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Chapter 1930

"Did they bother you?" Ernest tilted his head to look at Leah. His tone was caring as he asked, "Did they say something bad or demand something from you?"

Leah paused and pursed her lips as she looked at Ernest with an embarrassed expression.

Ernest kept looking at her steadily as he asked, "Why? Don't want to talk about it?"

"No." Leah shook her head. "There's nothing that I can't say. I just don't know how to say it. It's hard."

"If you feel shy then we don't have to talk about it." Ernest did not force her to tell him anything.

That was because Ernest knew that Leah had told him the truth.

She'd confessed the fact that Norval and her mother had come to see her, so she wasn't hiding anything.

Hence, it was fortunate that he didn't suspect her of anything.

Trust was a very important thing between lovers. Without it, the relationship would be doomed.

Trust was also the basis for success.

"I want to tell you, Ernest." Leah immediately shook her head. "I'm just trying to figure out how. I want your opinion."

"Take your time to think about it." Ernest gave Leah ample time to collect her thoughts.

Leah took a moment before she said, "My mom's come to see me when she hasn't sought me out in years. Plus, she acts like she wants to be involved with my life."

Ernest was confused, but he nodded anyway. "Didn't you refuse her before?"

"I did refuse her, but they don't want to give up." Leah's voice was soft as she was afraid Ernest would be mad. She was worried that if she told Ernest about what Norval said, he would get angry as well.

Leah lowered her head and looked at her clasped hands. She twiddled her thumbs before she looked up at Ernest, who did not speak. There was a tense expression on Ernest's face as he kept his eyes on the road.

By then, they'd already left the law school dorm compound.

They made their way to the main road.

Leah was worried but she still soldiered on. "My mom wants me to get together with Norval and I was really angry. I mocked her for a bit before

Norval came to talk to me. Then it became a lecture instead."

Ernest raised his eyebrow. He had an idea of what they talked about.

The last time they met at the hotel, he felt that Norval was not any ordinary person. He looked like someone who wouldn't rest until he achieved his goal.

Ernest smirked slightly as he'd guessed it right. "He wants to maintain a relationship with you, right?"

Leah was stunned and looked at Ernest in shock. "How did you know?"

"It's obvious." Ernest smiled.

The light turned red and Ernest stop the car. While they were waiting for it to turn green, Ernest faced Leah with a discerning look in his eye. "He refused to give up on you when he was abroad, so I don't expect that to change now."

"I don't know whether or not he will give up or have something else up his sleeve. He suddenly said that he wants to fix things between me and my mom. He wants us to be siblings," Leah explained truthfully.

"What do you think? Are you going to agree to what he said?" Ernest felt that he still had to respect Leah's opinion. "No matter what you choose, I'll respect your decision. She is your mother after all."

Leah was astonished. "Do you think I should accept?.

Ernest shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter what I think. Your thoughts are what matters. You have to follow your heart."

"But I want to know what you think. If it were you, what would you do?" Leah asked anxiously.

Ernest shook his head in reply.

The light turned green and Ernest stepped on the accelerator.


"I can't really imagine it. My mother couldn't accept reconciliation with my grandmother too. However, when my grandmother was truly in dire straits, my mother helped her out and adopted Lowell, my uncle. Back then, I thought my mom was very noble." Ernest admired his mother's actions up until now.

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However, Leah's mother Sieara wanted to marry Leah to her stepchild.

Ernest felt very repulsed from the bottom of his heart.

"Your mother is amazing. Not everyone can do something like that." Leah sighed. "At least I wouldn't be able to do it. I don't want to have any contact with her. I just want to live out the rest of my days peacefully." "Of course, I wouldn't just sit by and do nothing if something happened. Well... I'm not too sure about that either..." Content

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"I might not be able to be as forgiving as your mom. I just want to stay away from her." Leah fell silent after venting a bit.

Ernest understood how Leah felt.

"I'm really happy to hear you say that," said Ernest, "Frankly speaking, I don't want to associate with them."

"Huh?" Leah was surprised and she looked at Ernest quizzically. "Your attitude earlier didn't show that."

"I can't decide for you. If you ask me, I'll admit that I don't like it, especially with Norval around. He doesn't want to be your brother, he wants to own you. They want you to marry into the Qualls family. If I said I was okay with that, I would have to be a saint."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a martyr. I'm a petty, jealous man, and I don't want someone to go after my girl. Of course, I don't want you to be served upon a silver platter to him as well."

It was rare for Ernest to say so much.

His words rendered Leah speechless. Then she laughed out loud.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The worry in her eyes disappeared at once.

"I was scared, you know. I thought you wouldn't 't care at all and even think that I was cruel for not acknowledging my mother. I thought you'd change your opinion of me.. Well, who knew that you didn't want me to interact with them too?" Leah chuckled. "That's great, I don't want to have any interaction with them either." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Ernest paused for a brief moment before he joined Leah in laughter. "Since it's like that then just cut contact."

"Of course!" Leah nodded furiously.

Ernest was pleased as he reached out to stroke her hair. "I'll support all your decisions."

"Do you want to know something? What pisses me off is that Norval keeps saying that you're a bad person and he wishes we'd break up. That makes me so mad that I want to punch him."

A dangerous glint flashed in Ernest's eyes when he heard that.

"He's just jealous," Ernest replied faintly. "Pay him no heed. You know best if we're suited to one another or not."

"I think we're a good match." Leah giggled as she looked at Ernest. "What about you? Do you think we're good for each other?" "If we're not then why

am I here? Why would I spend the effort to date you?" Ernest asked.

Leah was sheepish as she replied, "Well, you have needs too, no?"

Ernest frowned when he heard this. He didn't know how to react.

"You really think that?"

"Yeah, at least I'm clean. It's always safe for you to come to me when you need me." Leah muttered as she secretly glanced at Ernest.

Ernest suddenly pulled the car to the side of the road and yanked on the emergency brake.

Leah was scared out of her wits at his sudden action.

He stared directly at Leah and said, "Leah, listen up. If I wanted to just have s*x with someone, I could've found any random girl who's clean. But am I such a shallow man? Would my family allow me to be so reckless?"

Leah blinked and swallowed thickly. She was scared silent by Ernest's expression.

Did she feel... guilty?

"Don't you have any confidence in me? Can't you feel whether or not I'm messing around with you?" Ernest growled, raising his voice.

Leah blinked again and muttered in a low voice, "You're right, I don't have confidence. Don't be so


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