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Chapter 296

Of course, Tyler spotted them too. He said with a smile, "Oh, I thought you looked familiar just now. I

was not expecting to see you here, President Jones and Assistant Lester. What a coincidence!"

"Yes, indeed," Heinz curled his lip and said.

The two men fixed their eyes on each other. Tyler was wearing a smile on his face and looked


On the contrary, Heinz's face was set in a grim expression, his eyes as cold as ice.

There was a world of difference between them.

Tyler was carrying two take-out containers with the restaurant tag printed on them. It was the leftovers

from the meal.

And there was only a bag in Grace's arms.

Heinz glanced over them and seemed to deduce something from his observation.

Was it respect for women that Tyler had mentioned earlier?

Men should always be the one doing heavy work for women.

He almost let out a snort and threw a cold glance at Grace.

"What brings you here, Mr. Jones?" Tyler asked with a half-smile.

"I'm here for a wedding," Heinz replied coldly.

"Oh, who's getting married?" Tyler asked, being the gossip he was.

Heinz raised his eyebrows, having no idea how to answer it. Still, he smiled thinly and said, "Just a

relative of mine."

"I see. Congratulations!" Tyler smiled and said, "Please excuse us, Mr. Jones. We still have something

to attend to, so we'll leave first."

Heinz glanced at Grace again.

But Grace did not look at him. Her expression was calm as if he was a stranger to her.

Tyler opened the trunk and placed the take- out containers in it. He then opened the door of the side

passenger seat and said to Grace, "Let's go."

"Okay." Grace walked over and got into the car without taking a look at Heinz.

However, Heinz's eyes were locked on her all the time until she entered the car.

But she didn't even look at him.

When he noticed that she paid no attention to him, anger flooded his veins.

With a dark expression on his face, he opened the car door and stepped into the car.

On the way back home, Heinz was so sullen and moody.

Lester peeked at him several times, but he did not dare to make a sound.

After a long time, Heinz suddenly asked, "Lester, am I a fool?"

Lester wrung his hands in distress and his lips twitched. He almost drove onto the curb.

"President, you are a wise and far-sighted leader. Under your leadership, the company's sales volume

had experienced impressive growth. Why would you say that?"

Lester felt that the President was so blinded by love that he was acting out of line.

"What about in terms of relationships?" Heinz asked again.

Lester was stunned.

Not knowing how to answer the question, he kept silent.

"Ha!" Heinz curled his lip and said in a self-mocking way, "It seems that you also think I'm a fool in

relationships and it's my greatest shortcoming."

"No, President." Lester immediately shook his head. "I didn't mean that at all. I just don't know what

happened between you and Miss Smith."

Feeling annoyed, Heinz shifted his gaze to the window.

During the rest of the journey, Lester refrained from speaking.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Again, Jensen turned up at Alice's school to pick her up.

He had not gone the day before because of working overtime. So, he was going to make up for it.

As soon as he arrived, he noticed Alice coming out of the school carrying a bag on her back. She was

wearing a white top, black leggings, matched with a pair of white sneakers. It was a simple

monochrome look.

It looked spotless.

He hopped out of the car and strode toward her.

"Alice!" he shouted her name.

Once Alice spotted him, she scowled at him annoyingly. But she was slowly getting used to it. "Why are

you here again?" she asked.

"I don't have to work overtime today," Jensen said. "I guess that since you're leaving at this time, are

you going to pick up Little Gary?"

"Yes," Alice nodded. "I'm going to pick up Little Gary today."

"Let's go together," he said with a smile.

Alice pressed her lips together. But she did not turn him down and proceeded to get in his car.

In the car, Jensen recalled about Heinz's visit to his house the previous day. He decided to be honest

with Alice. "Heinz paid me a visit yesterday," he said.

"What for?" Alice instantly became agitated. She asked with raised eyebrows, "Did he ask for your help

to get on Grace's good side?"

"Perhaps not," Jensen shook his head.''You don't know much about him. He's not a bad guy. He is just

lost for the moment and does not know how to deal with this. But I can see that he is suffering. He

really cares about your sister." "Yeah right," Alice grunted. "Do you think I'd believe it?"

"I'm not asking you to believe me,” Jensen said.

"Then why did you bring it up?” Alice said defiantly. "Are you that bored?"

Jensen twitched his lips. He was speechless. "If you say so, that is it," he replied.

Alice turned to look at the street ahead and said, "I've always thought that my sister should find a good

man. She is independent and is a woman with dignity and who also can endure hardships. It wasn't

easy for her to be where she is today. No man deserves her no matter how good he is."

Jensen nodded and said, "Yes, she has raised Little Gary well. She is really admirable."

Alice continued, "My classmates have been speaking highly of Heinz and I was also being optimistic

about their future. More importantly, he is Little Gary's father. But he turned out to be a shortsighted

man. I've misjudged him."

Jensen pressed his lips together, not knowing what to say to back his good friend.

At last, he said, "We can't read Grace's mind. I believe that a woman wouldn't be with a man if she has

no feelings for him."

Alice widened her eyes. There was a glint in her eyes and she did not speak anymore.

Soon, they arrived at kindergarten. After picking up Little Gary, they went home together.

As soon as they entered the house, they realized there was a guest in the house.

Alice looked inside and screamed out of nowhere, "Brother Tyler!"

"Uncle Henley!" Little Gary called out almost at the same time. Then, both of them barged into the


Tyler rose to his feet and watched the two of them running toward him. A smile spread across his face.

He grabbed Little Gary and lifted him up.

"Hey, Alice. Hey Little Gary. Have you missed me?" Tyler asked.

"Of course!" Alice's face lit up with excitement. They appeared to be very close. "When did you come

back, Brother Tyler?"

"I've just been back for two days." Tyler held Little Gary in his arms and looked at Alice with smiling

eyes. "Alice, you're getting more beautiful."

"Not at all," Alice smiled shyly.

Little Gary wrapped his arm around Tyler's neck and said, "Uncle Henley, now that you're back, you're

not leaving anymore, right?"

"Yes, I won't leave anymore," Tyler said. "I'll stay so that I can be with you and protect you."

"That's great!" Alice shouted in excitement. "We've been hoping that you would stay."

Tyler smiled and shifted his gaze to the direction of the door. He did not get to check out the person

who was standing at the door.

When he saw Jensen who was in a state of shock, he asked, "Alice, who is this?"

Alice was taken aback. "Oh. He's Jensen. He's a cop," she answered.

It was a short introduction.novelbin

Of course, Jensen was not pleased with it. He immediately added, "I am Officer Jensen Charm. I'm

Alice's boyfriend."

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