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Chapter 385

Grace's tone was calm, and every word was spoken clearly. Everyone who heard her felt that what she

said was reasonable.

After all, Marry did look like a madwoman.

Marry's heart started pounding.

Simon's eyes fell on Marry's face, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

He was indeed considering Grace's suggestion as Marry had been acting like someone who was out of

her mind. She was also causing all kinds of trouble at home. At this moment, she even acted up in


She had completely changed.

She was never an unscrupulous person in the past. She would always behave accordingly and never

would she act so dastardly in public.

However, at this moment, she seemed to have completely lost it. She was treating Grace in such an

unladylike manner.

Simon Brown looked at Marry Smith, his eyes full of disappointment.

When Marry heard Grace's words, she laughed even more hysterically.

She gripped Grace's wrist tightly, sinking her nails deeper into Grace's skin.

Grace grimaced in pain and bawled out at Marry, her

brows tightly knitted.

"You are the lunatic here. You should the one who should be hospitalized. You're slandering me in front

of my husband. What kind of malicious intentions do you have, huh?" Marry started yelling again.

Waves of questions came one after another, each louder and more furious than the previous one.

Grace raised her hand, looked at Marry, and said, "If you were normal, must you lay your hands on


She lifted Marry's wrist, whose fingers then dug deeper into her skin. Blood came oozing out, and the

nauseating scene instantly turned Simon's face pale.

In a swift movement, he grabbed Marry's wrist and snapped, "Marry, get your hands off her."

"I won't let go!" Marry growled.

"Look at what you did to Grace!" Simon hissed. The veins on his forehead were bulging as he stared at

Marry with a piercing gaze.

"Do you feel sorry for her? Does this break your heart?" Marry asked her eyes full of sorrow and


"Enough with your nonsense!" Simon yelled. He added, "Hurting your sister this way isn't what an elder

sister should do."

He tightened his grip on Marry's wrist, so forcefully that it seemed as though it was going to be crushed

at anytime.

Marry grimaced in pain but she still held on to Grace stubbornly while looking at Simon with hurtful


Simon furrowed his brows too and he instructed, "Let go of Grace!"

"I just won't!" Marry shouted adamantly. She continued, "Do you really think that you can protect her.

So what if she's my sister? She wants to snatch you away from me. I know that you're always thinking

about her."

Simon's face darkened, "Marry, you've gone too far this time."

"Look, you are still protecting her. You keep defending her. She is always on your mind."

"Shut up," Simon responded. He could still think rationally, but his eyes were full of fury at the moment.

As more people gathered to watch them, he became even more annoyed with Marry.

It was really infuriating to him that Marry made such a scene in public without considering his


His grip on Marry's hand tightened even more.

Marry gradually let go of Grace due to the pain.

Grace took the opportunity to withdraw her hand, only to see that her wrist had been covered in blood

with scratches in her skin. Her wrist was so badly hurt that even her flesh was visible.

Unexpectedly, Marry stretched her other hand out to grab Grace's wrist again.

"Marry, enough!" Simon yelled.

In a voice full of hatred, Marry retorted, "It's not over. You have been thinking of her even when we're

dating." "Marry, you're becoming more and more

unreasonable. I'm disgusted by this behavior of yours. It seems that we have a decision to make,"

Simon said in a deep voice with a livid face.

"Are you going to divorce me?" Marry questioned Simon with a blank stare, her hand still holding Grace

tightly. She turned to Grace and voiced, "It's all your fault. You heard him too, didn't you? He wants to

divorce me. Are you satisfied now?"

"Slap—" Grace raised her other hand and slapped Marry in the face.

Marry froze for a split second and she immediately bellowed hysterically.

"Slap!" Another sound rang out in the room.novelbin

Grace slapped her again and spoke calmly, "Have you had enough?"

Marry stared at Grace blankly, fingerprints glowing in red on her cheek.

Grace took this chance to shake Marry off. Seeing that Marry was stunned for a moment, she then

said, "You should have known that this day will come when you drugged him to trick him to marry you."

"You should take the blame. It's all on you."

"Shut up, you are talking nonsense!" Marry didn't foresee that Grace would speak about this in public.

"Are you finally panicking now? You should know clearly that Simon doesn't have a clue about the

drug," Grace remarked flatly.

Marry shook her head exasperatedly. She wished she could seal Grace's lips at that moment.

Grace took a step back and stood there. She looked at Marry coldly, unwilling to be entangled with her

any further.

On the other side, Simon was staring at Marry, his gaze becoming more distant.

Marry was frightened by Simon's gaze.

It was impossible that anyone else would know of this matter.

Seeing the alarm in Marry's eyes, Grace looked at her calmly and continued, "You drugged Simon so

that you could keep him for yourself. Do you really think that you could have him for the rest of your life

by using this way?"

"I didn't," Marry replied, shaking her head. She yelled in a panic, "Don't you dare twist the facts and put

the blame on me! You are making up all those fake stories because you want to hook up with my man.

You are so cruel. You even tried to use those wicked schemes of yours in order to get my man. You are

worse than a beast."

"You are the wicked and scheming one. When did you see me hooking up with your man?" Grace said


Marry was stupefied and she said crossly, "Stop denying it. You have been thinking about it all the time.

You used to be a couple."

As soon as Marry said that, the crowd burst into an uproar.

"The younger sister and the brother-in-law used to be a couple, but they were eventually separated by

the elder sister who drugged the poor guy. What a scheming b*tch."

"I wonder if the younger sister has any thoughts to get back with the brother-in-law now?"

The crowd was buzzing about it.

When Heinz Jones arrived, he saw a horde of people gathering at a corner on the first floor.

He thought there was something interesting going on, so he went over to take a closer look. Only then

did he realize that Grace was in the midst of the crowd.

And, another pair of couples who were just an eyesore to him were present too.

They were Marry and Simon.

What was going on?

He was behind the crowd and just as he was about to squeeze in, he heard people muttering among


Grace's faint voice came at this moment, saying, "I'm done talking to you. You should learn to be

honest and truthful.

I don't care about your husband, and I'm not interested in him. I'm very thankful that you had decided to

plot against us back then, to drug him and take him away from me.

Otherwise, I would not have met a finer man.

My man may not be perfect, but at least he is a thousand times better than him."

"Your man? You have countless men. I can't believe that you have the audacity to mention that," Marry

retorted. She pointed at Grace and added, "You have a child born out of wedlock, and you have the

nerve to say that you have met a better man. You really are a shameless woman."

"I think that you are the shameless one here," a cold male voice interjected from the crowd. It was

followed by a domineering aura that instantly dazed everyone present.

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