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Chapter 1900

Sylvia's eyes were glued on Kendrix for a long time. She looked into Kendrix's eyes as she stood at the door, not leaving the spot.

As soon as Gary left, Kendrix frowned. He then locked at Sylvia as he came back to his senses and said in a slightly emotional voice, "Sylvia, yourbrother is mental. He needs to be treated.”

Sylvia was stunned for a moment, and after hearing Kendrix's words, she suddenly felt a little down

What she wanted to hear was definitely not those words.

She happened to hear what Mr. Trevino said at the door earlier on as she was standing there.

He said he fell in love with her at first sight.

Sylvia was extremely shocked in her heart

She was very surprised, delighted, and very excited.

Her heart suddenly swelled with joy.

Kendrix was definitely not the kind of person who would say those words, but he did.

How could Sylvia not be delighted?

She gawked at Kendrix, feeling that her heart was still beating wildly.

Her heart was beating extremely fast, and it felt like it was going to jump out of her chest

After saying that, Kendrix looked up at Sylvia. He realized that Sylvia was still looking at him, but the disappcintment in her eyes was obvious.Kendrix was stunned, but he didn't show any reaction on his face.

He looked emotionlessContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Sylvia came to her senses quickly too. She looked at Kendrix and said absent-mindedly, "Mr. Trevino, I heard what you just said.”Kendrix's shifted his gaze, but he still looked calm. Then he looked down and said, "Your brother wouldn't leave unless I said that to him.""Mr. Trevino, you're not the kind of person who would compromise,” Sylvia said as she chuckled.

Hearing that, Kendrix's eyes sharpened slightly. "Do you think you know me very well?"

Sylvia also looked straight into Kendrix's eyes. "I don't know much about you, but I feel that you are a person who wouldn't easily compromise. I knowvery well that my eldest brother is not mental.”

Kendrix frowned. She was just like her brother, they just wouldn't let people off at all.Kendrix asked, "What did you want to see me about?"

"Mr. Trevino, I heard what you said just now. You said that you fell in love with me at first sight and you wanted to protect me. Let me ask you, is thistrue?" Sylvia asked word by word.

She just couldn't let go of that question.

She had to ask clearly and to find out the truth. If she didn't, she wouldn't be able to sleep at night.Kendrix found that the situation then seemed to be a deadlock.

Locking at her serious look. he felt like he was getting a headache again.

Taking a deep breath, Kendrix fixed his eyes on Sylvia.

He knew that he had to answer the question cautiously.

"Mr. Trevino, I always thought you were different.” Before he spoke, Sylvia said.

"You don't have to remind me." Kendrix interrupted what she wanted to say. Sylvia wanted to listen to the truth in his heart, and he knew how toanswer her question, and still keep her from getting hurt.

Sylvia pursed her lips. It seemed that Mr. Trevino knew what she wanted to remind him.She then smiled and waited for Kendrix's answer.

Kendrix looked at her. They were far apart, and he was looking at her without avoidance.His gaze was very deep. He said word by word, "Sylvia, you are only 16."

Sylvia was stunned.

She somehow felt a little disappointed.

Her eyes dimmed, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Kendrix said again, "I am your teacher. Although it is temporary, I am still your teacher."Kendrix emphasized on the word "teacher".

Sylvia had originally been very sad, but upon hearing that, she suddenly began to laugh.She raised her eyes and looked at Kendrix again, her eyes were particularly sparkly. When she locked at Kendrix, she immediately smiled warmly."I see. Mr. Trevino. I understand it," she said.

Kendrix was stunned and fixed his eyes on the little girl.

She smiled so happily as if she suddenly understood something.

Kendrix doubted whether she really understood

him or not

Sylvia happily ignored the previous question and said, "Mr. Trevino, I'm here to thank you for the materials you gave me. I know most of the notes arefrom my eldest brother, but some are from you.”

Kendrix was a little stunned, staring at her deeply.

She smiled with her eyes glistening. "l won't ask you the question now. I will ask you again when you are not my teacher.”After that, Sylvia turned around and left.

