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Chapter 1878

Grace did not know how to react to Heinz's anxiety. She regretted telling him about her speculation

She had merely been making guesses, but Heinz took her seriously.

After all, it was all just speculation. She did not have any concrete proof.

She looked at Heinz helplessly.

Heinz noticed Grace's stare and instantly looked back at her with embarrassment in his eyes.

He realized that he had overreacted.

"It may not be true." Grace continued, "l was just making a guess. You didn't have to take it so seriously.”

"I'm just worried about Sylvia." Heinz sighed lowly. "She's still young. If she falls in love so early on in life, she'll fall behind in her studies. I want ourdaughter to gain as much knowledge as possible while she's still young. I don't want her to waste her youth."

"There are some things that you just can't control, you know?" Grace knew that certain things were out of their control. If they kept trying to interferewith their daughter's affairs, it might not have a good effect

Sylvia might start rebelling against them even more.

It would not be good.

Grace didn't want to be a strict mother, but it seemed that she had already been regarded as one.

She deeply reflected on her behavior and found that she seemed to have become the kind of person she hated most.When she thought of how her daughter had talked back to her, she felt disheartened

When Heinz heard that the situation was out of their control, he frowned and said in a worried tone, "Honey, how likely do you think that our daughterhas really fallen in love with Mr. Trevino?"

"80 percent," Grace said. "But I don't think we should do anything about it. Let's just see how it'll play out.”

"You mean you want to send someone over to the school to keep an eye out?" Heinz asked.

Grace nodded and said, "Yes, I think it's necessary."

The couple looked at each other, and Heinz immediately nodded firmly. "I will get some people to keep a close eye on them from now on."

"Hold on." Grace stopped him at once. "Don't let Mr. Trevino see you. He's no ordinary man. He's an expert in criminal investigation. If you leave anytraces, he'll find out.”

"I know. I'll get someone skilled to do the job." Heinz already had someone in mind. He needed to find a skilled person. Otherwise, they would befound out.

Although Heinz seemed confident in his abilities, Grace was still a little worried

After all, Kendrix was not an ordinary man. As such, it would be difficult to find someone to keep an eye on him. If a mistake was made, the manwould find out instantly.

Heinz took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts to call the right person for the job.

After some thinking, Grace hurriedly reached out and tugged on Heinz's arm. "Heinz, I think we shouldn't be doing this."

She was still in a state of shock after being sharply criticized by her daughter.

As soon as Heinz called someone, he heard his wife stop him. He hurriedly said to the person on the phone, "I'll call you back later.”After hanging up the phone, Heinz glanced at Grace and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I think we shouldn't get anyone to watch them." Grace shook her head. "If Sylvia finds out about this, she'll definitely make a scene.”

"It's alright. I'll warm the person on the job to be more careful. We won't be discovered." Heinz still felt that it would be better to keep an eye on themHe would rather be safe than sorry.

"No." Grace insisted. "Don't glare at me like that. Listen to me. I just have a bad feeling about this."

"This time, listen to me," Heinz said. "If Sylvia finds out, just tell her that it was my idea.”

Grace looked up at him. "I'm not worried about her blaming me. I'm just worried that this will trigger her and make her rebel even more.”"That won't happen.” Heinz shook his head. "Our daughter will not lose her senses and rationality because of something like that.”

Grace was still very worried. Even so, Heinz was still insistent. She let out a sigh and replied, "Well, do what you think is required, then. I'm going togo take a nap.”

The babies in her womb started kicking. She stroked her belly and said, "Even the both of you are against it, right?"

When Heinz heard his wife talking to the babies, he hurriedly asked, "Did they kick you?" "Yes, they did." Grace nodded. "I think the children areagainst it."

"How would you know? Maybe they're just expressing their agreement.” Heinz smiled and comforted his wife. "You always worry so much. It'shonestly nothing. My people were able to sniff out Michael, and he had been really discreet, so don't worry about it. The people on the job areexperienced in the field."

"No, I just think that Sylvia needs her own privacy. If we send people to keep an eye on her, it would look like we don't trust her to protect herself. Shewill definitely get angry once she finds out.”

It was common for people to be angry during a situation like that. If Sylvia knew that her parents speculated that she had fallen in love with a teacher,her first reaction would be anger, and following that would be embarrassment.

"She can be angry at me all she wants," Heinz said in a deep voice.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Grace was rendered speechless.

In the end, Heinz got somecne to keep a close eye on both Kendrix and Sylvia

In the evening, Heinz received a message.

"President Jones, Miss Sylvia went to look for Mr. Trevino twice this evening. Once in his office, and

once in the school field."

Heinz tock a look at his watch and started to think about the situation.

