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Chapter 1882

Gary was stumped by that question. He had neglected the fact that Celeste had been a young girl at the time.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. He immediately pulled his lips into a smile and said, "Of course not! We're together, aren't we? Since we endedup together in the end, it doesn't count.”

Celeste frowned and was not placated by his sweet-talking. She snorted and said, "Don't think that I'll be soothed by just those words. What you saidjust now was an insult to every girl in the world."

"You're overthinking it." Gary immediately followed up, "I didn't mean that was true for every girl. It only applied to Sylvia!"Celeste ignored him.She thought that the way Gary talked about his own sister was crude

Celeste also looked over and spotted that Sylvia looked excited to be here. She was smiling sweetly at the tall and handsome man beside her andwas acting unlike her usual self.

It was a little odd.

In short, it was clear that Sylvia felt something for the man.

Even Celeste could tell that something was off for a glance. No wonder Gary had taken pictures of Sylvia and the man in order to expose her.It was very unexpected.

Celeste looked at Sylvia from afar. Gary and her were still outside of the bookstore. There were quite a lot of people outside who were busy keepingtheir things in the lockers outside. A lot of them were couples.

Celeste didn't think that the young couples in Northern City would frequent bookstores.Gary was still taking pictures of Sylvia. He did his best to zoom in on his sister so that he could take a clearer picture.

Unexpectedly. the moment Gary panned his phone camera over to the unknown man, the man standing next to his younger sister suddenly lookedover at him sharply.

It was a sharp gaze. It was so sharp that Gary felt his scalp tingle from the intense look.

Gary was startled. He locked his gaze on the man through his phone. The moment their eyes met, Gary looked up from his phone and properly got agood lock at the man.

The two looked at each other again.

In an instant, Gary could feel a powerful aura emanating from the other party.

When the man looked at him, he felt fierce and intimidated him.

But Gary was not so easily frightened

He smiled slightly at the man instead. His handsome face was filled with insufferable arrogance.

He could continue on with their match all day.

Gary had returned a fierce look at the man. If the man wanted to court his sister, the man would have to get his approval first.Gary looked at the man from afar and shot him a contemptuous smile. Kendrix frowned.

Meanwhile, Sylvia was still obliviously chatting to him on the side. "I took your advice just now. My mom didn't get angry at me at all. It seems that sheand I are getting to understand each other more and more now. Kendrix, you're amazing!"

"Call me Mr. Trevino.” Kendrix corrected her without even looking at her.

Sylvia pouted and said, "I don't want to. We're not in school now. Besides, you won't be my teacher for long. Why should I call you by something soformal? Don't you think that it'll make you seem really old?"

"Do you know that person?" Kendrix didn't answer Sylvia's question. He was still locking at Gary from afar.

"Who?" Sylvia hurriedly followed Kendrix's gaze. Her mouth fell open in shock.

As soon as Kendrix saw her expression, he knew that Sylvia definitely knew the man.

He glanced at Sylvia, then looked at Gary and Celeste. He paused for a moment before he asked, "Is he your brother?"Sylvia admired Kendrix a lot. It was because all his deductions and guesses were almost always accurate.

"You're right." Sylvia turned towards Kendrix and continued, "That's my eldest brother, Gary. He's so annoying. I can't believe we bumped into himhere. What a small world!"

Hearing Sylvia's complaint, Kendrix laughed. "It seems that you don't like your brother very much."

"No, don't get me wrong." Sylvia shook her head immediately. "I just think that today's not a good day for me to interact with my family. Once I got inyour car, I received a phone call from my father! He knew that my mother was crying, and suggested that I call her. After the call, before we evenstepped foot into the bookstore, I suddenly see my brother and his fiancee. Gosh, this is too much. What if I end up meeting my other brother and hisgirlfriend too?"

Kendrix smiled and said, "Maybe you might."

"Don't jinx it!" Sylvia shook her head. "Let's just go in. Ignore them.”

She wanted to drag Kendrix away.

But Kendrix said, "I don't think that'd be wise. Your brother looks like he wants to pick a fight with me.”

"He's like that with everyone! He's kind of like the nanny of our family." Sylvia turned to lock at Gary and froze. She hurriedly said to Kendrix, "Waithere. I'm going to go greet my brother."

Kendrix, who had wanted to go with her to say hello to Gary, was suddenly left alone. Sylvia hurriedly walked away from him and rushed towards herbrother.

He hadn't been able to tell Sylvia that he wanted to go with her.

With such a hasty personality, how could Sylvia grow up to join the police force?

