesn't

want to marry me; she doesn't want to marry me..."

Resentment welled up in his heart.

Why didn't she want to marry him?


It was so infuriating.

Heinz gritted his teeth and raised his eyes. When he saw Grace's smiling face, he was so angry that

his face turned red.

Grace, however, did not notice. She just reached out to hold him and said, "Heinz, you can't sleep here.

Let's move you to the sofa first."

Heinz opened his eyes; all he could think of was the sound in his mind. As the voice buzzed louder and

louder, and anger bloomed in his chest.

Grace saw that he didn't move and she was not able to lift him up.

Both the butler and Old Master Carter turned to look in their direction.

With his eyes, the butler asked the old man if he should help.

Old Master Carter shook his head imperceptibly.

At that moment, it was obvious to him that Grace was caring for Heinz. Otherwise, she would not

attend to him in his drunken stupor.

Old Master Carter felt that he shouldn't do anything.

It was best to wait and see.

Heinz remained silent. Grace tried to help him up. "Heinz, get up quickly. You can't sleep here. If you

fall down, you'll be hurt. Do you understand?"

Heinz narrowed his eyes and stared at her. He couldn't see clearly as his vision was blurred because of

the alcohol.

He felt that Grace didn't want to marry him, and it upset him to think about it.

As Grace was helping him up, he hooked his arms around her neck.

Grace froze at the spot.

Heinz gave her an evil smile. With a large force, he drunkenly pulled Grace towards him.

Grace couldn't fight against his strength. She lost her balance and began to fall.

However, Heinz didn't let go of her. He hugged her and then they both fell over to one side.

"Bang!" They fell to the ground.

Grace was in Heinz arms.

"Uh!" Grace had fallen to the ground with Heinz. She felt dizzy and struggled to get up.

Nevertheless, Heinz did not let go of her.

Instead of letting go of her, he flipped their positions so that Grace was under him. Then, he lowered

his head and kissed her.

Grace's mind turned into a state of chaos.

"Does this guy know where we are? As if it isn't enough that he's drunk, why is he molesting me in the

Carter family's house?" Grace thought.

Grace felt that he had gone too far. Just before, he had only been drinking and throwing a tantrum.

However, his current actions were overboard. It was too infuriating to bear.

Using both her hands and feet, she reached out to push him

In the living room, the four other people were all dumbfounded.

Old Master Carter was very shocked.

The butler was even more surprised. It was frustrating to watch.

The two children widened their eyes as they took in the scene.

Grace was pinned down by Heinz. Equipped with brute force and a lack of rationale, Heinz began

pulling at her clothes.

Grace couldn't stand it anymore and cried, "Help!"

The butler looked at Old Master Carter again.

This time he nodded his head.

The butler stepped forward, reached out to hold Heinz's arm and helped her away from Heinz.

She was blushing all the way to her ears. She felt very very embarrassed.

She quickly adjusted her clothes and walked to the living room. She said to Old Master Carter, "I'm

sorry, Mr. Carter. Please take care of Heinz. I'll leave with the children now."

"Take the gifts." The old man said, "Butler, send them home and bring the gifts along."novelbin

"Yes, Sir!" The butler ordered the servants to get the car ready.

Grace glanced at Heinz, who was lying on the ground, and left quickly without stopping.

It was too embarrassing.

After arriving at Emerald Apartment, Grace's mind was still in a mess.

Both Ernest and Little Gary helped Grace clean the house. Since they had not stayed there for a few

days, the place was a little dirty.

When everything was cleaned, she let the children wash up and she took a bath after they were done.

After changing her clothes, she went to the kitchen to take her medicine.

Alice still did not return home that night.

However, Grace didn't call her to ask.

At the Carter family's house.

After the butler returned to the house, he reported to Mr. Carter, saying, "Chief, we've sent Miss Smith

and the kids to Emerald Apartment. We now know where they live."

"Is Grace okay?" Old Master Carter asked.

"She looked really embarrassed," the butler said.

Old Master Carter looked at Heinz, who was sound asleep on the ground, and said, "Yes, it's the first

time she came over and it did not end well. It would be weird if she wasn't affected."

The butler looked at Heinz and asked, "Chief, what should we do with Young Master?"

"Get someone to carry him into the guest room," Old Master Carter said. "Don't talk to him. Don't talk to

him even if he wakes up."

"Yes sir!” The butler said.

Hence, Heinz slept until midnight.

Thirsty, Heinz awakened from his slumber.

He woke up from the bed in a daze, peering at his surroundings, and he muttered, "Grace?"

There was no sound.

He frowned in surprise and opened his eyes in a daze. It was only when he took in the unfamiliar

environment that he realized that he was in his grandfather's guest room.

Heinz frowned slightly and sat up on the bed. A splitting headache was beginning to set in.

He seemed to have drank too much.

Where was Grace?

He got out of bed and walked to the door.

"Mr. Butler?" Heinz called.

No one answered.

"Is there anybody here?" Heinz called again.

There was still no sound.

The whole house was quiet.

Heinz came down from upstairs and arrived at the living room. It was dark, so he turned on the lights.

There was no one there.

He went down and poured himself a cup of water.

After drinking two glasses of water, he began to sober up. When he turned around, he was shocked to

see a dark shadow at the stairs.

He saw the old man standing at the top of the stairs, staring at him with a gloomy face.

Heinz frowned and asked, "Where's Grace?"

Why did he wake up to no one beside him? He was all alone. Where were the others?

"How can you ask me that? Do you have any shame?" The old man snorted. "Look at what you've

done. You've really managed to embarrass Grace."

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