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Chapter 1936

Mrs. Wells and the man she brought with her were stunned. They stared at the warehouse door in surprise.

Meanwhile, Gary and Ernest both looked at them with smiles.

No one answered Mrs. Wells's question.

Mrs. Wells was very scared. She frowned and asked, "What happened here? Why didn't you tie them up? Don't you want your money?"

The leader drooped his head and seemed very depressed. He completely ignored Mrs. Wells's yelling.

"I'm asking you a question! Don't pretend like you didn't hear me." Mrs. Wells felt that something was wrong the moment everyone ignored her, so she raised her voice.

At this moment, Mrs. Wells was still putting on airs.

Leah did not feel an ounce of guilt in her heart at all.

Although she grew up with Hogan, she really didn't have the slightest sympathy for Hogan's mother.

"Leah, you little b*tch, why are you looking at me like that?" Mrs. Wells could not help but scold Leah.

"Language, Mrs. Wells." Ernest reprimanded her.

He was really pissed off. Mrs. Wells had cussed Leah and Rowane over and over again.

His voice was low and powerful, startling Mrs. Wells.

She glanced at Ernest and was stunned for a moment. Then she snorted, "What are you yelling about? You've already fallen into my trap anyway." Ernest sneered and gave Mrs. Wells a mocking look. He found her very ridiculous indeed. How could she be so overconfident in herself?

"Are you sure?" Ernest asked lightly.

Mrs. Wells narrowed her eyes at him. She felt it was very strange that everyone was looking at her as if they were watching a movie.

The butler leaned closer to her and whispered in Mrs. Wells' ear. "Ma'am, things aren't looking too good. They're not tied up and there are two extra people. The men we hired look defeated. We have no idea what's going on."

The expression on Mrs. Wells' face changed and she shouted at the leader. "What are you waiting for? Tie them up!"

The man just glanced at Mrs. Wells and did not say anything. He acted as if he never heard her.

Mrs. Wells was stunned. She frowned and continued, "Didn't you hear what I said? Don't you want your money?"

Still, no one paid attention to her, completely ignoring her instructions.

At this time, Mrs. Wells felt even more uneasy.

The butler shouted at the men as well. "Didn't you hear her? I have the money with me, don't you want it?"

As he said that, he shook the briefcase in his hand. It seemed that there was a lot of cash in it.

There was a flash of sarcasm on Ernest's handsome face. "Don't waste your time. They won't listen to you."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Wells was very confused.

"The reason is simple." Gary cut in. "We're not people you can mess with. You've wasted your money and time trying to kidnap us." Mrs. Wells looked at Gary in shock.

She didn't seem to believe that she'd been set up. Furthermore, she looked as if she wanted to confirm that this was the truth.

She looked at the leader of the ruffians she hired and commanded, "Tie them up."

"Mrs. Wells, I suggest you let go of your fantasy faster." The leader finally replied to Mrs. Wells's words, crushing her delusion. "Your son will be punished for his crimes. Taking revenge will not change that."

Mrs. Wells's face instantly turned pale. "How dare you set me up?"

The man did not reply as he was just in it for the money. Now that he'd been busted, there was nothing else he could do.

If the situation was under his control, it wouldn't be like this.

He was helpless and even more worried that he'd be detained. If things went south, he would have to go to prison.

"Ha, you old hag, out of ideas now, huh?" Gary laughed mockingly at Mrs. Wells. "Your plans are ruined, your men have failed. Do you have any other cards up your sleeve?"

Mrs. Wells snorted coldly. "That remains to be seen. Antons, show him what you're made of."

"Yes, madam." The butler put his briefcase on the ground and gave everyone a sweeping glance.

Ernest had been looking at him with no expression on his face. This man must have been a trusted ally of the Wells family.

Hogan's parents had gone to Heinz before, but Heinz did not show them much mercy either. Hence, it was likely that Hogan's parents were forced to take this route.

Mrs. Wells must have had a reason to bring the butler here. Hence, Ernest deduced that the butler must be rather skilled in some way. Ernest glanced at Gary.