Sylvia ran up tq Gary and greetedhim with a seille. "Gary, Celeste,what a colncidence! Why are youguys at {ie bookstore?" "Sylvia, ~~you're-§kipping class to visit the”bookstore with a strange man?’Gary barked out, straight tothepint. Content belongs to:NovelDrama.Org

He had already put his phone away after Kendrix caught him taking photos.

At the moment, he interrogated his sister.

Sylvia immediately retorted, "A strange man? He's my school teacher! Gary, you're being disrespectful.”

"Oh? He's your teacher?" Gary raised his eyebrows and scoffed in disapproval. "Then is he a brute as well? A beast?"

"Gary." Sylvia was getting angry. She didn't like it when other people insulted Kendrix.

Celeste was alittle anxious. Thiswas the first ime she had seenSVE getting. angry and anxiousover sorgething that did not directlyconcerg-her. She immediately saidto Gaty, ‘Gary, stop spouting --nonsense. He's Sylvia's teacher,Show a little more respect;wouldyou?" Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"Why are you being so protective of your teacher?"Gary glared at Kendrix from afar.

Sylvia scolded in a low voice, "Gary, you've gone too far. I'm already living in the school dorms. I don't have to listen to you anymore. Can you stopembarrassing me in public?”

"Oh, now that you've mentioned it,seems that you really don't want toembarrass yourself in front of yourteacher. Gash, I can't give up thisonce- in- na lifetime opportunity, ca

1?" Gary y laughed mockingly. Howaspleased to see the look of panic inSyWia's eyes. "Sylvia, never thoughtthat I would see the day. seemsthat luck is siding with me thesedays." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Sylvia's eyes widened, and she was stunned for a moment.

Her brother was too infuriating.

She glared at Gary with contempt. "How dare you take revenge on me like that? Celeste, are you hearing this?""Celeste is also a victim of your eavesdropping. She's going to side with me on this matter." Gary interrupted his sister.Sylvia was rendered speechless.

Celeste hurriedly comforted her by saying, "Sylvia, don't mind your brother. I'm not siding with him. Since he's your teacher, we'll respect him."Celeste nodded at Kendrix from a distance and put on a polite and kind smile.

Seeing that, Kendrix also nodded back.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Gary was unhappy and immediately yelled at Celeste, "Don't smile at that man."

Celeste was rendered speechless.

She was merely greeting the man. If she didn't smile, did Gary want her to cry?

She ignored Gary.

Sylvia locked at Celeste and immediately laughed. "Celeste, my teacher and I came to the bookstore to buy books. We'll be going in now."

"Don't leave," Gary warned in a deep voice.

"What I do is none of your business.” Sylvia glared at her brother.

Celeste smiled and nodded. "Go on. Hurry up and get back to school earlier.”

"Don't worry. I'll head straight back after we finish buying what we need.” Sylvia replied with a smile.Just as she was about to leave, Gary stopped her. "What's the rush?"

BeSince Sylvia was being held back, she could not walk any further.

Gary was still glaring at Kendrix.

Kendrix narrowed his eyes at him and looked as if he was thinking about something.

Gary shot a mean smile at him.

This made Kendrix frown even more.

Sylvia turned back around and shouted at Gary anxiously, "Gary, what are you doing? I'm just going to buy books with the teacher. Why are youstopping me? Celeste even told me to hurry up."

"Since he's your teacher, it would only be polite for me to greet him, don't you think?” Gary asked with an unhurried smile, his tone teasing andprovocative.

"Why would you want to do that? He's not your teacher,” Sylvia retorted."I should meet him. He's my dear sister's teacher, so it's only polite.” Gary's smile grew even more sinister.

Gary didn't want to give up such a good opportunity. He wanted to see his sister squirm from anxiety and discomfort. He knew that an opportunity likethis was hard to come by.

Sylvia tried to break free from Gary with all her might, but Gary only tightened his grip.

"Brother, please let me go. What are you doing?” Sylvia pouted and said, "I really have to go now. There's a lot to shop for. Don't waste so much ofmy time, okay?"

"I disagree.” Gary continued, "Sylvia, tell me. Are you going to introduce us to your teacher, or do you want us to go right up to him and do itourselves?”

"Gary, let go of her." Celeste glared at Gary and tried to get his merciless grip on Sylvia off."Celeste, stay out of this." Gary turned to look at Celeste with a gentle, loving gaze."Look! The teacher's walking over now!” Celeste exclaimed. "Gary, let go of Sylvia!”

"Oh no! Mr. Trevino is really coming over.” Sylvia looked really anxious, and she sounded angry.

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