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Chapter 1933

After having dinner, they went to the cinema together. However, they were stopped by some unknown men when they arrived.

"Mr. Jones, Miss Winston, please come with us."

Four people blocked their way. All of them were tough-looking men dressed in black.

Ernest frowned and brought Leah into his arms. He looked at the people stopping them and said in a calm and commanding tone, "Who are you?"

"Our boss has asked you to be his guest. He wants to speak with you." The leader of the group spoke.

Ernest chuckled disdainfully. "You didn't say who it is, so why should I go with you, hm?"

Leah was still in shock as she did not expect someone to block their path.

She held Ernest's hand nervously.

Ernest gave her a calm look.

Leah felt that Ernest was amazing. He did not even flinch when he was faced with four scary men.

"Mr. Jones, since you won't cooperate, we have no choice but to do it the hard way."

The leader bade the other three men to charge.

The four men surrounded them in an instant.

Leah was startled and she looked around her anxiously.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

They were in the parking lot outside the cinema. The movie halls were just a stone's throw away.

Leah felt that it would be a pointless endeavor to call for help. No one would be able to hear them!

"What are we going to do, Ernest?" Leah was close to tears.

However, Ernest held her in his arms and said to her, "Don't be afraid, it's just four people."

When he said that, the four people were all stunned. They sneered at Ernest, marveling at how Ernest overestimated himself.

He was just a nerdy, lanky man. How could he dream to take on the four of them?

Ernest wouldn't be able to subdue even one of them.

Ernest gave them all a piercing gaze. They obviously underestimated him, so he raised his chin proudly and shoved Leah out of the circle. "Get somewhere safe," Ernest commanded.

Leah was stunned for a moment after being pushed out of the circle. She immediately called the police.

At the same time, Ernest was busy fighting off the four men.

Crack! Crunch!

The sounds of fists meeting flesh were very loud.

Ernest's moves were swift and accurate. On top of that, he managed to avoid the four men's attacks.

He was very aggressive with his continuous punches. He did not stop for a moment.

It wasn't long before all four attackers were sprawled on the ground.

The battered men were panting. One of them spat and swore, "D*mn it! I didn't expect that nerdy guy to be so skilled! We've been tricked!"

"Okay, kid. I admit you have some skills." Another man also narrowed his eyes at Ernest.

The four men became much more nervous than before, they gave Ernest wary looks.

Leah took the chance to get somewhere out of reach of the men and called Gary. "Gary, help! Ernest and I have been ambushed at the cinema. Four burly men are trying to kidnap us."

"Four men?" Gary sounded nonplussed as he heard this. "It's fine, Leah. Don't worry. Four men have nothing against Ernest. Just let him be."

"Huh? Why are you so chill about this, Gary?" Leah was close to tears. "Call the police for me, okay? I'm going to help Ernest."

"Relax, Celeste and I are at the movies too. We'll be right out. Don't worry," Gary replied.

Anxiety riddled Leah's body, making her unable to think. She was afraid that the police would ask too much, so she decided to call Gary instead. Alas, Gary's nonchalance only made her even more anxious.

She quickly hung up the phone and called the police herself.

However, at that time, one of the men discovered that she was calling the police and rushed over.

Fortunately, Leah was agile and she managed to dodge him as she ran through the parking lot. "I want to make a police report! Someone is trying to kidnap me and Ernest Jones. Ernest is your superior, Jensen Charm's nephew. Help us!"

"Damn b*tch." The man grabbed Leah's hair and pulled it hard. "How dare you call the police?"

"Ahh!" Leah was pushed to the ground.

"I'll kill you!" The man intended to strike Leah.


Suddenly, someone struck him hard in the back.

Ernest quickly pulled Leah into his arms.

Leah ignored her own pain as she embraced Ernest and asked, "Are you okay, Ernest?"

"I'm fine. Don't be afraid." Ernest stroked Leah's hair in distress.

Ernest had kicked the man who pulled Leah's hair to the ground.

The large man had crashed into the ground very hard and was seeing stars.

Of course, Ernest didn't have the time to thoroughly show his concern for Leah. He stomped his foot onto the man's back as hard as he could. "Ah!" The man let out a shrill cry. "My back!"

The other three men rushed over.

Ernest pushed Leah away and fended off the men by himself.

The man on the ground groaned in pain. Leah wouldn't allow the man any chance to get up, so she swung her bag to violently strike the man's head. The burly man collapsed once again.

There was a heavy flask in Leah's bag that made for a very good weapon. However, the man was still conscious and trying to get up.

Leah mustered up her courage and kicked the

man in the back once more.

"Umph!" The man grunted and turned to glare at Leah.

"What are you looking at?" Leah challenged, "I'm a law student, I know that what I did was in selfdefense. I've already recorded your earlier attack. I'm not scared even if you take me to court." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The man was about to get up again.

"Don't move!" Leah shouted. "If you do, I'll hit your head."

Alas, the man ignored her instructions so Leah became anxious once again.

She felt that she had to help Ernest subdue at least one person. Otherwise, it would be too hard for Ernest to deal with four people.

She raised her bag again and hit the man on the head.

"Owl" The man once again collapsed to the ground.

Leah shouted, "I told you not to move but you didn't listen. You asked for this!"


While Ernest was fending off the other three men, he did not fail to check on Leah. Hence, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw beah shouting at the man on the ground.

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His next moves were swift, soon subdued two of the three ruffians. Only the leader was left.

"Not bad, Mr. Jones." The man didn't expect Ernest to be so skilled. He was just a pretty boy, why did he fight like a skilled MMA fighter?

"Who hired you?" Ernest leveled a glare at him.

The man smiled at Ernest boldly. "Mr. Jones, we're just following orders."

Ernest smiled contemptuously. "It seems that you also like to solve problems with your fists. If so, then let's talk after we're done."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ernest jumped into the air and kicked the man in the face.

The man was struck off balance and he crashed to the ground.

Ernest landed expertly on his feet and smiled mockingly at him. "You're no match for me."

"Not bad at all, Mr. Jones. You're clearly Heinz's son." Although the man was badly beaten, he still complimented Heinz.

Then, Ernest glanced at Leah.

Leah was nervously staring at the

person on the ground, holding here

bag in her hand. As long as that

person tried to get up, she would smash his head in. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Ernest couldn't help but laugh.

Leah must've been scared stiff.

He quickly walked to Leah's side and held her hand.

"Ah!" Leah yelped.

"It's me." Ernest quickly said, "It's all right."

Leah immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his voice. Looking back, she realized that all four attackers were lying prone on the


She looked at Ernest in surprise. "You can fight?"

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