It seemed that Sylvia went to look for the teacher in the evening.

From four o'clock to six o'clock, his daughter had actually gone to see Mr. Trevino twice in this short window of time.

He was really impressed by his wife's previous speculation. It seemed that his wife's worries were reasonable. She might have been right.Ctherwise, why would a girl eagerly seek out a male teacher by herself twice in less than two hours.

It was clear that she had developed some feelings for the man.

Heinz said to the phone deeply, "Watch closely and report to me if anything changes.”

"Yes, sir."

After hanging up the phone, Heinz went to lock for his wife. When he found Grace, he sighed and said, "Honey, I think you might be right.”"About what? Are you talking about Sylvia?" Grace asked.

"Yeah." Heinz proceeded to tell her about the report.

Grace paused for a moment and immediately comforted herself, "Maybe it's a coincidence.”


t's not a coincidence." Heinz shookhis head. "As asubstitute teacher,Mr. Trevinodoesn't even teach any_najor subjects in school. As such,he doesnt assign much homework.f it's pot for school work, why elsewould Sylvia keep going to see him?ts clear that she admi es-him andhas a crush on him. Jensen saidthat Mr. Trevino locks like a model."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


Grace nodded and said, "He is really handsome. I think he can make a living with his face. Furthermore, he's talented and a young genius as well."Grace was full of praise when she talked about Kendrix, causing Heinz to feel a little angry.

He narrowed his eyes at Grace and said, "Honey, what are you talking about? Do you think he's more handsome than I am?"

After thinking for a short while, she looked at Heinz and laughed

Heinz immediately held his wife's shoulder with both hands, looked at her seriously, and asked, "Tell me, who is more handsome, me or him?"Grace was speechless for a moment. "To be honest, you used to be very handsome, but now, you've aged.”

"You're calling me old?" Heinz's tone became sharp and defensive.

Grace nodded and said, "Although you are still very handsome, you look a lot different compared to all the young men out there. All the girls now likemen who lock like Mr. Trevino, not you."

Although Heinz had the charm of a mature man and was still very handsome, he was getting old. He had some wrinkles on his face and the cornersof his eyes

Heinz felt indignant. He wanted to prove himself. As such, he reached out to unbutton his suit wordlessly.

After a slight pause, Grace asked, "What are you doing?"

She watched as Heinz began to unbutton his suit jacket.

Grace frowned slightly.

Sure enough, Heinz ended up removing his suit jacket, and placed it on the bed.

Grace looked at him with wide eyes and did not respond for a long time. She asked in confusion, "What exactly are you doing?"

Heinz's movements were very slow. Anyone who looked at him would feel seduced by his elegance

The buttons-of his shirt wereunbuttoned, revealing his muscularchest. Then, his evenly-distributedabs gradually made an appearance.He did not grow fat with ageHisbody was still strong and muscular.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

What's more, he even had a very nice V-Line.

Grace's eyes fell on his abs. Raising her eyebrows, she said, "What are you trying to prove by doing this?"

Heinz also raised his eyebrows slightly. “To prove that I'm not that old."

Grace pointed at his stomach and said, "It's no use showing such a good figure to a pregnant woman like me. I can't do anything with you."Heinz was instantly rendered speechless.

He put his hands on his hips and looked at his wife. "Lock at my figure. Isn't it much better than Mr. Trevino's?"

Hearing this, Grace started to smile and nodded. "Yes, it's really great.”

Heinz was about to smile smugly, but Grace continued.

"You know the young men out thereare all working out, right? Youmust've noticed that they spend a ._lot of time in the gym. Since mostofthem have to live off their goodlooks theyll do everything they canto.make sure their bodies and faceI6ok perfect. Some are evenstudying hard on the side Contentbelongs to swnovel.ne

as well."

Heinz frowned. "So, does that mean that I don't attract you as much anymore?"

It seemed that this man was jealous.

She smiled and teased, "That's right. I'm not attracted to you anymore.”

Heinz stepped forward again and looked at his wife defiantly. "Are you sure that you're no longer attracted to me?"Grace poked him in the chest and asked, "Aren't you cold?"

"There is a heater in the room." Heinz continued in a deep voice, "Tell me, am I still attractive to you?"

"At this moment, I'm not attracted to anyone. Not you, or any young men out there.” Grace deliberately ridiculed him.Heinz was still frowning. "Are you trying to make me angry?”

Grace smiled and said, "Why are you being so persistent? Are you sure it's a good idea to force yourself onto a pregnant woman like this?""Then tell me, am I still handsome?"

"Incredibly so." Grace could not bear to tease him too much and said, "Quick, put on your clothes. Don't you feel childish showing off like that?"

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