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Chapter 1887

"It's no trouble at all," Gary said on Kendrix's behalf, "Mr. Trevinc and I were clicking immediately, and he said he will take great care of you."Sylvia widened her eyes at this. How was this possible? She wondered.

She knew Kendrix well enough to know that he wouldn't be able to click with Gary at all

However, Kendrix didn't refute what Gary said. Sylvia was a little surprised

This didn't sound like Kendrix at all

And now, Kendrix wasn't saying anything.

Celeste was also surprised. She noticed Gary's smug look and had a feeling that he must have dealt with this already with Kendrix.

Gary was indeed impressive.

Kendrix glanced at Gary and then at Sylvia. This pair of siblings were the same in their shamelessness.

Gary walked to Celeste's side and put his arm around her shoulder. He said with a smile, "Celeste, let's go for the movie. Mr. Trevino will bring Sylviaback. Don't worry."

The way Celeste gazed at Kendrix was mixed with a little sympathy.Kendrix pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

Sylvia held her books and said with a smile, "Mr. Trevino, I've bought all the materials needed. Are you still not done yet? Do you need me to help youwith it?"

"No need," Kendrix said lightly.

Gary immediately interrupted, "Mr. Trevino, you don't have to act like this. We are destined to be family. You can treat her like family too. I'll hand herover to you now. See you again."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Destined to be family?

Sylvia was a little confused. What did Gary mean by that?

She stared blankly at Gary, who gave her a wink, and then left with Celeste in his arm.

Sylvia was staring at him in great confusion.

She waited until Gary and Celeste had gone far before she turned to Kendrix. "Mr. Trevino, what did he say to you?"

Kendrix was startled under her stare. His eyes flickered and avoided her gaze as he said faintly, "Nothing much. He's a talkative person." "You canjust say that he has a sharp tongue,”

Sylvia said

He was startled again and said, “That to."

Sylvia laughed. She was still confused as she called out, "Mr. Trevino?"

Kendrix continued reading without looking at her.

She pouted

After a few seconds, she let out a smile again

This was because she realized that she got to spend more time with Kendrix, and he wasn't chasing her away. This was a good sign.With this in mind, Sylvia was no longer feeling anxious

She waited obediently next to Kendrix.

Perhaps she was being too quiet, Kendrix couldn't help but steal a glance at her.

Coincidentally, she was also looking at him with an innocent expression.

The moment their gazes met, Kendrix immediately looked away.

"Mr. Trevino?" Sylvia was guick-witted to notice that there was something wrong with Kendrix. Why did he avoid her gaze?Something was not right.

Kendrix had always been a calm man.

What did Gary tell him that he was acting this strange?

Sylvia stared at him for a while before asking, "Mr. Trevino, did Gary tell you something inappropriate?"

Kendrix fixed his gaze on the book in hand without saying anything.

She didn't know what to do with his attitude.

Sylvia hesitated for a while before saying tentatively, "Please don't mind whatever my brother said to you. He only cares about Celeste and no oneelse. He is insensitive with his words."

Kendrix said in a faint voice, "He seems fine to me, just a little unusual.”

"Unusual?" Sylvia was even more dumbfounded, "But he's not unusual.”

In addition to his sharp tongue and his insufferable annoyance, Gary was just someone ordinary person with a high 1Q.Why did Kendrix find him unusual?

Kendrix was startled at this. He frowned a little as he looked at Sylvia. "Are you saying that I'm the unusual one instead?”

"No." Sylvia immediately shook her head. "Mr. Trevino, there's nothing wrong with you at all. It's just that you've been acting a little strange aftertalking to my brother."

Kendrix suddenly narrowed his eyes as he took a step forward to Sylvia.

Sylvia was standing at a distance away from him. However, with him suddenly approaching her, Sylvia suddenly felt that his tall figure was a littleintimidating.

She gasped as she stared blankly at Kendrix. He stared at her red lips in a daze.She was too beautiful.

Kendrix gulped. His gaze was fixed on her.

Sylvia was lost in his eyes.

They were staring at each other.

His face was reflected in her eyes. He had gorgeous features. His eyebrows were neither too thick nor thin. He looked masculine and elegant. He hada straight nose which added to his gorgeous features.

As for his lips, they were outstanding too. His stubble was too short to even notice on his smooth delicate skin.It was obvious that he took care of his personal hygiene that he shaved every day.

Sylvia's mind was wandering elsewhere as she stared at his face.

They were staring at each other for so long that they were a little absent-minded.

Even Kendrix.

He immediately came back to hissenses. "How-long do you plan onwasting my:time? Your brother ~~already wasted half an hour, andyou've been taking up ninety oYminutes of my time. Do you reallythink I have nothing better to do inthese three months?” Content

belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Sylvia also immediately came back to her senses.

She shivered a little like a bunny in shock, and then she looked pitifully at Kendrix.

He gulped again as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Mr. Trevino." Sylvia smiled brightlyat him. Youre scaring me. I didn'tdo this oR purpose. Also, I've learneda lot frorayou. I don't consider this awasteOf time. My relationship y withmy mother has improved a lot 100.lsh his what you aim to help witha¥a policeman too?" Coptentbelongs to swnovel.ne

Sylvia's words were clever enough, and her smile was radiating.

Kendrix frowned slightly and took astep backwatd until there was a safedistance between them. He thensaid in alow voice, "You should put

that qaick wit of yours to use.Othetwise, you're only a pretty”

Aceessory. * Content belongs to

swnovel. net 5)

Sylvia was startled. She saw that there was no expression on his face, and she felt a little obscure.She could tell that this was a reminder.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Trevino. I am confident to be ranked second for this final.""Why not first place?" Kendrix asked.

Sylvia said awkwardly, "I can't defeat Sebastian, that's why."

Kendrix then came to a realization. "He's your twin brother, isn't he?”

Sylvia nodded. "He may seem boring on the outside, but he has a sharp tongue too. He studies in his free time, unlike me. There's no way I can beathim."

Sebastian had always ranked first in every exam.

She could only come in second despite putting in all of her best efforts. Sometimes, she might even not appear among the top 50.

"Just do your best," Kendrix said, "If you get first place, I can promise you something in return.”

"A promise?" Sylvia was surprised. "Mr. Trevino, what will that be?"

"As long as it doesn't violate the law and my morality, I can promise you anything," Kendrix said.

Sylvia's heart skipped a beat. She asked excitedly, "Really? You won't regret this, will you? Will you really promise me anything if I don't violate thelaw and morals?"

Kendrix nodded. "Yes."

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