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Chapter 1902

After class, Sylvia went and look for Sebastian right away and said proudly, "Sebastian, do you know who came to our school today?"

Of course, her main goal was to continue persuading Sebastian. She wanted to get first place for the final exam

Sebastian just gave her a cold look and said, "Look at the smug on your face. Are you behaving like this because Gary and Celeste were here?"Hearing that, Sylvia's big eyes sparkled and were bright.

"Sebastian, tell me the truth. Are you so sure about this because you've seen them?" Sylvia asked.

"I thought I saw someone that looked like them. Turns out it really was them!" Sebastian felt a little strange.

It was for Sylvia's sake that they came to school so early in the morning. They really were going all out.

"Ah!" Sylvia exclaimed in surprise. "You actually saw them. I thought you just guessed it."

Recalling the agreement he had with Gary the previous night, Sebastian glanced at his younger sister without any expression on his face."If am that good at guessing, I should start being a fortune teller,” Sebastian said.

"Hehe." Sylvia laughed even more proudly.

Sebastian was even more certain then. "The two of them were here to see you, weren't they?"

"Wait a minute, Sebastian.” Sylvia was also a cunning person. She immediately thought of many things and connected them after hearing whatSebastian had said. She stared fixedly at Sebastian. "Did something strange happen at home since I haven't been home recently?"

"Haha!" Sebastian laughed derisively. "Do I even have to think about it? I can tell easily that they came here to look for you. Look at you acting likeyou're in a hurry to show off in front of me. That's enough to tell that Gary was here to see you!"

"Yes, it's that simple, but you seemed so confident. I am wondering if you have reached an agreement with Gary. Are you guys scheming against metogether?" Sylvia couldn't help overthinking a little. After all, getting first place in the examination was too important to her.

"If I were you, I would take the time to read and study, instead of running around after class,”Sebastian reminded.

There was nothing to worry about. "Sebastian, of course I know the importance of doing revisions. I just want to ask you about what we discussedlast night. Have you changed your mind? Are you going to help your little sister?”

"I won't show mercy to you. You still look calm here even now, and you don't even look like you are going to do your revision. How can I just let youwin?" Sebastian said

Sebastian was well aware that if Sylvia were to get the first place so easily, she would be even more gleeful. She wouldn't even study.In that case, Gary's painstaking efforts and Kendrix's efforts would all be in vain.

His standards would be lowered without a purpose even if he did go easy on her.

Therefore, even if he wanted Sylvia to get the first place, he would not make it so easy for her to achieve it.

At the very least, if Sylvia wanted to get first place, she would have to diligently study for the rest of the time before the exams.

"Sebastian, aren't you being too unfair?" Sylvia complained. "I've told you everything. This matter is way too important for me. How can you justignore the kinship between us?"

"Since it's so important to you, you should be trying your best instead of trying to swindle me. Do you think that it will be fair if I just let you win? Doyou think everyone else will side with you if that's how you got it?" Sebastian asked.

Sylvia widened her eyes and said, "Sebastian, what you said seems to make sense. Since it's not easy to get, I have to try my best and have adevout heart at least.”

"So, you'd better hurry up and study,” Sebastian reminded her againContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"I'l ask one last question. I'll leave as soon as I finish," Sylvia said.

"What is it?" Sebastian asked

"Sebastian, I just want to know why Gary suddenly sent his study notes to me. It's a little strange. Did you tell him something?"Gary's arrival seemed a little too rushed.

Sebastian nodded. "Yes. When I returned home last night, dad and Gary were in the courtyard and they asked me about you. I told them that youwere determined to get the first place in the exams.”

"Ah, how can you tell them this?" Sylvia groaned.

Sebastian slightly raised his eyebrow. "I didn't say anything, but I'm sure you know what kind of a person Gary is. Do you think you can hide anythingfrom him with your little tricks?"

Sylvia opened her eyes wide in surprise again.

She knew what kind of person Gary was, and a hint of annoyance flashed across her eyes.

It seemed that Gary really knew about it.

She knew there was something suspicious about Gary's attitude towards Kendrix the day before, and his action of sending the notes that day.

Sylvia thought for a moment, then rolled her eyes and said to Sebastian, "So, Gary must want me to get the first place, and that's why he came tosend me the study materials. Am I right?"

Sebastian nodded. "l suppose so. He didn't even give me the materials that he gave you. Those are his materials back when he was in high school.”Hearing that, Sylvia immediately smiled and said, "So, not only did I get support from Gary, but also from my sister-in-law, right?"

"I guess you could say that!" Sebastian nodded again.