The two brothers exchanged speaking glances before Gary said, "You should just give up, Mrs. Wells!"

"Give up?" Mrs. Wells sneered. "Only if you release my son."

"Your son committed a crime!" Leah was angry at Mrs. Wells. "Do you think we never gave him a He never listened to us at


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think he has any good ince?

"Shut up, b*tch!" Mrs. Wells immediately roared in anger, "It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, Hogan wouldn't be like this today!"

Leah was rendered speechless as

she rolled her eyes. "I've given you more than enough respect, but you keep insulting me. Do you think I' just take it? Honestly, I think your son is like this today because of all the bad karma you've accumulated, you old hag!" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Shut up!"

"You're the one who should shut up!" Leah fired back.

Gary chuckled and praised Leah. "Nice one, Leah. Just yell at her. She needs to be lectured."

Leah felt rather awkward at being complimented, but she was too angry at Mrs. Wells to be polite.

"What a bunch of c*nts." Mrs. Wells urged the butler on. "Go and teach them a lesson."

"Yes, ma'am." The butler did not say anything else as he charged towards them. His body radiated a killing intent as he walked.

Ernest narrowed his eyes at the butler and was ready to intercept any attack.

Gary also stepped forward and they both fought with the butler.

Meanwhile, the bunch of ruffians did not dare do anything out of fear of the cops.

Mrs. Wells noticed that both Ernest and Gary were busy with the butler, so she decided to rush towards Leah.

She wanted to take the opportunity to slap Leah.

Celeste was stunned when she saw Mrs. Wells, she shouted, "Leah, watch out!"

When Leah turned around, Mrs. Wells was already running towards her. Hence, Leah was ready to intercept her with a frown on her face.

However, Celeste was one step ahead of her. She grabbed Mrs. Wells' arm with one hand.

Mrs. Wells wanted to slap Leah, but she was stopped by Celeste. Hence, Mrs. Wells yelled, "Let go of me! I want to hit her! Who are you to stop me?"

Celeste had never fought with someone like this before, so she was shocked by how unreasonable Mrs. Wells acted.

She frowned slightly and retorted, "Who do you think you are? Do you think you have the right to hit people as you please?

Leah couldn't help but laugh at Celeste's words. "Celeste, leave her be."

Leah reached out to grab Mrs. Wells' arm and shoved her away.

Mrs. Wells staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Leah, you b*tch!" Mrs. Wells started scolding.

Leah also cursed at Mrs. Wells, "Mrs. Wells, you are the real b*tch. Now that your son is going to prison, haven't you considered that the way you raised him contributed to that? Maybe you need to go to prison too." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Leah looked over Gary and Ernest fighting the butler. He seemed to be on par with them in terms of fighting skills.

Leah feared that they would lose, so she shouted at where the cops were hiding. "Officers! You can come out now!"

Mrs. Wells' face was twisted with anger, but it quickly turned into a look of shock.

Gary smiled before he raised his voice and said, "Yep! Officers, it's time!"

The door slammed open at that very moment.

Several cops flooded the room, and they shouted at the butler. "Freeze!"

Meanwhile, the butler was still embroiled in a fight with Ernest. However, he immediately stopped and stood stock still when the police arrived.

He did not panic.

Mrs. Wells was stunned. "Police? What?"

Then she looked towards the men she hired. She realized that the police had always been there.

No wonder Ernest and Leah weren't tied up.

Mrs. Wells looked at the butler again. All her hopes were pinned on him.

However, the butler did not show any expression as he shook his head slightly at her.

At that, Mrs. Wells suddenly broke down.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The officers went forward and cuffed Mrs. Wells. "Keira Lanes, you are under arrest for kidnapping."

Mrs. Wells immediately burst into tears and collapsed to the ground in a fit.

The police handcuffed Antons and took him away.

Mrs. Wells was still crying as she was forcefully handcuffed and shoved into the police car.

The other ruffians were also arrested.

Gary walked over to Celeste and held her hand as he smiled. "Celeste, you've gotten pretty good at handing out insults. Leah, you and Ernest have

to thank her properly."

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