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Chapter 1893

"I don't think so.” Gary smiled as he locked at Sebastian. "Sebastian, I believe Sylvia might really rank first if she works hard enough.”

"Perhaps in the next semester." Sebastian smiled with confidence. "We will be having our finals in less than two weeks for this semester. I doubt shecan score better than me.”

Heinz said, "Don't go easy on her. Also, keep an eye on her."

Sebastian was startled. "Why should I keep an eye on her?"

"That's because Dad is suspecting that Sylvia is falling in love too early," Gary interrupted and answered.Heinz frowned and glanced at Gary, as if he didn't like Gary revealing that much.

Sebastian blinked his eyes. "Are you suspecting that Sylvia is falling in love too soon? With who?""What do you think?" Gary ignored Heinz's gaze and continued to ask.

Sebastian thought for a moment before saying, "I don't think she will be interested in any of our classmates. She's mature at her age and has highstandards. I doubt she will be interested in someone our age."

Gary gave Heinz a lock. "It seems like Sebastian really knows Sylvia well."

Heinz frowned and looked at Sebastian again

Sebastian looked at him with a calm expression. "Dad, just tell me what's on your mind.”Heinz frowned again, as if he was hesitating.

"Just say it already,” Gary said, "Sebastian, dad thinks that Sylvia is in love with Mr. Trevino.”Heinz glared at Gary again for saying too much.

Gary sneered. "What's wrong? Stop the act when we're already at this point. Why can't you be a little honest since you have already started theconversation?"

Heinz had no choice but to say, "Fine. It's like what your brother said. Is there anything strange going on between Sylvia and Kendrix?""I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to them,” Sebastian said directly.

Heinz was startled. He then said to Sebastian, "All right. You should probably go get some rest now.”

"Good night, dad. Good night, Gary." Sebastian was about to walk out.

Gary smiled and took a step forward. Putting his arm around Sebastian's shoulders, he said, "Dad, I'll walk Sebastian to his room."Heinz just acknowledged him and didn't say anything else.

"Gary, I'm not a child, I can go back on my own." Sebastian laughed after they walked out of the study. “You don't have to do this.”"Just let me walk you." Gary laughed as he led Sebastian to his room.

After walking into Sebastian's room, Gary said, "Great job, Sebastian.”

Sebastian played dumb. "What? Gary, I don't quite get it."

"Are you still trying to play dumb in front of me?” Gary raised a brow and stared at him with a sharp gaze.

Sebastian could no longer hide himself under that gaze.

Sebastian paused and smiled. "Gary, I really don't get what you're implying. Why don't you just tell me?"

"Sure, I'll tell you," Gary said in a deep voice, "You know there's something going on between Sylvia and Kendrix, yet you lied to Dad.”Upon hearing that, Sebastian let out an awkward laugh as he looked at Gary, but he wasn't feeling awkward at all deep down.

He looked calm as he said, "You're sneaky.”

"Sebastian, you're the sneaky one." Gary looked at him. Sebastian indeed looked like an honest and innocent kid, and not everyone was able to telllies so blatantly.

He was impressed at how Sebastian managed to keep a cool face even when he lied.

Gary could not help but to imagine that Sebastian might grow up to be someone remarkable one day. He felt that he needed to look at him moreseriously then.

Sebastian smiled. "I really don't know anything between Sylvia and Mr. Trevino. I'm not in her class after all, but I do know Sylvia admires Mr. Trevino.That's obvious, and I've mentioned it before.”

"There is a story behind her wanting to get first place, am I right?” Gary continued to ask.Sebastian shook his head. "I don't know."

"Sebastian, don't you forget that Sylvia is the biggest troublemaker among us. You, Ernest, and I are all her victims,” Gary persuaded to haveSebastian join his side.

Sebastian was however being very cautious. "I know that, but what are you trying to say?"

"Tell me everything you know,” Gary ordered in a deep tone, "I ran into Kendrix and Sylvia at the book store this afternoon.”Sebastian was surprised as he didn't expect that to happen.

He asked, "Did you talk to him?"

"Yes, he is remarkable," Gary said

Sebastian nodded. "Mr. Trevino is someone who can restrain Sylvia."

"Are you okay to have him as our brother-in-law? Would you like that?" Gary asked again.

Sebastian was actually dumbfounded that time as Gary asked the question.

Sebastian then regained his composure and laughed. "Gary, aren't you thinking too far ahead? Why would you even think of that? Mr. Trevino to beour brother-in-law?"

"Don't tell me you can't see that Sylvia is falling for Kendrix." Gary stared at Sebastian and said directly, "Stop trying to fool me around. It won't workon me."

Sebastian immediately put on asolemn expression. "Since we're atthis point, [Hust be honest with you.I do thinkthat Sylvia is indeed faliingfor Mr=Trevino t00." "Right? I knewit." Gary smirked. "The way she looksatm and how her eyes wouldsparkle just give it off." Cantentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sebastian nodded. "You have sharp eyes indeed to notice it after just seeing him once.”"I've already told Kendrix that I like him." Gary was being honest too

Sebastian was astonished. "Do you like Mr. Trevino too?"

What did that mean?

He was confused

Gary said, "l would like him to be our brother-in-law. That's what I told him."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Sebastian choked on the water he was drinking as he was distracted.

Gary said with concern, "Be careful.”

Sebastian waved his hand as he coughed. "I'm fine. Why did you tell Mr. Trevino that? Aren't you being too blunt?"

"That's because that is the result I'mexpecting,” Gary said, "It seems tome that Kendrix knows how to read>someone's mind through their =actions ¢ or words. I have to throwhirm-Off guard first, and be ahead ofhit" Content belongs to =NovelDrama.Org or

Otherwise, he would only be trapped by Kendrix in the mind game.

At first, Gary was still clueless about it and somehow Kendrix was able to know what he was thinking. He then thought about it a lot, and figured theother way round.

He didn't want to lose.Thinking about it then, luckily, Gary was smart enough.

After his initial shock had passed, Sebastian pondered for a moment and came back to his senses. He said, "If we put it this way, he and Sylvia domake a great couple.”

Gary gave him a satisfying pat on the shoulder. "It's better to distract her with Kendrix. Otherwise, she will only be troubling the three of us.”Sebastian blinked his eyes and smiled. "Are you saying that I should just let her get first place?"

"Sure," Gary said, "Not only that, you should help her get it too."

Sebastian pursed his lips and gave the possibility of that a careful thought

"If Kendrix was why she wanted to rank first, then let's give her what she wants," Gary said.

Sebastian decided to tell the truth. "Sylvia did mention that Kendrix will fulfil one wish of hers if she manages to get first place.”Gary froze for a moment before realization dawned on him. "I see. No wonder she wanted it

so much.”

Sebastian nodded. "That's why she begged me to go easy on her and worked so hard.”

"Did you reject her?" Gary asked

Sebastian nodded. "As usual, I can't hide anything from you.”

"Well, it isn't a bad thing to make her feel defeated for now,” Gary said, "But then you should also help her with this and just go easy on her this onetime."

Sebastian nodded, his expression serious. "l will help her if you said so. I will make Mr. Trevino our brother-in-law, and I will work hard on that.”

Gary pattecthim on the shoulder andsaid, "Great. We can finally live i incpeace once she gets married toKendrix. He will be able to solve anyproblem that Sylvia might have, andwewon't be trouble anymore.”Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sebastian nodded. "Mr. Trevino can definitely handle Sylvia. However, she's still our sister. What if he doesn't treat her well?"

"If that happens, of course we will teach him a lesson,” Gary said in a deep tone, "No one but us can mess with our sister."

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