"Aren't my chances of winning even greater then?” Sylvia exclaimed.

It seemed to be quite a good feeling. Someone was supporting her.

Sylvia was happy just thinking about it.

"You can say that." Sebastian said indifferently, "However, you will need a miracle to get the first place. Anyway, I won't just give in to you."

"Oh, Sebastian, all you do is spoil my mood.” Sylvia shoulders dropped in dejection. Thinking that Sebastian would not give in, she became moreworried.

"Whatever you say," said Sebastian, shrugging. It was as if he didn't care what Sylvia said.Sylvia pouted and said, "Sebastian, can you just go easy on me a little bit? I have toc little time left. Even if I study now, I surely can't surpass you.”"I've already said what I should. If you waste any more time, you really won't have a chance.” Sebastian reminded again

Sylvia was irritated to see Sebastian not giving in a tiny bit. She knew that there was no point in continuing, so she didn't want to waste any moretime.

"I know you won't help me ne matter how I beg you. You are just a stubborn old man," Sylvia said, stamped her feet and turned away.Sebastian gazed at his sister's figure as she walked way, narrowing his eyes. It looked like Sylvia would really be considering studying that time.In that case. he could be at ease.

When Sebastian was ready to go back to the classroom, he saw Kendrix as soon as he looked up.

Sebastian was slightly surprised because Kendrix was looking at him then.

"Mr. Trevino," Sebastian greeted.

Kendrix slightly nodded and walked past him with a steady pace and cool temperament.

Sebastian raised his eyebrows slightly. Was it a coincidence? Or was it deliberate?

Sebastian didn't have a clear view of the situation, but he always felt that the more he locked at Kendrix, the more pleasing he felt to the eyePerhaps it was because he had heard some good words from his big brother that Mr. Trevino was really quite decent.

He smiled, turned and walked back to the classroom.

Sylvia didn't see Kendrix. She returned to the classroom and continued to look at the materials.

Sylvia was immersed in doing revision and was particularly earnest and serious

Kendrix walked past the corridor and looked up at the figure in the classroom. Sylvia was reading with her head down

Kendrix's eyes flickered slightly and he left quietly.

"Mr. Trevino!" Someone shouted.

Sylvia seemed to have heard someone calling Kendrix's name, but she was too occupied to notice it.

Those materials were keeping her busy.

It was not until later when she went to the toilet after the next class was finished that Sylvia heard that Kendrix passed by the corridor during the lastclass.

Sylvia locked at her classmate immediately. "When did that happen? Why didn't I know?""You were studying.” the classmate said."Really?" Sylvia paused for a moment before asking again, "Was Mr. Trevino just passing by?"

"I think so." The same person shook her head. "I'm not sure either.”

Sylvia sat down and looked like she was deep in her thoughts, and she continued her revisionWhen Sebastian returned home in the evening after school, he was stopped by Heinz again."Sebastian, how is your sister today?" Heinz asked.

"She is quite well," Sebastian said.

Every time he answered, Heinz felt that he was being perfunctory.

He looked at his third son and sighed in his heart. It seemed that that was always the case.Sebastian was always so calm and acted so unhurriedly, as if nothing could phase him."What are the specifics?" Heinz asked again.

"Dad, what exactly do you mean by that?" Sebastian asked.

Heinz was speechless. "Sebastian, you're like this every time. You don't want to answer this question, even though you know very well what I mean.Are you annoyed by my question?”

Sebastian nodded and actually admitted it.

Heinz was stunned and looked at his son in shock. "Are you really annoyed when I asked about Sylvia?"

Sebastian, Modded seriously. "Yes,dad. If yor rreally care about Sylviabut dont believe what I say, whydon't you go to school to ask heryourself? It's bores me to answerthat question so many times.”Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

He said so much in answering him.

Heinz was stunned. To think that Sebastian would speak so much to him, it surprised him.

"Sebastian, you seem to be very agitated today. Who provoked you?" Heinz was thinking that Sebastian might have been irritated.Who had provoked him?

Cr, had everyone provoked him?

He had EIEVE been in the first placehis entireiife, never the second.However; he was supposed to letSylvia win that one time. That wasust great, he was going to beeak hisstreak. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

That was really not anything fantastic.

However, he had to do it.

When he returned home, he wantedto be alone for a moment, but his.father was still nagging. SinceSebastian had no place to vent outhis anger, he could only venthisanger at his father. Content belongst&“NovelDrama.Org a

"No one.” After being harsh with his father, Sebastian realized that he shouldn't have done it. He immediately said, "Dad, I'll go upstairs first.”

Heinz opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but didn't say it in the end

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