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Chapter 1918

"Norval, you can't be so stubborn all the time." A woman's voice said through the phone, sounding helpless and apologetic. "As her mother, I'm sorry that I couldn't do more to convince her."

"It's not your fault, Auntie." Norval comforted his stepmother and said in a very gentle tone, "I was too late."

Over on the other side, Leah's mother sighed, as if she was also feeling very regretful.

"Norval, don't beat yourself over it."

Norval narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Auntie, I know what to do. Don't worry, I have plenty of patience."

After hanging up, Norval lit a cigarette, leaned back against his chair, and smoked.

After a short while, the whole room was filled with smoke, his face was obscured by it.

Suddenly, a loud ear- piercing shriek could be heard. Norval's entire body filled with an aura of hostility. His handsome face hardened.

As for Ernest and Leah, they were having the time of their life, indulging in their passion for each


They didn't feel any pressure. After ascertaining that Ernest loved her, she felt completely at ease and was letting go.

She no longer had a reason to hold herself back in front of him. She no longer hid from him. She was very enthusiastic, igniting Ernest with her passion.

Their coupling lasted until half-past eight in the evening.

Ernest carried her into the bathroom and had his way with her there. After they finished showering, he carried her back out before helping her dry her hair. Leah laid boneless in bed and said to Ernest, "I'm hungry."

"I'll call room service." With a smile, Ernest took out his phone, found the room service number, and dialed it.

Soon, he ordered a meal.

The hotel room service staff were very thoughtful as well. It wasn't long before they brought in delicious food.

After sending the staff away, Ernest walked back into the room and saw that Leah hadn't gotten up yet. He brought the food to the bedside table.

He put the food on the table then turned to Leah, who was still lying down.

Ernest looked at her and asked with a smile, "Do you want me to help you up?"

"I'm afraid I do need help," Leah mumbled. She still didn't have the strength to move.

Hearing her answer, Ernest couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you so weak?"

Ernest sat on the bed and looked down at Leah. He smiled and reached out to help her up.

Leah was exhausted and did not have any strength at all.

She had climaxed at least three times. That kind of feeling was indescribable. It was like she was floating on cloud nine. She felt dizzy and her vision was blurry but she felt great.

She finally understood the wondrous feeling of being high.

Ernest had brought her to climax thrice. The indescribable feeling made her feel dizzy and exhausted.

"Now I finally understand why couples like to do this so much." Leah gave him a look.

Ernest's eyes narrowed and he fixed his gaze on her face. He asked in a low, hoarse voice, "Why?"Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Leah looked at him and smiled shyly. "Because of the emotional high."

Ernest smiled and was amused by her way with


He helped her up and put a pillow behind her to support her boneless body.

Leah did not have any strength left in her and she looked like she was about to melt back onto the bed.

"Can you sit up? Do you need me to feed you?" asked Ernest.

Leah immediately shook her head. "No need. I'll have to sit up either way. I'm just feeling a little weak."

Seeing how persistent she was, Ernest did not impose his help on her. He handed the cutleries to her and passed her the plate of food. Leah ate quietly.

Ernest suddenly said, "You haven't been this enthusiastic before."

Leah was stunned. She bit her lip and mumbled, "I disagree. I've been like that all along."

"You've never gotten so tired afterward though." There was a hint of accusation in his tone.

Leah blinked and realized that Ernest seemed to be picking a fight with her.

Leah knew that sometimes men cared very much about whether or not their partner was satisfied with their performance in bed. They wanted to know if it felt good, wanted to know if their women would come back for more.

She felt that Ernest must have this need to know as well.

It was as expected.

Ernest could not settle without getting an answer from Leah. He stared at her and waited for her reply.

Leah blinked her eyes again. She didn't think she did anything to show that she didn't enjoy their coupling.

She thought that it wasn't bad. They were just a little unpracticed as they did not often indulge in it.

However, the more one did something, the more one would become proficient in it. Moreover, practice makes perfect.

The times before didn't feel bad. But what they just did felt a lot better than before. She thought that it might be because her heart was full after Ernest's confession.

She did not mean to offend Ernest. However, it seemed that he had misunderstood her either way. Leah hurriedly explained, "It's not what you think, okay? It just hurt quite a bit the first few times." Ernest was stunned and looked as if he had suddenly realized something. His face softened. He placed more food on Leah's plate and said with a smile, "It did not hurt anymore today?"

"Yeah, it didn't hurt," Leah admitted shyly and quickly changed the topic. She did not want to continue speaking about this.

Ernest looked at her with a deep gaze. "I thought I had given you enough time to prepare, I didn't expect it to hurt you. Sorry. It's my fault."

"Stop talking." Leah immediately stopped him, not daring to look at Ernest. She whispered with a red face, "Eat your food. Aren't you hungry?" Ernest's eyes were fixed on Leah. She looked shy and endearing.

His lips curved into a smile and said, "I think I'd prefer it if you answered my questions first. I won't have the appetite to eat if you don't answer me. What do you think?"

Leah was embarrassed.

She was honestly starving after the night's activities. She was hungry she could eat a horse so she couldn't care less.

Right after she left the tea shop, the

two of them had started going at it. They skipped lunch and dinner, so she was really hungry. She

wondered why he wasn't as hungry as her. Content belongs to


He hadn't eaten any of the food at all. Why was he still talking? Wasn't eating the most important matter right now?

"But I'm so hungry." Leah looked at him with a cute frown on her face.

"You can answer while eating," he said with a smile.

Leah's eyes widened. She stuffed some meat into her mouth and started to wolf down the rest of the food. She could not care less about her image at the moment.

"Stop asking me random questions, okay?"

"How is this a random question?" Ernest asked, suppressing his laugh.

"I'm a woman, after all. I'll be embarrassed." Leah gave a high-sounding reason.

However, Ernest retorted, "I remember that when we weren't a couple before, you asked me a lot of ridiculous questions. Don't you remember?"

Leah was instantly dumbfounded.

Her eyes widened at the reminder. She stared at Ernest with unblinking round eyes. She couldn't believe that Ernest remembered.

At that time, she had been very curious.

Leah almost choked on her food.

Ernest looked at her with raised eyebrows. He didn't expect her to be so surprised by the question that she couldn't answer him.

A smile appeared on his lips and he

looked at her calmly. He said in a


teasing voice, "What? You were really daring back then, teasing me all the time. Now that we're together, you don't have the guts to doit anymore?" Content belongs to


"No, that's not it." Leah immediately denied it. "I'm just hungry. I'll talk to you once I finish eating."

Ernest smiled. It was rare for him to make her blush so much.

"Alright, we'll talk about it once


you're done." He was also very curious as to how Leah managed to

muster up her courage to ask him

those questions back then. She had even asked him if he got off with his hand sometimes. Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

He was really curious.

He gave Leah some time to eat. Once she was full, she laid back down on the bed.

He didn't forget to ask her the question again. "So, now that you've eaten, can you answer my question?"

Leah was stunned. She did not expect him to ask her again.

She sighed helplessly and said, "Then answer me first, have you gotten yourself off before?"

Ernest frowned and thought that Leah really knew how to agitate him.

He chuckled lowly, which sounded very pleasant to her ears.

Leah could only turn to look at him. She changed her posture and rested her elbows on top of the sheets. Looking at Ernest, she asked, "Answer me.

Stop laughing."

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