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Chapter 239

The butler said, "Mr. Heinz has said, if you want to intervene, he would discuss this matter directly with

your old friend, the elderly chief."

The old man was dazed at the answer. "How dare he?"

The butler looked up at him and said, "Old Master, it's better that you don't interfere with Mr. Heinz's

personal affairs. He's not the kind of person who likes others to get involved in his own affairs. If you

insist on interfering, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to meet him from now on."

The old man was dumbfounded.

The butler didn't say much after as he felt that the old man had understood his intention clearly. After a

while, he added, "If you do investigate this, it would be regarded as opposing Mr. Heinz's wishes. I'm

afraid that may not bode well for you."

Hearing this, the old man left the room in a fit of anger.

Then, the butler heaved a sigh of relief.

On the top of the hill, a car was parked in a spacious area. The wind was howling.

In the car, Grace said, "Do you think it's appropriate to allow your butler to talk to your Grandfather like

that?" "That's none of your business," Heinz replied, "One thing I hate the most in life is being

controlled by


Nobody would want to be controlled by others in their life.

Heinz reached out and took her hand. "Look at the quiet night. Isn't it beautiful?"

She admired the view silently and turned off the car lights. It was dark all around.

"I can't see anything. How is it beautiful when it's pitch black?" She asked nonchalantly.

Heinz frowned as he leaned forward."Look ahead."

Grace obediently leaned forward and gazed ahead, and she was left astounded by what she saw.

The whole city was at the foot of the hill. The lights were shining brightly in a distance, like stars in the

night sky.

Grace took a deep breath and said, "It's indeed beautiful when I look at it this way."

Heinz leaned back and stopped admiring the view. He then spoke, "Looking at the whole city here

makes me feel calm and at peace."

"Indeed." Grace nodded and whispered, "If the world would slow down its pace, people would be in a

much more peaceful environment. Enjoying such a tranquil night scene like this, I can appreciate how

beautiful it is."

"However, a person's heart can hardly calm down. Every day is a struggle, and with all the hustle and

bustle, how can one find the time to enjoy the scenery along the way?"

Heinz raised his eyebrows and glanced at the side

of her face.

She was still looking up at the night sky.

Grace didn't even blink as she continued, "People are so occupied in life that they have never stopped

to take a look at the beautiful night sky. Many people have not even seen the stars in the sky."

Heinz was confused and asked, "Is it that difficult to see the stars? You just have to open the car door

and head out to take a look."

She startled and turned to face him.

His eyes were full of encouragement.

She smiled and said, "Then I'll go and have a look."

As she spoke, she opened the door, and got off the car.

Standing on the top of the hill, the wind was so strong that she couldn't help but shiver.

Noticing that, Heinz got out of the car as well and removed his coat, draping it over Grace's shoulder.

She felt a sudden gust of warmth. As Grace was momentarily dazed, she felt the man behind her tightly

wrap his arms around her and pull her into a hug. He felt very warm.

She leaned back and whispered, "The wind here is very strong. You'd better wear the coat instead."

Heinz shook his head and raised his head to look at the sky. He frowned and asked, "Is the sky getting


Grace followed and glanced at the night sky. She came to her senses and said, "I was wondering why it

was so dark today. Now I know it's because it is cloudy." "It seems like it may rain," he muttered.

"Then let's go back to the car." She was worried that Heinz would catch a cold. "I can't see a single star



The two of them returned to the car and closed the door. Grace immediately felt much warmer and

turned around to look at him, only to find that he was staring at her.novelbin

He was looking her straight in the eye. His gaze was so deep that one could not help but feel flustered.

Her heart skipped a beat as she awkwardly averted her gaze.

Suddenly, something was offered to her.

Grace was startled. She looked up and saw a long silver box with an exquisite ribbon tied across it.

The packaging was very beautiful.

She could clearly see the big hand that was presenting the box.

"What's this?" Grace asked.

"Open it and have a look."

Grace took it and hesitated a little. Instead of opening it in a hurry, she glanced up at Heinz.

"I mean, what is this for?" she tried again.

"A gift," he said. "A gift from me to you."

Her heart skipped a beat.

"Open it quickly," he urged.

She opened the box as he ordered and was mesmerized instantly by the thing inside.

It was an extremely delicate diamond necklace. The diamond was engraved in the hollows of the star

carvings, shining with dazzling light. It looked bright and luxurious.

The diamond was not small. It looked like a one carat diamond.

She was quite awestruck. The necklace in her hand felt very heavy and extremely precious.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

Grace was startled and asked uncertainly, "Is this for me?"

"Yes." He assured her. She immediately shook her head. "No, this is too expensive. I can't accept this,"

she refused.

His eyes narrowed. He had clearly seen the surprise in her eyes just now, and she seemed to like it

very much.

And yet she refused to accept it.

Heinz's eyes narrowed with displeasure.

"This is just a gift. Why don't you just accept it?" He asked patiently.

She was very adamant when she refused the bank card he offered. So, he'd decided to pick this gift

instead. He did not expect her to refuse this gift as well.

"Heinz," Grace said, "I don't want anything from you. If you keep acting this way, it'll just complicate our


"Who said that it'll complicate our relationship?" Heinz said, "Aren't you being too sensitive?"

Grace felt a stab in her heart. She shook her head and said, "Heinz, I appreciate your gesture, but this

gift is really too expensive."

"This is just a necklace. Put it on and I'll take you home," he insisted.

"I don't want it!" She refused again.

"Then let's stay here. No one is allowed to go back," he sulked.

"You're leaving me with no choice. It's disrespectful." Grace exerted, "I really don't want this gift."

With this, she closed the lid of the box and placed it back into the bag.

Heinz glared at her, with anger in his eyes as he was rejected.

When she saw that he was angry, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry."

Heinz took a cigarette, opened the car door, and got out of the car.

With a loud bang, the car door closed.

Grace was left in the car alone.

She pursed her lips, feeling thoroughly uncomfortable.

She just didn't like to take advantage of others. She didn't want Heinz to mistakenly think that she

wanted something from him. Previously, she was indeed hurt by Heinz's remark saying that she was

poor but ambitious.

She took those words to heart, but she didn't expect him to be so angry.

She took a deep breath and stayed in the car for a while.

Suddenly, the raindrops started to fall on the front window of the car.

Oh no, it was raining!

Grace got worried, so she quickly opened the door and shouted, "Heinz, it's raining. Can you please

come in?"

Heinz ignored her.

The rain got heavier.

Grace couldn't see where he was, so she also got out of the car.

The raindrops grew larger and her clothes were instantly soaked through. She went to the back of the

car and could not find Heinz anywhere.

Grace panicked. She took out her mobile phone and turned on the flashlight. She then saw Heinz

kneeling on the ground about eight meters behind the car, as if he was injured.

At that moment, Grace felt a sharp pain in her heart and ran towards the figure. "Heinz?"

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