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Chapter 1909

Ernest's pupils contracted abruptly, and there was an extremely pained emotion in his gaze. He basically just subconsciously looked at Leah.Leah awkwardly pulled her lips and laughed, "Gary, you're making things up. I'm not pessimistic.”Gary smiled but didn't reply.

He took Celeste's hand and just said, "We will be heading out first. Feel free to stay. Oh, where are your materials? You'd better send them to Sylviatoday. Don't delay her revisions.”

As soon as they left, Ernest walked to Leah's side and looked at her face.He stared into Leah's eyes unblinkingly with a complicated expression.

"No, Gary was just joking. I don't think I'm very pessimistic.” Leah spread out her hands and explained helplessly, "l really don't think I'm pessimistic.If you don't believe me, then forget it. I can't explain it any better anyway.”

"I am not the one who drew the portrait in the English textbook," Ernest said.

Leah was stunned, feeling a little suspicious.

How was it possible that he was not the one who drew the portrait when it appeared in his textbook?

In the face of Leah's suspicion, Ernest explained again, "My friend who sat beside me drew it. He studied painting and he drew in great details.”"Oh." Leah laughed.

Since Ernest discovered that she was unhappy because of it, she didn't say anything.

He was so sharp that he even knew that she saw Celeste's portrait after reading his books.

Leah was secretly shocked. It seemed that even if she revealed the slightest bit of clues, Ernest would discover what was wrong with her.Leah sighed. When she looked at Ernest again, she saw that he was staring at her with an exceptionally complicated look.

"Leah." He finally opened his mouth again, his voice sounding a little uneasy. "Are you feeling upset?"

Leah could no longer pretend after being discovered. She could only smile and nod. "Alittle.”

Ernest finally understood.

It was just that he still felt distressed.

"By the way, why did your friend draw Celeste in your book?" Leah asked.

Ernest was a little embarrassed by that question.

His mouth parted as he wanted to say something, but then he stopped, not knowing how to say it.

Seeing him like that, Leah also instantly understood his feelings. "Ch, I understand. He actually found out that you like Celeste, so he drew a portraitof her to relieve your lovesickness, right?"

"No." Ernest immediately denied in a low voice. "There is no lovesickness."

"Then, is it admiration?" Leah changed the word. "In fact, that's what it is, right? I can understand it. I'm an author. Naturally, I understand what it waslike."

That time, Ernest didn't deny it. He did admire Celeste a lot back then.

That was because he liked her and because his heart ached for her.

At that time, he only felt that Celeste was always alone, and it very uneasy for her. He felt very sorry for her.However, he was really upset and bothered then to see Leah sad because of that.

"Leah, it's over. I didn't draw that portrait, but it does have something to do with me as it is in my book. I don't know how to explain it to you. I justhope you won't feel sad because of this,” Ernest said slowly.

Leah nodded her head and was being very sincere. "l won't be sad. I just feel a little uncomfortable, but I know that it's the past. That thing is over.There's no way to change the past. If I still must make a fuss about it, I would be too emotional.”

Ernest shook his head. "It's not that you're being emotional, it's just that I'm not good enough.”

"How is that so?" Leah shock her head. "You're great. Forget it. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's send the materials to your sister first.""Well, all right then." Ernest nodded and was getting ready to go to the school

They drove to their previous high school. When they arrived, Sylvia was still in class. Then, Ernest drove the car into the school parking lot.Leah's phone rang. She looked at the phone and said to Ernest, "I'll get out and answer the phone."

"Who's calling?" asked Ernest.

Leah's expression froze, as if she was being put in a difficult situation and didn't know how to answer.

"Can't I know?" asked Ernest.

Leah shook her head. "I'll tell you about this later on."

After that, Leah got off the car.

She answered the phone in a low voice. "Mom."

"Leah, have you thought about what I've told you?" The female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Leah stiffened and said, "I've already told you, it's impossible."


hat won't dol ve already told him,and didn't you guys meet sevenyears agg? He hasn't forgotten oabout yo, and he has quite a goodimpression of you. Think aboutit, ifyouharry him, we'll get everrcloserinthe future, Leah's mother said.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Mother, I've already said it, it's impossible,” Leah said again. "You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm fine and I don't need your care. Youhaven't cared for me before, and you don't need to care for me in the future."

"Hiss!" Leah's mother took a deep breath, sounding very sadThen, she heard the sound of weeping. Leah felt very sad when she heard it.She held the cell phone, her gaze filled with helplessness.

"Sob sob." Leah's mother cried even harder.

Leah pursed her lips. That womanhad abandoned her and left her backthen, so sherhad completely ~disregarded her existence in her 1 life,She didnot want to hold onto anyhope;as she knew in the end-shewold only be disappointed:anddésperate. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

The hard days had passed, and she thought she was able to live well on her own.However, her mother came looking for her again then.Leah had received a phone call before, saying that she wanted to introduce her stepson to Leah to be her boyfriend

Leah had seen her stepson before, and she had quite a good impression of him too. She felt that her mother had indeed remarried into a decentfamily.

Her stepfather was a well-mannered man and his son was quite good too.

As long as her mother was happy, that was enough for Leah

However, Leah did not expect that her mother would want her to marry the stepson as well and become a family with them.How could that be possible?

"You don't have to cry," Leah said, trying to make her voice sound gentler. "I will think about my own things. I know you mean well. However, I don'twant it and I hope you can respect my decision.”

"Leah, are you still blaming me?" Leah's mother cried

"No, I have never blamed you before.I just feel thatyour fate with dad hasreached an end. You should let it gowhen botfyyour fate ends, and as if’sover between you and him, we focoursewon't be too close either;Leaksaid slowly. "That's all. foudort have to be sad. Now, you don'thave a choice, and there's nothingthat you can do about it, just likehow it was for me in the past.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Leah, I know I was wrong.” Leah's mother sobbed.

"No, it's fine as long as you do right by yourself," Leah said softly, "I feel that there's no need for you to beg me anymore now, let alone to pretend tobe weak in front of me."

"Leah." A male voice came over from the other end of the phoneContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Leah frowned when she heard the voice, it was deep and calm.

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