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Chapter 244

Grace and Heinz slept so deeply that they only woke up at 7:30 a.m. the next morning.

"President? It's 7:30 am. Are you all right?" Lester was really worried that they would not wake up after

the deep sleep.

So he came in a few times and checked on their heart rate monitors, which did not indicate any


Heinz's eyes fluttered open when he heard the voice.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Lester. His eye bags were heavy, and his eyes were bloodshot. It

looked like he was up all night.

Lester heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he saw Heinz wake up. "Thank goodness."

Heinz frowned and said, "We have to thank Grace instead."

"Yes, it's all thanks to Miss Smith," Lester sighed. "I feel so grateful for her. President, Miss Smith is

really loyal and dependable."

Heinz looked at the woman in his arms, and her delicate face looked very calm.

"She's a fool." He said in a tender tone. The warmth in his voice was enough to warm anyone right

down to their core.

Lester smiled and said, "She's so admirable, too."

It was rare to see such a woman willing to risk her life for the president.

Heinz looked at her tenderly as she rested her head on his arm and slept soundly.

Heinz said again, "Have you checked her blood test indicators?" "I've checked it. Her temperature

hasn't increased since 5 in the morning." Lester replied honestly.

Heinz let out a sigh of relief.

"Lester, you must've been tired all night. If you can't hold on any longer, you may go back and have a

rest. Ask Alex to take over for now. You can come back after taking a nap."

Lester immediately answered, "President, I can still hold on, probably until noon. The current situation

isn't completely stable yet, and I'm worried that something might happen to Miss Smith and you."

Upon hearing this, Heinz glanced at Lester indifferently. He took some time to consider it and put much

thought into it.

Heinz nodded. "Well, okay, I'll leave it to you. As for the blood report, you have to keep an eye on it.

The doctor might be too busy that he missed out on it."

"Don't worry, president. I promise I won't make any mistakes," Lester answered.

"You can go now," Heinz ordered.

Lester went out.

Heinz laid Grace down properly and got out of bed. When he looked at her again, she had already

opened her eyes.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"It's 7:40." he replied.

"Oh, I have to get up quickly. The doctor is going to check the room." she said hurriedly.

"How do you feel?" Heinz reached out to hold her wrist and checked her pulse himself.

"I feel much better." She exclaimed. He noticed that her heartbeat had slowed down.

"I feel much better after a nap." She assured him.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Heinz let go of her and went to wash up.

They laid in the hospital bed the whole morning.

The blood results came out, everything seemed stable, but the recovery process might still take two or

three days.

Heinz must be extremely healthy. He was totally fine even though he was bitten. At noon that day, he

was discharged from the hospital.

However, Grace still had to stay hospitalized.

She was already anxious.

"Heinz, I feel much better. Can I be discharged as well?" She asked.

"This is not a joke." He answered sternly.

Heinz said in a deep voice, "It's for your safety. How can you not stay hospitalized?"

"But now I feel that staying in the hospital is troublesome." she answered.

"You'll still have to stay in the hospital even if it's troublesome." He insisted that she stayed in the


Just like that, Grace had to request for another sick leave to stay in the hospital.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Grace sneaked out and called Alice at the end of the corridor. "Alice, I

still need to be hospitalized."

"What happened to you, sis?" Alice asked worriedly.

"I'll explain more later."

"Where are you? I'm going to visit you right now."

"Don't come here," Grace tried reasoning with her.

"No." Alice's attitude was stern this time. "I have to be there, Sis, or I'll go crazy."

"Alright." Grace eventually conceded to her. "Okay, you can come. I'll send you the location."


Alice quickly packed up and left the school after requesting a leave from the professor.

Just as she was about to take a taxi, she heard someone called after her.

"Alice Smith!"

She looked back and saw Jensen Charm in police uniform getting out of the car. He was driving a black

car, which was his personal car, but yet he was wearing a uniform.

He wore a well- tailored uniform which wrapped around his strong and slender body perfectly. It looked

so well put together that it complimented his slender figure. He gave off an extraordinary aura.

She frowned slightly, and a sense of wariness rose from her heart again.

"Officer Charm? Why are you behind our school again?" Alice walked towards him.

Jensen's heart skipped a beat. This girl had her guards up completely.

He smiled and said, "You wouldn't believe me if I said I'm just passing by the area."

Alice's face froze for a moment, but she still nodded. "Yes, I wouldn't believe it if you said that. How

could it be so coincidental?"

Jensen smiled and said, "Yes, I wasn't passing by the area. I'm here to see you."

"You're looking for me?" Alice was even more confused. "Why are you looking for me?"

He stared at her, smiled slightly and said, "If I said I fell in love with you at the first sight, would you

believe me?"

Alice's eyes and mouth were wide open. She could not comprehend what he just said.

She stood around in a daze, then looked at the man in front of her, who was staring back. He didn't

seem to be joking.

Her heart jumped wildly, and she was a little embarrassed. The moment she lowered her head, her

face turned slightly red.

She said, "I don't believe it. No matter what you say, I'm not interested. I'm sorry but I have to go."

The moment she finished her words, she turned around and left with a cold face.

However, her heart was beating wildly.

She hated men, but this man said that he fell in love with her at first sight.novelbin

She couldn't accept such a thing.

"Just kidding." Jensen said, "You're leaving just like that. You really can't take a joke."

Alice was dumbfounded as she stopped and turned to look at him. "Just kidding?"

Jensen came over and said, "I was just kidding. I really am just passing by and saw you here. Let's go.

Where are you going? I'll send you there."

Alice felt uncomfortable and said in a cold voice, "Why should I follow your car?"

Jensen was startled for a moment, and then he smiled brightly, revealing his big white teeth. They were

neat, adding more charm to his appearance.

"To save money. You won't need to spend it on hailing a taxi," Jensen said, "I thought we're friends

since we share the same secret." "The same secret?" Alice frowned harder. "What secret do we

share?" "I've negotiated the medical expenses in which your sister has paid for you in advance. Don't

you want to know the results from the negotiation?"

Alice was startled again. She looked at him and said, "Uh, are you trying to take advantage of me?"

Jensen felt a pain in his heart again. This girl really has her guard way up.

He narrowed his eyes."You are too vigilant. Let me tell you this directly: the medical expenses will be

refunded as he is willing to bear all the expenses


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