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Chapter 1885

Kendrix smiled faintly as if he wasn't bothered.

He continued browsing the bookcase and took two books with him. He placed one book away. It was as if he had already picked this bookbeforehand.

Gary wasn't interested in the books at all. In fact, he found this person who completely ignored him to be quite interestingHis eyes flickered and a smile appeared on his lips. He seemed to have come up with a plan. "Mr. Trevino, I'd like to propose something else."Without raising his head, Kendrix simply asked, "What is it?"

"I'l ask my sister here and let you take her to school.” Gary smiled faintly. There was a devilish smirk in his smile.

Kendrix was having a neutral expression instead. It seemed like he was already expecting to hear this.

It was slightly killing the vibe to see Kendrix not being anxious.

Gary asked again, "What do you think?"

"Have you really thought it over?" Kendrix asked.

Their conversation somehow sounded like that of two old friends. They didn't sound too awkward with each other.

Gary nodded and said, "l have."

"But then, I might not agree to do this," Kendrix said.

"You'll definitely do it." Gary laughed confidently. "You're a police officer. It's your job to serve justice and protect the public. You should've known thisbefore choosing this career path."Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Who knows, I might not be a decent policeman like you expected to see,” Kendrix said.

"Exactly. That's just one of the possibilities.” Gary had already seen through him. "You're only acting like this because you know how deeply in lovemy sister is with you. There is no way for you to return the feelings, hence you wish to stop this as soon as possible.”

Kendrix's gaze slightly froze before giving a faint smile.Gary knew that he was right about this.

"However, you clearly don't know my sister well,” Gary continued saying, "She's not someone who will give up that easily just because you give herthe cold shoulder or yell at her."

Gary knew Sylvia well enough to know how obsessed she was with some things. like the wiretapping incidentShe would only stop if she was too upset to continue.

If that was the case, why wouldn't he at least try to protect her dignity?

He knew how determined Sylvia could be

Besides, how could he allow Kendrix to take the lead in this?

The decision- making should still be in Sylvia's hands, instead of Kendrix's.

Kendrix raised his gaze at Gary and noticed the understanding in his eyes.

He nodded and said, "Even if you say so, she might not even listen to you, let alone be willing to leave with me."

"That's why I'm not leaving. I'll followbehind you. She will get mad at meonce she sees that I am following ._her, and by that time, I can just gorwith the-flow and let her leave withyou stead Anyway, you were theone iho brought her out, you shouldbethe one to take her back 100."Gary looked smug. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Kendrix frowned.Gary had never seen him frown.With a smile, Gary asked, "What do you think? It's a good plan, isn't it?"

"Itis," Kendrix said, "But I don't quite understand how you can do this as her brother? You aren't even doing this for her.”

"What's wrong with that?" Garyretorted, "Sheisn't an obedientyoung sisterto begin with anyway. LLjust can stand seeing you pushingher around. But then, I believe thatshe wolldn' be able to walk alloveryou 100. I do like you and want tosee you marrying her someday. Whydon't we bet on this?" Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

"I don't do bets." Kendrix said in a low voice

"I bet you'll marry her someday." Gary wasn't bothered by what he just said. "It does feel strangely exciting to have someone older than me to marrymy younger sister.”

Kendrix frowned. "I think I made myself clear enough that I don't want that to happen.”

"By the way. I'm not the only one in the family," Gary continued saying, "Sebastian is only older than Sylvia by one minute. You are still older than himanyway.”

"That is not going to happen.” Kendrix said.

"Mr. Trevino, you can never be too sure about the future.” Gary chuckled as he gave an even more smug look. It was as if he was certain that Kendrixwould definitely marry Sylvia someday.

Kendrix was clearly not happy with this.

He looked at Gary speechlessly.

Gary gained the upper hand in this and was in a good mood. He looked at Kendrix with a mischievous expression as he also scanned around theroom to look for Celeste and Sylvia

He sent his location to Celeste on his phone, then put his phone away.

Kendrix swept a glance at Gary. He took the book from the bookcase and was about to walk away.

Gary blocked his path with a smile. "I don't think running away is what the police do. Mr. Trevino, you don't seem like a runner.”Kendrix said faintly, "I'm not running away. I'm just locking for a book elsewhere.”

Gary smiled. "That's just an excuse.”

Kendrix wasn't angry. He looked at Gary faintly. "Whatever you say.”

"You barely skimmed through the first few pages of that book. You clearly aren't even focusing on its content. It does seem to me that my sister hassome effect on you.” Gary looked even happier at this discovery. "I'm sure you will marry her.”

Kendrix felt helpless. "How are you that sure?” "I have a strong feeling that we will be family someday. I approve of you marrying my sister. I'm sureyou're the one who can suppress the devil inside of her." Gary sounded confident.

"That doesn't sound like a happy marriage to me," Kendrix retorted.

Gary smiled happily. "Mr. Trevino,goes both ways, actually. If you'reable to suppress the bad side in her,I'm sure he will be able to control”some gspects of you too. Thats justhow: happy marriage works. twosldn't have to worry mueh in thatcase.” Content belongs tgNovelDrama.Org

Kendrix's eyes flickered a little upon hearing that. He stared at Gary as if trying to read through him.

"Think about it, and keep an eye on my sister. She is going to be your wife. Don't let her go on the wrong path, or else you'll be the one suffering.”Gary reminded him with a laugh.

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