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Chapter 361

Jensen continued to frown after hanging up the phone. If Alice could not overcome this emotional

trauma for the rest of her life, he also would not be able to stop himself from feeling guilty and

apologetic towards her.


He would not allow it.

He must help her to get out of this darkness. He wanted her to be happy and blissful for the rest of her


Alice was a lively girl, beautiful and full of personality. She was also willing to risk her life in order to

protect her sister. On top of that, she was righteous and not afraid of anyone. She truly deserved to be

loved and pampered by others.

After taking a deep breath in the study room, Jensen took his phone and quickly went back to the


After he gently pushed the bedroom's door open, he saw that the bed was empty.

Jensen was in a dazed and somewhat shocked. He didn't hear the sound of Alice leaving. Did she

leave already?

He looked back at the corridor. But suddenly, he seemed to realize something, so he turned to look at

the bathroom's door instead. At this moment, the door of the bathroom was closed while the light in it

was on.


Seeing this, only then did Jensen let out a sigh of relief.

It was good that she hadn't left.

He got up quickly and poured a glass of warm water. Then, he placed it on the bedside table.

Alice had drunk alcohol last night. So now after waking up, she would need to drink some water to

wash down the foul smell.

After that, Jensen sat down by the bed and waited for ten minutes, but she hadn't come out.

Jensen became a little worried and quickly walked to the bathroom's door. He knocked on the door with

his knuckles. "Knock, knock."

There was no response from the other side of the door.

Jensen knocked harder.

The sound of his knocks on the door was loud.

But there was still no response from inside the bathroom.

At this moment, Jensen had no choice but to ask out loud, "Alice, are you in there?"

There was still no response. What was going on?

Could it be that after she had woken up just now and found out that she was living with him, she

couldn't accept that and—

Jensen's heart sank as his mind was filled with countless possibilities of bad endings. When he

remembered how Alice had trembled the night before, he knew that her emotional trauma was very


He stopped thinking and immediately reached out to open the door.

However, the door was locked.

He couldn't open it.

Jensen quickly went to find the spare key and opened the door. Then, he entered the bathroom.

The moment the door opened, he was startled.


When Alice saw the door open, she screamed out of fright. She quickly covered her body with her

hands and shrieked, "Y-You! Get out!"

Jensen's eyes widened and he was rooted to the spot. For several seconds, he couldn't come to his


That was because he saw Alice's straight and long legs, which were well- proportioned and slender,

without an ounce of extra fat. Her legs were perfect.

What was even more amazing was that he could see everything.

Jensen suddenly came to his senses and said quickly, "Sorry, sorry."

He hurriedly lowered his eyes, closed the door, and stepped out.

Alice was blushing terribly.

She had heard Jensen knocking on the door earlier, but she wasn't emotionally prepared to face him

yet. Had something inappropriate really happened between the two of them?

She was not sure.

But if nothing had happened between them, why did he change her clothes? And how did they end up

sleeping on the same bed?

Yet, if something had happened between them, her whole body wouldn't have felt this way. She didn'tnovelbin

feel any pain or sore at all.

Except for her headache and dizziness, her body didn't feel any difference. On the contrary, she felt


Therefore, she was somewhat unsure.

Alice had gone for a shower previously. She had decided to clean herself as she felt uncomfortable.

After she had dried herself up and was about to put on the T-shirt, Jensen had knocked on the door

and come in.

She had been totally shocked because she had not expected him to actually barge in.

Perhaps her brain had short-circuited and thus, she was too simple-minded.

Outside the door, Jensen closed his eyes tightly.

The breathtaking and dazzling image that he had just witnessed flashed through his mind.

Alice had a great and excellent body figure.

Even he had also started to blush.

The more he thought about it, the lesser control he had over his body.

He pressed his lips together tightly and stood at the door, looking embarrassed.

Just then, the door suddenly opened. Alice was at the door and stood barefoot on the floor. She looked

embarrassed. Her toes were pressed hard on the ground.

But when she looked up and saw Jensen, who was also blushing, she was slightly surprised.

He was a grown man, after all, why did he blush so much after looking at her naked body?

He was so flushed that even his neck was blood-red.

As for Alice, her embarrassment was replaced with astonishment.

It was said that a man who would blush had a good conscience.

"I-I'm sorry," apologized Jensen quickly and he didn't dare to look at her face. But when he saw her

bare feet, he couldn't help but bend down to carry Alice.

"You-" Alice exclaimed at his sudden action.

"The floor is cold," he explained quickly and carried her to the bed. Then, he hastily wrapped her up in

a quilt. Only after that did he dare to open his eyes to look at her.

She stared at him in surprise.

They coincidentally looked into each other's eyes.

And both turned away hurriedly to look somewhere else.

"Um-" Alice started.

"I was reckless," Jensen blurted.

The two of them spoke at the same time.

Then, they looked at each other in embarrassment again.

A complex emotion flashed across Alice's warm eyes.

Jensen's eyes were burning with desire after looking at her body. At that moment, as Alice stared at

him with her warm gaze, a complex feeling immediately arose from the bottom of his heart.

He pursed his lips and took a deep breath.

But his physical condition still reflected his desire at the moment.

Jensen quickly sat by the bed with his legs placed together and his back toward Alice. He then said in a

hoarse voice, "I was afraid that something bad would happen to you, so I opened the door. I didn't

expect to see... I'm sorry."

Alice looked at his back. He was sitting straight and stiff, looking extremely mortified.

He didn't even dare to look at her.

At this instance, Alice felt that Jensen was not an overly powerful predator.

He was harmless.

And at that moment, that was how she felt about him.

She had a strange feeling in her heart. She didn't find him annoying.

At this point, she didn't feel that embarrassed


However, Alice didn't know what to say.

When Jensen didn't hear her reply. He turned his head slightly. Then, he stiffened and whispered,


"Jensen... be quiet." She quickly said, "I need a hairdryer. Do you have one?"

Her hair was still wet so she wanted to dry it.

Jensen was stunned for a second and he turned to look at her. Sure enough, her hair was wet.

"Yes," he said and got up to look for a hairdryer. Soon, he found one and plugged it into the socket for

her, then turned it on.

The rumbling sound of the hairdryer instantly drowned out the embarrassment at that moment.

Alice extracted her hand from under the quilt and reached out to pick the hairdryer up.

Jensen turned off the hairdryer and said, "I'll blow dry your hair for you. Turn around."

She was startled, and her gaze inadvertently fell to his pants.

The next second, she was taken aback.

Jensen, who finally realized it, quickly sucked in his stomach to prevent himself from being too


However, he said honestly, "I'm sorry. I can't control it. That was why I asked you to turn around earlier.

I'll be fine in a while."

Alice, who was stunned, reached out to grab the hairdryer and stammered, "I... I can blow my hair by


She then took the hairdryer and blew her hair, no longer looking at Jensen.

He sat on the edge of the bed awkwardly and felt very uneasy. When she glanced at him, she realized

that he was more out of control than before.

He was genuinely embarrassed.

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