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Chapter 241

Amidst the heavy rain.

Grace drove the car into the parking lot of the emergency center. There was no empty parking space.

Suddenly, she saw an ambulance coming out from the hospital's emergency center, followed by an

ambulance siren.

Her eyes lit up. She then stepped on the accelerator, and the car engine revved hard. She rapidly

drove towards the empty parking space and jammed on the brakes.

Heinz's body was almost thrown out of the car.

He looked up at Grace when he finally was able to regain his bearings.

She'd parked the car in the ambulance parking spot. She was indeed daring.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he admired her courage at such a critical moment.

She quickly released her seat belt, opened the car door, jumped down, and shouted at Lester and

others, "Why are you still daydreaming? Come on."

Lester and the bodyguards were all shocked.

Was it Miss Smith who drove the car just now?

It was so cool. It was as if she was racing.

Lester quickly came to his senses and ran towards them.

Grace opened the back door and noticed Heinz was looking at her with a paled face. The deep look in

his eyes frightened her.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm a little flustered," he said.

"What's going on?" Grace was worried.

"What about you?" Heinz stared at her.

"I'm fine." She shook her head.

He turned to Lester. "Lester, Grace sucked out the snake venom for me. Ask a doctor to check if she

was poisoned." "Sure!" Lester and the bodyguards were dumbfounded when they heard that.

The doctor came over and sent Heinz to the emergency center.

Someone pushed a hospital bed over, laid Grace on it, and went straight inside.

"I'm fine," she exclaimed as she was forced to lie on the bed. She was very embarrassed. She and

Heinz were drenched and their clothes were stuck to their bodies. It was very uncomfortable.

"Miss Smith, we have to examine you to make sure everyone is all right." The bodyguard said to her,

"The president's orders were very clear. We dare not go against him."

She blinked helplessly. "Can someone buy a set of clothes for me? My clothes are too wet."

"Assistant Lester already has it prepared. We will send someone to the ward to get it right away."novelbin

In the end, Grace argued no more and was pushed in to have a blood test.

After that, the doctor immediately injected antivenom into her body.

"I really don't think it's a big deal," Grace said.

The doctor said to her very seriously, "Miss, you said so because you don't feel anything now. We have

treated many cases like this. Some people only feel it on the second or third day. Since you sucked out

the venom, if it travels through your gastrointestinal tract and caused a blood clot, you might even die."

"Is it that serious?" She was shocked. "What about Heinz? How is he?"

"I've already given him an antivenom injection and cleaned the wound with saline." the doctor replied.

"Is his situation severe?"

He has to be hospitalized for observation purposes," he answered.

"Do you have any idea what kind of snake had bitten him?" she continued to ask.

"Judging from the wound, it seems to have been a coral snake that bit him." he replied.

"Coral snake?" Grace was stunned for a moment as she had never heard about it. "Does this kind of

snake come out during the night?"

The doctor nodded. "According to historical records, the many- banded krait are active at night, and

during daytime it will hide under rocks or in caves."

Grace was dazed again and murmured, "How unlucky are we to have met one on top of the hill."

"This snake is actually very poisonous. In fact, if you do not tend to the wound immediately, there's a

high risk of death." he explained.

Grace was shocked. "Are there any death cases?"

"Of course, there are a lot of them." he answered.

"Then, hurry up and treat Heinz!"

"You have to be treated, too."

"Okay, fine."

"We'll have to draw your blood every two hours, and you can go through the hospitalization procedure

together," the doctor continued.

Grace was dumbfounded.

After meeting Heinz, she had been hospitalized several times.

"Okay," she eventually conceded.

After the examination, she and Heinz were both admitted into the ward.

Grace went to change into a new set of clothes.

Heinz also changed into a new set of clothes, and their beds were placed next to each other.

Grace stared at the ceiling and apologized with self-reproach. "Heinz, I'm sorry."

Heinz tilted his head to glance at her. "Why are you apologizing?"

"It's all my fault." She said apologetically, "If I'd just accepted the necklace, you wouldn't have gotten

out of the car in anger. If you didn't get out of the car, you wouldn't have encountered a poisonous

snake, and ended up like this."

Heinz raised his eyebrows and glanced at her. "Yes, if you had accepted it earlier, things wouldn't turn

out like this."

Grace's face was full of regret.

Heinz noticed that she was blaming herself. His eyes lit up instantly.

"In fact, if it hadn't been for this crisis, I wouldn't have known what a silly girl you are."

She was such a silly girl. She did not care about her own danger at all and was not afraid of death.

She'd sacrificed her own safety and sucked out the snake venom.

This kind of hardship was enough to show one's character.

How could one find another young lady like her?

His eyes gently fell on her face. Her delicate little face was a little ruddy and very beautiful.

"Silly girl?" Grace looked at Heinz in confusion.

"You're a fool for sure." He smiled with a bit of doting affection.

She frowned at him.

Heinz became serious and said in a low voice, "Well, I'll never forget what you've done for me today."

it was then that she understood that he was referring to the snake venom incident.

Grace smiled embarrassingly and said, "You don't have to remember about such a trivial thing."

"How is sacrificing one's life a small matter?" He stared into her eyes again and asked.

Grace paused and then said softly, "I wasn't thinking clearly at the time."

Heinz was really touched when he saw her like this. This woman was willing to risk her life at such

critical moment, which is very rare and precious.

It wasn't as simple as sacrificing after weighing the pros and cons. She had willingly sacrificed herself


"I have to call my sister." Grace sighed inwardly. "I wasn't expecting that I couldn't go back again."

"Why don't you call her after our conditions have stabilized," he said.


Grace took out her phone and sent a text to Alice, "Alice, is it okay if I don't go home tonight?"

In less than a minute, Alice replied to her text with a smiling emoji followed by a sentence, "Sis, don't

worry, I'll take care of everything."

Grace replied with another text, "Thank you, Alice."

Alice replied, "I'd like to thank you more, Sis. I'm really happy to have you as my sister."

Grace placed down her phone and felt extremely calm after.

"I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up when it's time to draw blood." She was a little tired. Now her

eyelids could hardly stay open. She just wanted to sleep.

Heinz nodded and said, "Go to sleep."

Without saying a word, Grace closed her eyes and fell asleep within seconds.

Half an hour later, the nurse came in. When she saw Grace sleeping, she was shocked and asked,

"Who let her sleep?"

"Can't she sleep?" Heinz asked.

"No, she can't."

"But she said she was exhausted." He frowned at Grace's sleeping visage.

"There's a possibility that the snake venom has spread to the nervous system and paralyzed the

nerves, which made her feel sleepy."

Heinz's blood ran cold at the words. "Quick, wake her up."

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