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Chapter 1923

Ernest's expression became serious and he raised a brow. "I would never allow another man the chance to pursue you, you can only be mine." "Oh? So you actually do care, then? You looked as if you didn't care at all," Leah said.

Ernest smiled. "Well, that's because he's not really in your life. If he was, I will definitely not allow it."

Leah shrugged. "Now that you put it that way, I think you're right."

Ernest smiled. "Do you have any other suspicions?"

"No." Leah looked at him again and said, "I don't have anything else to ask. I was just really curious about this substitute who's writing for me."

Ernest was slightly stunned. He thought that something seemed off about Leah's reply.

But he couldn't tell what it was.

He just smiled without saying anything.

The Jones Estate.

Clinton reported to Heinz, "President, Norval is Miss Winston's mother's stepson. He seems to have a crush on Miss Winston. He brought Madam Larson with him to Northern City. They've stayed there for a couple of days now."

"Does Ernest know about this?" Heinz asked.

Clinton nodded immediately. "Yes, President Jones. Young Master Ernest got me to look into Norval. I'm informing you to keep you updated." "Alright." Heinz smiled imperceptibly. "Keep a close eye on them. Don't alert the enemy."

"Norval has some pretty powerful connections as well. He came well-prepared. He tracked Miss Winston down before we could."

"Looks like he isn't someone to be underestimated. What was Leah's reaction to him?"

"Miss Winston didn't react much at all. She seemed very impatient with him," Clinton told Heinz everything he knew.

Heinz nodded and tapped his fingers lightly on the table of the mahogany desk. He looked at ease like nothing could affect him.

Clinton knew that the president had been keeping an eye on the children and cared a lot about them.

Clinton thought that it must be great to be born into the Jones family.

Heinz knew that as long as Leah was aware of who her boyfriend was, there would be no problems.

The glaring issue between Ernest and Leah was that they had to live apart and maintain a longdistance relationship.

Heinz furrowed his brows and there was a touch of worry in his eyes.

Clinton noticed it and immediately spoke up.

"President Jones, I think Young Master Ernest understands what's going on perfectly. He is also confident. You don't have to worry too much." "I'm not worried. I know Ernest will do good. It's just that sometimes, we're not as unscrupulous as certain people. I'm worried that if we are complacent, people with bad intentions will take advantage of us."

Clinton immediately said respectfully, "Don't worry, President Jones. I will keep a close eye on Norval. Even if Young Master Ernest leaves for London to study, I will have someone look after Miss Winston and not let anyone with bad intentions take advantage of her."

"That sounds good. We should make preparations in advance, just in case."

"President Jones, you can leave it to me!"

"Let's go. Send me home." Heinz stood up and prepared to head home.

Everything in the company was running smoothly recently, so he did not have to stay in the company all day. He wanted to go home and accompany Grace.

Meanwhile, Ernest and Leah had already returned to Northern City.

They went back to Leah's apartment.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Leah made her way to the bathroom, planning to take a hot shower, change into some comfortable clothes, and rest. After sitting in the car for so many hours, she felt a little tired.

As soon as she took off her clothes, the door to the bathroom opened before she could turn on the shower.

Leah immediately looked at Ernest in shock. "What are you doing here? I'm going to take a shower."

Ernest silently stared at Leah. His eyes were burning with intense desire. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. The sight was very sexy to Leah.

Just when Leah thought that he would pounce on her, he said, "I wanted to tell you to take a shower and get some rest. I'm going out to buy something."

Leah was suddenly embarrassed by her train of thought. "What are you going to buy?"

"There is not much food in the refrigerator. We have been out for a few days and will need ingredients to cook. Take your shower first. I'll be back in an hour."

Ernest's eyes remained fixed on Leah's. He looked reluctant to leave. Eventually, he left, closing the bathroom door for her.

Leah let out a huge breath. She assumed that Ernest was going to ravish her at that moment.

She didn't think that she would have such dirty thoughts in her mind.

She couldn't help sticking out her tongue as she hurriedly got into the shower.

After Ernest left, he drove the car to the parking lot in front of the university.

He sat in the car, got his laptop and phone out, then made a call to a delivery service. "Send me three days' worth of food for two people. I want premium ingredients. Deliver them to me at the first teaching building in 40 minutes. Is that okay?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Yes, sir. We'll have your order delivered in half an hour."

"Good." Ernest quickly hung up the phone. After making the order, he started to work on his laptop.

In forty minutes, he wrote four thousand words. He received a phone call soon after.

The delivery was ready.

Ernest closed his laptop, went to collect the boxes of vegetables and fruits, then drove back to Leah's apartment.

After bringing the groceries into her apartment, he noticed that Leah had put the kettle on.

When she saw Ernest walk through the door, she poured him a glass of water and brought it to him. "Are you thirsty? You went straight out without resting. You must be exhausted. Here, drink some water."

Seeing how considerate Leah was being, Ernest smiled and said, "My hands are dirty. I still have to get the box of fruits downstairs. Can you feed me?"

"Of course, no problem. I'm happy to serve you." Leah picked up the glass and held it to his lips.

After drinking the water, he lowered his head to stare at Leah. "I have to go down and move the box upstairs."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Do you need my help?" Leah asked.

"No, I don't want you to do this sort of physical labor." Ernest bowed his head and gently pecked Leah's lips, then turned to go downstairs.

Leah blushed and placed the glass on the table. She started to get the vegetables out of the boxes, so she could wash them before putting them in the refrigerator.

She looked down at the box and saw a delivery service's logo stamped on it.

Leah was suddenly filled with suspicion. She thought that Ernest had gone shopping at the grocery store.

Why did he get these from a delivery service? She was sure that they delivered right to their customer's doorsteps.

The delivery guy could have brought the goods upstairs. There was no need for Ernest to carry them up by himself.

Leah was puzzled.

Ernest didn't have to go out for an hour.

Just as Ernest made his way back upstairs, Leah had already placed half of the vegetables in the fridge.

Unfortunately, Ernest had bought too much, so she could not fit some of the vegetables inside. She had to leave some outside.

As soon as Ernest walked through the door and put his things down, Leah said to him, "I'm pretty sure this delivery service could have sent these to our doorstep. Why did you go get them yourself?

Are you trying to exhaust yourself?"

Ernest blinked and said, "I forgot to ask them to do that. I'll definitely ask them to send it upstairs next time."

"That doesn't sound right either. You could've just called them on your phone to have them deliver the vegetables and fruits. Why did you have to go out to get them?" Leah asked again.

Ernest curled his lips into a smile and replied, "I wanted to make sure that the products they picked were fresh."

"To be honest, that's wholly

unnecessary if it's not fresh, we'll


just give them a bad rating. The vegetables they sold us are still relatively fresh." Leah added, "Hurry up and take a shower. Change out of your clothes too. We've been on the read for so long, go wash off the dust." Content belongs to


"Okay, I'm going to take a shower now." Ernest secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Leah did not ask him anything else. Otherwise, he would probably have been exposed.

He thought about whether he should just confess the truth to Leah.

He didn't know how Leah would react once she knew the truth.

At that moment, Ernest started to feel a little uneasy.

He had to find an opportunity to confess to her in person.

Leah went ahead and prepared dinner. When they got back, it was already late afternoon. Since it was almost time for dinner, she planned to make a few small dishes. She did not waste time. Once Ernest was done with his shower, the meal would be ready. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

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