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Chapter 378

However, at the thought of Grace's health, he had no choice but to endure it.

Heinz Jones took a deep breath and moved his body away so that he was no longer pressing on her.

Then, he hugged her shoulders instead.

The two of them hugged each other.

"Go to sleep," he said thoughtfully. Although he felt the desire burning in his chest, he still chose to

endure it, "You should sleep too."

Grace Smith smiled slightly, secretly happy that he had stopped.

That was a good start.

Grace was no longer cautious of him. She opened her heart and leaned against his side. Then, she

closed her eyes.

She fell asleep not long after, but the man beside her couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Heinz felt extremely depressed when he looked at the woman who was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He sighed helplessly and closed his eyes.

At half-past eleven.

Grace woke up and felt that the man beside her was hugging her too tightly.

She opened her eyes and studied his handsome face. His strong jawline was covered with stubble. It

was unruly yet handsome.

The moment she moved a little, the man beside her frowned instantly. His hand instinctively clasped

her waist tightly.

Grace was too frightened to move after that.

His big hand was placed overbearingly on her waist. Even though he was asleep, he could still hold her

in such a domineering manner.

She wanted to remove his hand. However, seeing just how soundly he was sleeping, she was afraid tonovelbin

wake him up from his sleep.

She couldn't do anything for a while.

After some time, Grace tried to move his hand away gently. However, his hold on her was very strong

and it took her a lot of effort to remove his hand from her body.

She got out of the bed quietly, then tiptoed to his side of the bed to cover him with the quilt. She

blushed at the sight of his naked body and quickly covered it. Then, she picked up her clothes and put

them on before leaving the room in a hurry.

Grace let out a sigh of relief once she reached the living room. She was so nervous just now.

She then shut the bedroom door behind her.

Grace then went to freshen herself in the other bathroom. Then, she went to the kitchen to prepare


She was preparing lunch when the phone rang.

When she went to check, she realized that it was Heinz's phone ringing, not hers. She looked at his

phone and noticed that the caller was Jensen Charm.

Hence, Grace picked up the phone call.

"Hello, Officer Charm?" she greeted the caller.

"Grace?" Jensen said, a little surprised. Then, he laughed and asked, "Why are you answering the


"Yes, it's me," Grace replied, feeling a little awkward. She explained, "He is sleeping."

"At this hour?" Jensen asked. After he got over his initial surprise, he started to laugh. He seemed to be

insinuating something.

Grace, who was quite embarrassed, replied, "Well, he didn't sleep last night."

"Oh? Did he not sleep last night?" Jensen dragged his speech as he mirrored her words. He laughed in

glee before saying, "Please take care of your bodies. Both of you!"

"Officer Charm!" Grace was flustered. She felt even more embarrassed as her explanation seemed to

have led to further misunderstanding. She said, "It's not what you think. Last night, Heinz went to the

hospital to take care of the father of a friend who had passed away."

"A friend who had passed away?" Jensen was shocked. "Who is that?"

"Don't you know?" Grace thought it was rather strange. "I thought you would know. His surname is

Lawson." "Lawson?" Jensen, who was a little frightened, sounded a little hesitant. "What happened?"

"I'm not sure," Grace said, "He was in the hospital yesterday and only came back early this morning.

He just dozed off a while ago. I could help you pass a message to him."

"Oh, could you ask him to give me a call once he wakes up?" Jensen said, "There's something I need

to talk to him about."

"Okay," Grace replied.

After hanging up the phone, she continued with her cooking.

Heinz woke up at 1 p.m. and realized that Grace was no longer on the bed with him. He immediately

got up to look around. There seemed to be some noise from outside the bedroom.

Meanwhile, there was a fresh set of casual wear near the headboard.

He picked them up and put them on.

Then, he got up and went to the bathroom. After that, he walked out of the bedroom, just in time to see

Grace put a pot of soup on the table.

At the sound of his footsteps, she turned her head to look at him. She then said, "You are finally up.

Jensen called you just now and I told him that you were sleeping. He asked you to give him a call once

you wake up."

"Okay," Heinz replied. He looked at Grace, then walked over to hug her.

Grace, who was embraced by him, started to blush.

"Were there other phone calls?" Heinz asked.

"Nope," Grace answered, shaking her head. "I didn't

see any other missed calls on your phone."

Heinz seemed visibly relaxed. He gave her a tight hug before releasing her. Then, he picked up his

phone to give Jensen a call.

A short while later, the phone was connected and Jensen's voice came from the other end of the line,

asking, "Are you awake?"

"Why were you looking for me?" Heinz asked in a low voice. He had just woken up, so his voice was

still a little hoarse. He held the phone, inadvertently looking at Grace. She had walked over with a glass

of water and placed it on the table. He picked it up to drink as he talked on the phone.

"Are you still at Grace's?" Jensen asked.

"Yes," Heinz replied.

"Is it convenient for you to talk?" Jensen asked again.

Heinz was astonished and he looked at Grace, who had already entered the kitchen.

He spoke on the phone in a low tone, "Go ahead."

"Is Uncle Lawson ill?"

"Did Grace tell you that?" Heinz asked in response.

"Yes," Jensen said, "Have you told her everything about you and Jodie?"


"No?" Jensen was shocked, "Then, how did she know Uncle Lawson?" "I only told her a small part of

this matter," Heinz said. He then put down his cup and walked to the

bedroom, "Let's meet later."

"Okay, I think that we should meet too," Jensen said, "I don't know what you have told Grace. I'm afraid

that I might spill the beans if the topic of you and Jodie ever comes up in the future. Then, it might hurt

your relationship with Grace."

Heinz entered the bedroom and closed the door. Then, he said on the phone, "Actually, I have been

worried about this matter, and that is why I'm not sure how to tell Grace about it."

"But you can't keep it a secret forever," Jensen said worriedly, "Women might not be so generous in

this matter. Even if you tell Grace about it, she might not be able to understand your intentions."

When Heinz heard that, he frowned.

That was exactly his worry, which prevented him from telling Grace the truth of the matter.

When Heinz remained silent, Jensen immediately understood his worries.

"Well, Uncle Lawson is ill. I suppose I should visit him."

"He is in the intensive care unit. He went through seven hours of surgery yesterday afternoon," Heinz

said. He didn't receive any calls from Lester, so he knew that the situation was still the same. Mr.

Lawson's condition had neither gotten better nor took a turn for the worse.

"What about Aunt Drake?" Jensen asked again.

"I took Grace to find Aunt Stone for consultation yesterday at noon. However, we bumped into Jodie's

mother. Now, Aunt Drake knows that I have a girlfriend. Meanwhile, Grace thought Jodie was a man,"

Heinz explained.

"What?!" Jensen was shocked.

Heinz took a deep breath and said, "Let's meet today!"

"Okay, I'll head over from my workplace. Shall we meet later in the afternoon?"

"Let's meet at 2 p.m. then," Heinz said, "I'll have my lunch first. Then, we can meet at the hospital."

"Sure," Jensen replied.

"Why were you looking for me earlier?" Heinz asked again.

"Oh, I have changed the password of Hart Villa District. Alice is with me. Don't show up without warning

at this place in the future," Jensen said.

Heinz was astonished. He raised his eyebrows and snorted, "Did you succeed?"

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