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Chapter 404

Grace and Heinz were both surprised to see Alice and Jensen coming in through the door.

"I am back!" Alice announced.

"You're back. That's great!" Grace said with a smile. "You're just in time for dinner."

Noticing the table full of dishes, Alice exclaimed, "If I had known that there was going to be so much

good food, we wouldn't have bought more."

Jensen was carrying several bags of groceries.

The four of them looked at each other. Grace laughed, "I thought you're not coming back. Just put them

in the fridge, well keep them for tomorrow."

"I've missed you. So I decided to come back for dinner." Not intending to greet Heinz, she did not spare

a glance at him.

Anyway, Heinz didn't mind at all. He glanced at Alice before saying to Jensen, "Are you a police officer

or a butler? Have you become addicted to carrying things and running errands?"

Jensen shrugged and retorted, "Aren't you running errands too?"

"It's only natural for me to feed my woman and children," Heinz snorted.

Jensen snorted in response, "Marry her then if you're so capable."

"Back at you!" Heinz refused to admit defeat.

Looking at the two men engaging in a duel of words, Grace said, "Mr. Jones, mind your words."

Heinz was dazed and became aware of his tone. He asked hopelessly, "Must I ignore his insults then?"

"Hey, you started it first," interjected Jensen.

Heinz replied, "So what?"

Grace let out a long sigh before laughing. It seemed hard for him to get rid of his bad temper.

A leopard never changed its spots!

"Grace, are you coaxing Heinz out of his bad temper?" Jensen threw a glance at Grace and asked with

a smile.

"Sort of," she nodded.

"Well, I advise you to just forget about it," he said.

"He couldn't change. He was born with it."

"Scr*w you!" growled Heinz as he pointed at Jensen. "Grace, look, you could only use malicious words

against this kind of person. Otherwise, you could never gain the upper hand."

Alice went to wash her hands, ignoring them. Then, she grabbed a piece of garlic bread and ate it.

"Wow, it's delicious!" Alice exclaimed. "Where did you buy it?"

"It's made by his chef," Grace replied.

"His chef?" Alice said as she turned to look at Heinz.

"Yes," Heinz confirmed. "If you like it, I'll bring more over next time."

As if startled by that offer, Alice put down the food and stopped eating.

Heinz drew his brows together. He understood that Alice was not fond of him. He didn't say much and

went straight to Little Gary's room. He knocked on the door and shouted, "Little Gary, Ernest, come out

for dinner."

"Coming!" they replied before coming out together.

Upon seeing Alice and Jensen, Little Gary was thrilled. "Little Aunt, where have you been? Why did

you suddenly leave for so many days? Don't you know how worried I am?"

Alice was moved by Little Gary's words at first. Then, she suddenly realized something and said, "Are

you serious, little guy? You are worried about me? Didn't you stay at Ernest's place for the past few

days? Are you just trying to be polite?"

Feeling exposed, Little Gary paused for a moment, and said, "I'm indeed worried about you. But what

I'm worried about is whether you and Uncle Charm have made up. Nothing else."

Alice gave Gary's butt a slap, saying, "I knew it! You would never worry about me."

"You're a grown up. What's there to be worried about? What's more, seeing how docile Uncle Charm is,

how could you be the one being bullied?"

His words infuriated Alice.

Jensen, on the other hand, was having fun looking at them.

Lifting up Little Gary happily, he said, "You know me the best! You are right, I dare not bully your aunt. I

am the one being bullied."

"I knew it," Little Gary nodded. "My Little Aunt is no pushover! Do you enjoy being tormented by her?"

Jensen burst into laughter.

Alice's face darkened, albeit feeling embarrassed.

In the past few days, every time Jensen and she had tried to do it, she always ended up trembling innovelbin


Alice had planned to reward Jensen, but she ended up torturing him instead.

She had made Jensen suffer every day.

Thinking of it, Alice still felt extremely uncomfortable.

Jensen gave Alice a meaningful look and said, "Of course I enjoy it. How about you?"

"Not too bad," Little Gary said ambiguously.

Jensen pinched Gary's face and put him down. Then, he turned to pick Ernest up.

"How about you?" Jensen asked Ernest. "Are you doing okay too?"

"I'm very happy," said Ernest. "I'm really very happy." "You're being honest. Good boy!" Jensen


A shy smile appeared on Ernest's face. He was a little embarrassed.

Upon hearing Jensen's compliment, Little Gary glanced at Heinz with a cold look in his eyes.

Suddenly, Heinz realized something.

But he didn't say anything.

He simply allowed his son to stare at him coldly.

Little Gary said, "Did you hear that, Heinz?"

Heinz nodded, "I heard it.1' "Someone praised your other son, but not me," Little Gary said. "I guess he

means I'm not a good kid."

"Huh?" Jensen grunted. He was startled that Gary had misunderstood him.

Heinz, on the other hand, simply hummed in acknowledgment as he nodded. He raised his eyebrows

at Little Gary and asked, "So?"

"Your son has been frowned upon. As a father, shouldn't you stand up for me?" Little Gary asked.

Heinz's eyes flashed and he said, smiling, "If you call me dad, I'll stand up for you immediately."

Little Gary was stunned for a moment, and rolled his eyes at Heinz.

He left and sat himself at the table, ignoring Heinz.

Heinz laughed out loud, a trace of smile flashing across his eyes.

Jensen did not know whether he should laugh or cry. After all, every kid liked receiving compliments.

Little Gary knew something was amiss and immediately put a stop to it. He was such a smart little kid.

Heinz placed Gary's favorite food in front of him and said, "Is it so hard for you to call me dad?"

"Don't you know the reason? Are you not aware of it at all?" Little Gary asked coldly. "Is that what a

father should do?"

Letting out a chuckle, Heinz said, "Okay, I will give your Uncle Charm a good scolding."

"Forget it," Little Gary replied. "Opportunities only knock once! You've missed your chance."

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