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Chapter 427

After hearing Chief Stone's words, Grace Smith felt very embarrassed.

She really didn't have the courage to talk about such things

However, Chief Stone was discussing it professionally and seriously. Therefore, Grace quickly adjusted

herself and suppressed her feelings of embarrassment.

Seeing that Grace had stopped blushing, Chief Stone smiled and said, "Heinz may be a little dominant

and less gentle. Grace, please take care of yourself."

He was truly dominant.

Grace understood that Chief Stone's description of Heinz was indeed accurate.

"I have known Heinz for many years. He is very kind and righteous. It's really good to be friends with

him. However, he may not be so good at being a boyfriend or lover," Chief Stone laughed. "If he's not

like this, in the past—"

Chief Stone suddenly paused. Abruptly, she changed the topic, "I'm sorry, I've said too much. I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Chief Stone," assured Grace. She really didn't mind. She even understood that the rest of

the words were probably about Jodie Lawson.

Grace did not know what Chief Stone had wanted to share about Heinz's past. It seemed that Heinz's

temper had always been bad.

Chief Stone looked at Grace and paused for a while. She didn't say anything, but just sighed.

"Do you have anything on your mind?" Grace asked softly. "It doesn't matter. Just say what you want to


"It's nothing," said Chief Stone. She was about to speak but stopped on second thought. She looked at

Grace and smiled again, saying, "If you both are doing well, then everything should be fine. That's what

all of us want to see. Heinz is a good guy, you should cherish him."

"I know. Thank you, Chief Stone, for reminding me," Grace replied.

"I won't prescribe any more medicine for this time. The effects of that may be instantaneous, but it may

be detrimental in the long run. Your body still needs to recuperate," said Chief Stone as she passed her

the casebooks and test sheets. "Go back and relax. Don't put too much stress on yourself."

"Okay, thank you, Chief Stone," said Grace. Then, she stood up, picked up the casebook, put it away,

and was ready to bid farewell.

At that moment, a voice suddenly sounded at the door, "Chief Stone, Mr. Jones called. He is asking

you to go to the wardroom after your work. Mr. Lawson's condition is not very good."

"Ah, what's wrong?" Chief Stone immediately became anxious. She stood up and asked, "Where's the


Chief Stone's student passed the phone to her but the call had ended.

Upon seeing that, Chief Stone was stunned and explained, "This phone is usually not with me during

work because I leave it with the students. Grace, can you go back first. I'm busy."

"Okay, go ahead," Grace said quickly.

The caller seemed to have been Heinz. It seemed that Heinz was in the hospital.

Jodie's father seemed to be in a bad situation.

Grace hurried out of the clinic.

Chief Stone left quickly.

Grace did not have the nerve to call Heinz. She came out of the clinic building and was in no hurry to


After hesitating for a while, Grace sent Heinz a message.

"Where are you? I'm done with my work."

After sending the message, Grace didn't receive any reply for a long time.

At that moment, Heinz was in the ward because Nathan was in a bad condition.

Heinz hadn't visited Nathan for several days, but he came here that day.

Nathan was a little excited to see Heinz, so he asked Heinz a question.

"Heinz, you had a son five years ago, right?"

Of course, Heinz was unprepared. It seemed that Uncle Lawson knew about it.

Heinz looked at Pearlyn Drake next to him. Pearlyn also lowered her eyes and sighed.

Heinz did not hide the truth. He nodded and said, "Yes, dad, mom. The child had been bom five years

ago. Now he's five years old. I only found out recently though."

"You were with another woman six years ago." Uncle Lawson sneered and shivered a little. "Since you

were with another woman, why did you come to us and take care of us like this?"

"Dad, it's two different things," Heinz said in a low voice. "I'm doing what I should."

"Oh, do you know? Every time we see you, we feel very guilty. We always think that you don't have a

girlfriend because you still have feelings for Jodie, but now it seems that we were wrong.

You have no feelings for Jodie, and you are taking care of us just because you feel guilty.

However, we have been feeling guilty towards you for five or six years. In these years, every time we

saw you, we felt very guilty and sorry for you.

But now, it's just a joke. We're just a joke."

Nathan said. He was so agitated that his body trembled, and his facial expression was bad.

"Dad, calm down." Heinz was really scared when he saw Nathan was so agitated.

However, as soon as Heinz stepped forward, Nathan became even more agitated.

Pearlyn also said quickly, "Heinz, you should leave now. Uncle's Lawson's body is weak and he can't

stand the stimulation."

Heinz froze.

It was due to his hesitation that Nathan passed out from being overly agitated.

Heinz was also very anxious. He called the doctor for a comprehensive examination, and his blood

pressure went up to a count of two hundred and twenty.

Heinz immediately called Chief Stone. Little did he expect that Chief Stone's student would answer his


At that point, Nathan had been diagnosed by the doctor and had been given an injection. He was still


Heinz was smoking in the smoking area, and Lester followed the doctor to keep an eye on the


When Chief Stone came, she first went to see Nathan and comforted Pearlyn. Then she came out to

find Heinz.

Seeing that Heinz was smoking, Chief Stone sighed and said, "Smoking is bad, and yet you stillnovelbin


"Aunt Stone," he greeted. When Heinz saw her, Heinz put out his cigarette. "How's Uncle Lawson?"

"His health can never be restored," said Chief Stone rationally. "You don't have to blame yourself. His

health deteriorated because of Jodie, and now his only hope is gone. He will not be able to withstand

such a blow."

Heinz remained silent.

Chief Stone immediately added, "It's just that I've suddenly seen news of you having a son recently. He

may not be able to accept it. Please don't take it to heart."

Heinz nodded and said, "I didn't." "Well, in fact, Heinz," Chief Stone said, "You are not obligated to do

anything. We can't ask you for anything. You are also very good. I have thought about it rationally. You

are right. You have to be responsible for your child and his well-being now. You are not wrong."

Heinz remained silent.

"However, Uncle Lawson will need some time to accept it," Chief Stone continued. "Don't blame him.

He loves Jodie too much and feels that she has been wronged. This is also the reason why you feel

that your child has been wronged. Your father should understand this feeling."

Heinz nodded again, "I know, and I understand. I don't blame Uncle Lawson."

"That's good," Chief Stone smiled. "It's good that you don't blame him."

"Keep an eye on them." Heinz said. "It seems that I can't come here anymore!"

"It's okay, don't come. I'll watch. It's okay," promised Chief Stone. Suddenly, she thought of something

and said, "Hey, Grace was here. Did you come with her?"

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