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Chapter 307

Heinz frowned and subconsciously looked at the slim figure fleeing the car. His heart ached so much

that he couldn't bear it.

He clenched his fists, and the veins on the backs of his hands bulged.

There was a sense of trepidation in his heart, and the fear of losing Grace overcame him.

Self-incrimination and guilt began to take over his mind.

"I brought this on myself," he thought.

The afternoon sun was shining brightly, and light poured into the car, bringing great warmth.

However, it was extremely cold in the car. No matter how bright the sun was, it couldn't warm Heinz's

broken heart.

His breathing was becoming labored, as if there was something pressing down on his chest,

suffocating him.

He pursed his lips and laughed at himself. "You deserve it!" he thought.

He really did bring this upon himself.

Grace was a woman with a strong personality. She was not the kind of woman who would easily give in

to persuasion. What's more, she had an excellent man by her side now.

He closed his eyes, got out of the car, and stood by

the car door. He lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Upon entering Entertainment Daily, the first thing Grace saw was Lester's smiling face.

"Miss Smith, you're back?" Lester said cheerfully, "You're finally back. We've been waiting a long time

for you."

Grace looked at him indifferently and said, "You didn't have to wait for me, Mr. Lester."

"It's alright," Lester said casually, "We were more than willing to."

"We" naturally referred to Heinz and Lester.

Grace could tell what he meant. She was not stupid.

She walked past Lester indifferently, ignoring what he had just said.

Lester was brave enough to follow right behind Grace. He was directly behind her when he said,

"Should I put the chocolates at your desk, or would you prefer to have them sent to your house?"

"Don't bother." Grace refused in a cold voice, "No one in my family eats chocolates."

"Well, you're not the only one getting them. Everyone has a share." Lester added, "It would be a waste

if you don't take it."

Grace stopped and turned to look at Lester. Her eyes showed a hint of displeasure as she asked,

"Lester, how is your mother?"

Lester was stunned. "My mother? She's gone. She passed away several years ago."

As he was talking, he pointed at the sky, looking confused. "Why do you ask about my mother?"

Grace suddenly stopped as she felt that it was disrespectful to continue with this line of conversation.

"Do you have anyone at home?" Grace amended, "Anyone still here, I mean."

"My father and sister," he replied.

Grace said, "Give these chocolates to them, then."

"The president has already given me two big boxes." Lester said in a serious tone, "We can't eat so

much. It's too sweet. My dad is diabetic, and my sister is on the chubby side. We really don't need so

much," Lester responded.

Grace frowned.

"I think Miss Smith and Miss Alice are both slim enough to handle more. It wouldn't be a big deal to eat

chocolates.” Lester said, "The chocolates were carefully selected by the president."

"Lester, do you have to be as annoying as Heinz?" Grace didn't like his persistence. It was getting on

her nerves.

"Miss Smith." Lester smiled and said, "I'm the president's assistant. I execute his orders. I think it'll

benefit us both if I follow you around."

Grace didn't beat around the bush and said bluntly, "You are very annoying."

Lester smiled and said, "Miss Smith, if I don't pester you, you are going to end up with another man

very soon. Then, what will happen to Alex Logan, me, and the others in future?" "To put it bluntly, your

happiness with our president directly affects our future, too," Lester explained.

"As long as our president orders us to do something, we will carry it out immediately. Now, it's clear that

he wants you back, so we're going all out to help him.

"Miss Smith, please don't feel annoyed. Our president really loves you, to the point of humbling himself

like this."

"Think about it, won't you? For an egomaniac like him to want you back and to woo you in person is

truly a rare sight."

"That's not my problem." Grace couldn't accept what Lester was saying. She looked at Lester and said

coldly, "Lester, I understand that you're just doing your job, but please do respect my space."

After saying that, Grace turned around and entered the office.

Lester took a deep breath and said, "Miss Smith, please reconsider our president. He's having a really

hard time."

Grace returned to her seat without looking back. She saw two huge boxes on the floor with the word

'chocolates' on them. This box was so enormous that it was scary. Looking up, she saw that every desk

had the same huge box of chocolates.

Just then, Hermione came out. Seeing Grace, she smiled and said, "Grace, you came back just in time.

Come to my office."

"Sure," Grace said. As she put down her bag, she went into the editor's office.

As soon as she entered, she was surprised by the many boxes of chocolates in the room.

She was stunned and asked Hermione, "Were these sent by Heinz?"

"Yes." Hermione sat down and signaled Grace to have a seat as well. "I was surprised, too. To be

honest, Mr. Jones can be very indifferent, but he can be very passionate as well."

"I can't figure out what kind of tricks he is playing right now. He invited the whole office to have lunch at

noon today. He didn't leave even after lunch. He stayed in the office. Obviously, he was waiting for you

to come back," Hermione told her.

Grace turned her head and looked at the chocolates. There were 12 boxes in all.

"Hermione, have you been bought over by these chocolates?"

"Not a chance." Hermione smiled and said, "It's just that the weather is warm, so keeping the

chocolates at room temperature will eventually result in them melting. I intend to send them to a welfare

home and give it to the children."

"Send mine as well." Grace said, "I don't want them."novelbin

"What's on your mind?" Hermione asked casually.

"I don't want to have anything to do with him." Grace shook her head and said in a very determined

tone, "We are not suitable for each other. I don't want to torture myself."

"Then, who do you think suits you?" Hermione enquired, "Do you have a new beau?"

"No." Grace immediately shook her head. "Why would you ask that?"

Hermione smiled and said, "This morning, Hannah said she saw a man send you here. He was very

handsome, almost as handsome as Heinz."

"Oh." Grace was struck dumb in an instant. "That's my friend. You guys should quit pulling my leg."

Hermione laughed and said, "I'm actually relieved. It seems that you and Heinz are very much suited.

You both have strong personalities, hence you are worried and afraid. However, everyone makes their

own choices in relationships."

Hermione's words weren't solemn, but Grace could sense that there was a deeper meaning to them.

"If you want my advice, I think you could consider Heinz." Hermione said, "He looked very pitiful. He

was here the whole day. He must have realized that he had made a huge mistake," Hermione


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