Kendrix looked at the then empty door, and the corridor was particularly quiet too.

He leaned back and his back was sweating slightly. He rubbed his mid-brows and heaved a long sigh unconsciously.Sylvia walked out of the building cheerfully. When she reached the corner of the stairs, she saw Gary.

"Gary." Sylvia rushed over and hugged Gary. Her enthusiasm was indescribable.

Gary could only catch her as shethrew herse fon him. He quicklypulled her agide and said, "Just talkproperly and don't hug me. My ~~ Cembrace belongs only to Celeste)"You're’so stingy." Sylvia poutetd herlips in protest, but she still cotldn'thide her excitement. Her small facewas full of her bright andtazzlingexpression. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Gary looked at his sister.

"Did you get your wish?" Gary asked.

Sylvia immediately laughed. "Gary, did I tell you that I love you sc much?"

Gary nodded in reply, very perfunctorily.

"Hey, what kind of attitude is this?" Sylvia complained.

"Don't take your gain for granted," Gary said, "l can see through your little schemes at a glance. Did Kendrix admit it?"Sylvia shook her head.

"Heh, as expected of him. Teachers are just fearful of everything, aren't they? Is he even a man?" Gary sneered

"Gary, don't laugh at Mr. Trevino. He didn't deny it either." Sylvia laughed and said, "Therefore, I won't force him. I know in my heart what he thinks ofme."

Gary tock the opportunity to encourage her. "Then, let's get good grades to prove to him that you're not just a bimbo from the Jones family.”Sylvia nodded. "Yes, of course. I'm going to do my part. Gary, thank you for the notes.”

Gary rubbed the top of his sister's head, a smile flashing across his eyes. "Go and study.”

Sylvia walked with light steps, like a happy swallow, and her every move was full of joy.

Narrowing his eyes, Gary watched as his sister disappeared, and returned to the parking lot a while after that.

Celeste was looking at her phone in the car. She seemed to be reading an email.

When Gary opened the door, she was shocked

"What's wrong?" Gary looked at her phone and asked suspiciously, "What email is that? Are you afraid that I'll see it?"

Celeste handed the phone over and showed the screen to him. "Nothing, you can lock all you want."

Gary actually took a look at it and realized that there was nothing odd with the letter. He got into the car and asked Celeste, "You were too focusedthat you were shocked when I opened the door, weren't you?"

Celeste nodded. "Yes, why did you take so long?"

"Are you anxious already?" Gary asked

"The key pointis that this is aschool. We are here and we feel likean idler. l.gan't help but to feel guilty.I am afraid that if I was to meet a=formerJeacher that I was familarwith Hey will ask me the reason forbeing here. How awkward would itbé?" Celeste said. Contentbelongsto NovelDrama.Org

"What's there to be embarrassed about? You've graduated fram a famous university and studied for a master's degree. What's there to beembarrassed about?" Gary laughed.

Celeste didn't have such a positive mindset. She could only say, "I'm not exactly successful and famous, and I've even been on the news recently. It'sso shameful."

Gary was startled. Only then did he realize that the news that Simon had created actually had some effects on Celeste.Upon hearing her words, Gary immediately looked at Celeste, his eyes full of worries."Are you still affected by it?" Gary asked.

Celeste immediately shook her head and smiled bitterly. "It is impossible to say that there is not the slightest effect. I just feel a little helpless that ithappened to me."

Thinking about Celeste'sbackground, Gary stretched out hishand and plated his wide armon ._Ce este's’s oulder. He said softly,>"Celeste; I know about these things.Fo sorheone of your age, it's 160difficult to process all these:However, it's not worth it fo strugglewith matters that can't Content

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be changed.”

Celeste nodded. "Yes, you're right.”

Gary caressed hers cheek and said softly, "You understand why, but you just can't do it, is that right?"Being seen through by Gary, Celeste looked at him in surprise.

Gary raised his eyebrows.

Celeste could only nod and admit it.

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