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Chapter 1905

Ernest was actually getting a little curious then

"You said that even Sebastian participated in this, so this thing sure is influential, right?" Ernest asked.

Based on his understanding of Sebastian, Ernest knew that no ordinary thing could bother Sebastian.

However, if it alerted Sebastian, it had to be a huge matter then

"Well, it's not considered a big deal for us, but it's a big deal for the Jones family, especially for our father. It's a really big deal,” Gary said.Gary deliberately kept him guessing and didn't explain in detail.

"It's a big deal for our father. Does it have anything to do with Sylvia?" Ernest guessed.

Of course, Ernest was also very smart. In an instant, he observed the details and guessed it right.

Gary burst into laughter. "Looks like we brothers are too similar. You got it right. This has something to do withSylvia."

"I didn't want to participate in things related to Sylvia, but when I thought about how she had stepped over my head and bullied me for so many years,I have to participate in this,” said Ernest as he laughed.

"Let me give you some prelude. You should come back for breakfast tomorrow morning. Anyway, Sylvia isn't at home. She won't have the time tocome home now," Gary said

"Okay, Gary. I'm listening!" said Ernest.

Gary briefly told him about Kendrix. After hearing that, Ernest took a deep breath and said, "Sylvia is still young yet she is already thinking about thissort of thing."

"I know right." Gary couldn't help but to laugh. "I also feel like as she's wanting to get in a relationship, it seems that we are getting old.""So, it's not playing tricks on her, but it's to help her to score the first place.” Ernest was a little disappointed

"We'll have our peace after we successfully marry off Sylvia to Kendrix, get it?"

In the end, it was Gary who had a bigger picture of the situation.

It suddenly dawned on Ernest. "You've seen Kendrix. Are you sure he can handle Sylvia?"

"I'm sure he can handle Sylvia," Gary said with certainty. "And Sylvia likes him very much. There's a light in her eyes."

"Well, I will take Leah home tomorrow morning before breakfast. Leah and I will participate in this matter too. How can such an exciting thing be shortof our participation?" Ernest also became excited as Gary was successful in arousing his enthusiasm.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back for breakfast tomorrow morning. I will arrange for the housekeeper to make your breakfast!""No need for the trouble," said Emest.

"Itisn't for you, it's for Leah,” Gary said. "All right, that's it."

"Thank you, Gary." Ernest sincerely thanked him

"You're welcome," Gary said.

Hanging up the phone, Gary looked up and saw that Celeste was looking at him, looking like she had a lot to say.

Gary smiled and asked, "What are you looking at? Don't you recognize me?"

Celeste looked at him for a while, then opened her mouth and said, "I noticed that you seem to be particularly keen on Sylvia's matters, and afterhearing what you told him, Ernest immediately became interested as well."

"Of course we're interested. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Gary said.Celeste shook her head. "Although you're talking about tricking Sylvia, none of you is willing to really trick her. You're all good brothers.”Gary smiled slightly when he heard that. It seemed that Celeste was also intelligent and was able to see the essence of it.

He smiled and said, "You're getting to know us better and better now. You're right. Sylvia is our only sister so far. Naturally, we should pay moreattention to her."

Celeste's eyes were full of envy. She really envied Sylvia, who had brothers who doted on her and worried about her.

Usually, they fought and quarrelled with each other, but when something happened, the brothers would attend to it. It was really warm.Perhaps it was because she grew up alone, so sometimes she would be particularly envious of such familial affection.

The look in her eyes was captured effortlessly by Gary.

Gary immediately opened his mouth and said, "You have us in the future, and you'll be cared for by all of us as well." "I know." Celeste shook herhead and broke into laughter. "I'm just jealous of Sylvia. She has so many brothers caring for her, but I'm also envious of Sylvia's personality. It'sprecisely because she lives in such a happy family that she developed such a confident, bubbly, and adorable personality.”

"Sylvia is not adorable at all. She's just an ordinary girl. Who cares about her if she is not from our family?" Gary said.Gary had never felt that Sylvia had a good personality.

"Anyway, I do feel that Sylvia is quite bubbly and she is very adorable. She's not as repulsive as you said,” Celeste said.

"Celeste, don’ t try to copy Sylvia'stemperarent. She's not adorable atall. You're the soft and timid ong;and that s what being adorableshoud be like. Men like the kind ofgirtike you, all right?" Gary.said.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"I think only you like people like me. Many people actually like Sylvia's personality. That's also the same for Leah, who is also very bubbly and cute,and even Janice." Celeste said.

Gary frowned at the mention of Janice

"Besides, you and Janice were very good friends, weren't you?" Celeste said

Gary's brows immediately twisted into a knot.

"Celeste, can you stop bringing up Janice? It's a mood killer. Moreover, it's been a long time since that matter with Janice has passed.”

Celeste smiled and said, "Don't misunderstand me, it's because it was in the past that I feel that we can be open about it. What's the matter? Are youembarrassed when I mention it?"

Gary pulled his lips and said, "I'm not embarrassed. I just thought of the possibility that this person causing some misunderstandings between us.We'd better not mention her!"

"Now I know what you're thinking, so it doesn't matter." Celeste smiled and said, "I don't mind."

Gary sighed softly. "You don't mind, but I do.”

Thinking back to how he had truly neglected Celeste's feelings, he really had not been handling it well

If he could have handled it a little better, perhaps their child could be saved. There were some things that were just meant to be."Okay, put the book away. We will not bring up that topic anymore. Now it's time to go to bed," Gary said.

Gary felt that he should do something. Otherwise, it would cause their imaginations to run wild again, especially Celeste.

"Didn't you just tell Ernest that you're going to arrange for the housekeeper to prepare tomorrow's breakfast? Ernest and Leah will be hometomorrow." Celeste reminded him.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Gary had already made a call on his phone. He said, "Of course I won't forget. I'll call him right now. I'll go to sleep after I'm done."

Soon, Gary arranged for the housekeeper to prepare a more exquisite breakfast for the next day.After knowing it, the housekeeper asked very excitedly, "Master Gary, should we inform Madam Grace about this?"

Gary said, "My mom must be asleep at this time. She seems to be a little tired recently, so don't disturb her. Let's give her a surprise tomorrowmorning."

"Oh, that's good. A surprise it is then,” the housekeeper said.Hanging up the phone, Gary looked at Celeste who was locking at himself. Her eyes were soft, bright, and clear, and it was dazzling.Gary was moved. He stretched out his hand and pulled Celeste over, hugging her in his embrace.

He lowered his head and whispered near her lips, "Do you know how seductive you are when you look at me like this?"

Celeste's face turned red and shewas too embarrassed to look up atGary. She cold only mutter in a lowvoice, 'l just-found that you're >getting gentler now. Youre ~~becoring more considerate ofothers. You even know that auntie issleeping now. You've also, {earnedhow to take care of yoursgoungersister. Gary, you've really changed alot compared to before." Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Then, have I met the standard for Prince Charming in your heart yet?" Gary asked persuasively.

In fact, he really wanted to know what kind of position he held in Celeste’s heart.

Celeste blushed and said, "Itdepends onyour behavior for therest life. Then only I can see if you->qualify 16-be Prince Charming. L thi inkI can gnly answer your question’wheryour life is almost over”Anyway, let's wait and see!“ Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

Upon hearing Celeste's words, Gary burst into laughter.

It was rare that Celeste would make such a joke.

He only hoped that Celeste would smile more often, which would give him a greater sense of accomplishment.Gary lowered his head and gently kissed her lips.

Celeste took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around Gary's neck.

They did not dodge or shy away. They continued naturally.

Those were the days that they were just so intimate with each other.

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