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Chapter 305

By the time Grace arrived at the north campus of Northern City University, it was already half past ten.

Tyler was also there. A middle-aged man past his 50s was there, too. The moment she saw him, Grace

suddenly remembered that this professor's name was Charlie Ross. He was a renowned lecturer.

"Are... are you Professor Ross?" Grace asked, turning into a fangirl.

"Yes, I am." Charlie said to Grace with a smile, "Tyler told me about your situation. I was thinking that if

I'm going to be interviewed anyway, I might as well help someone I know, right?"

"Thank you very much, Professor Ross," Grace said excitedly. "If I were to interview you, your students

from all over the world who had succeeded would be willing to accept our interview, too. You have done

me a huge favor."

"You have to thank Tyler for this," Charlie smiled and said, "Tyler was one of my favorite students."

"Thank you." Grace looked at Tyler with a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Tyler knew that he had done the right thing.

Tyler said, "Professor Ross, there is something weighing on my mind, so I guess I'll say it now. Grace

was once accepted into Northern City

University, but she didn't finish because of some personal reasons. Could you help speak to some

people to allow her to resume her studies?"

"When was this?" Charlie was shocked. He looked at Grace with considerable surprise. "Why exactly

did you drop out?"

Grace recalled what had happened and why she had dropped out. She was somewhat embarrassed as

she explained, "Personal reasons. Something happened in my family."

"Oh." Charlie smiled to indicate that he understood. 'TH look into it and see how to work that out." "I'm

sorry to trouble you," Tyler said in gratitude.

"You rascal, you're no stranger to me. You don't have to be so polite," Professor Ross spoke casually to

Tyler. It seemed that they had a special relationship.

A surge of warmth welled within Grace. She looked at Tyler gratefully. She did not expect him to be so


The interview with Professor Ross was very successful. He answered a lot of questions, and Grace

recorded them one by one.

When the interview concluded, it was already 12 in the afternoon. Grace said to them, "Let's go get

lunch. My treat."

Charlie said, "We can go for lunch, but it wouldn't be proper to have a woman treat us. Tyler, why don't

you buy instead?"

"Sure, no problem," Tyler said with a smile.

"Professor, it's my honor to treat you to a meal."

As a result, lunch lasted until two o'clock.

Grace felt that chatting with the professor allowed her to learn a lot of things and gain a lot of


During the entire time they spent together, Grace was very excited, and she completely forgot her

troubles that morning.

By the time Tyler sent her back to Entertainment Daily, it was already half past two.

Before she got out of the car, she expressed her gratitude to Tyler. "Tyler, thank you. You've been so

thoughtful about me. I really want to go back to school, but I don't know if I still have the chance."

Tyler replied, "Professor Ross is like my father, and he is highly respected. He is also a very famous

figure among the lecturers in this country. The dean would agree if he spoke on your behalf. But as you

know, in the education industry, there's a lot of red tape. They might be sticklers for rules, so you may

face a lot of issues in the process."

Grace nodded. "I understand." "What I mean is that it might not be successful," Tyler said. "We can

only do what we can and leave the rest to God." "I understand," Grace nodded seriously. "Don't put so

much pressure on yourself. I'm really grateful to you as it is."

"Don't mention it." Tyler smiled at her. "Between us, there's no score. Don't be a stranger with me."

"A favor is a favor, a duty is a duty." Grace said seriously, "I think that we should always separate favor

and duty. Even if you are willing to do me a favor, I can't live with myself without doing my duty."

"Silly," Tyler laughed. "You're so pedantic, just like an old lady."

"Tyler." Grace said seriously, "I really appreciate what you have done."

"Stop it, you don't have to say it again." Tyler smiled and said, "You can alight now. I'm going back to

my company as well."

"Okay." Grace realized that she had taken up Tyler's entire afternoon in which he had helped her and

accompanied her for the interview. He even went to lunch with her.

She got out, looked back at him, and said, "Tyler, I'm sorry. I really wasted a lot of your time today."

"It's fine," Tyler said, winking at her with a smile. "Just buy me a meal in return."

"Thank you."

Grace watched Tyler leave and did not move for a long time. She kept staring at Tyler's car as he drove

off, her eyes full of affection and warmth.

She felt that Tyler was a really good friend and also a kind person.

As she smiled and turned around, she saw a dark shadow in front of her. Grace immediately stopped innovelbin

her tracks as the figure moved closer. Only then did she see that it was Heinz.

Her smile froze in an instant. It was so obvious that even Heinz felt the switch.

He looked at Grace and said, "You're back?"

Grace was bewildered. She raised her eyes and looked at him, then replied calmly, "Mr. Jones."

After greeting him, Grace moved to the side to walk past him, toward Entertainment Daily.

Heinz's face darkened slightly.

"Grace, I want to talk to you," he said in a deep voice. The moment she brushed past him, he grabbed

her wrist.

Grace's face fell, and she replied brusquely, "Everything that needs to be said has been said. I have

nothing to say to you. Please let go of me."

"Grace." Heinz still held on to Grace's wrist stubbornly. "Ten minutes. Let's go and talk in my car. I

promise I only need ten minutes."

Grace frowned. She could feel Heinz all tensed up and restraining himself.

She didn't say a word, struggling internally.

"Ten minutes. I won't do anything to you. I just want to talk to you. You don't have to be so edgy," Heinz

said again.

Grace didn't quite understand what he was thinking, but she could clearly sense his stubbornness. If

she didn't agree, he wouldn't let her go.

She thought for a moment and said, "Okay, ten minutes."

Heinz's hand slid down, and he grabbed her hand, enfolding her entire hand in his huge palm.

"Let go of my hand," Grace exclaimed.

"I don't want you to run away," he said in a deep voice.

Grace frowned.

Heinz stopped talking and pulled her to the car at the opposite end of the building.

Grace tilted her head and looked at Heinz, only to find his jaw clenched, and he looked very reticent.

She pursed her lips and asked, "What on earth do you want to say to me?"

Heinz ignored her and walked to the side of the car. He opened the door and forced her in before going

in himself.

They sat down in the back seat.

Grace said grumpily, "Can you speak now?"

Heinz looked at the front and said, "I apologize. I admit, I was too shallow back then."

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