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Chapter 1865

When Heinz heard what his wife said, he immediately spoke, "It does look like we need to have a serious talk with Sylvia."

Grace turned around and looked at her husband, she felt that Heinz was really acting strange. It was rare for him to actually want to teach Sylvia alesson. He loved Sylvia and rarely ever called her out.

She pursed her lips and said, "Do you think you can trick me? You are not going to treat her badly. I will scold her myself. If that doesn't work, you canask her to stay on campus, and that she doesn't have to come back."

"Aunt Smith, don't be like this." Celeste could tell that she was a little angry. sc she quickly comforted her.Heinz was also taken aback by Grace's anger.He quickly said, "Don't be angry. Grace. You are pregnant, you can't get angry."

Grace rolled her eyes at him, she did not show him any sign of respect even in front of Celeste. "Heinz, if you continue to protect her, I won't let yougo."

"Mom, living on campus is a good idea.” Gary suddenly said, "I think having Sylvia live there will be good for everyone.”When Heinz heard that, he frowned and glanced at Gary sharply. A look of protest could be seen in his eyes. Was he adding fuel to fire right now?Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Gary did not care at all, his sister was already a scourge, she was going to be a public enemy of the entire family too. Everyone was originallyunhappy of her having her father’s full attention, but if she continued to act so arrogantly, they would all really protest against her.

As for Gary, he wanted to take advantage of Ernest and Leah's matter to get his parents to lecture her.

However, when he saw his father's warning shot, he knew that his sister was still the apple of his father's eye. Who in the family could shake herstatus?

Gary was not jealous of her, he was just a little angry. He thought that she had crossed the line by eavesdropping on their privacy.

Grace was still a fair person, she did not even look at Heinz, she ordered the butler directly, "Butler, pack up all of Sylvia's things and put itin aluggage, then send it to her school. After that, find a dormitory for her to stay in. In the future, she is only allowed to come back to take her clothesshe is not allowed to come back at any other times.”

The butler was dumbfounded too. He stared at Grace blankly, he could not believe that this was her decision.He could not believe that she would decide to let The Jones family's precious little girl stay on campus.

If this news were to spread out, wouldn't she be the laughing stock of her school?

Should the young lady of The Jones family live on campus?

The butler turned to lock at Heinz for help.

Heinz was shocked as well, he hurriedly told his wife, "Honey, don't you think we should think this through?"

"My decision is final,” Grace said in a deep voice. "Gary and Celeste don't have to move to the mountains to live. It is cold and uncomfortable there inthe winter. However, they can go there when it is summer time."

"Aunt Smith." Celeste was stunned. She tried to comfort her quickly, "Gary and I won't live in the mountain villa anymore. Is that okay?"Gary could tell that his mother was really angry, he hurriedly said, "Mom, we won't go to the mountain villa. Don't be angry."

Heinz stared at his wife, he looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped on second thought.

He could only look towards Celeste for help.

When Celeste met Heinz's gaze, she immediately knew that he wanted her to help Sylvia, he hoped that she could make Grace take back her wordof ordering Sylvia to live on campus.

The butler was still waiting.

Grace glanced at the butler, when she saw him hesitating and not abiding to her order, she immediately said in a low voice, "Butler, why aren't youlistening to me? Since that is the case, then I guess I am not the Madam of The Jones family anymore. Tell Mr. Jones to find a new wife."

After that, she stood up and was about to leave.Heinz immediately shouted, "Alright, pack up her things and send it to her. Tell her to stay on campus and not come back.”"Yes." The butler was scared out of his wits, he hurriedly left to pack her things.

Heinz stopped Grace, he tried to comfort her first. Once that was done, he quickly apologized, "Honey, don't be angry. You are pregnant. Youshouldn't get angry. I will listen to you, okay?"

Cnly after that did Grace glance at Heinz coldly. Heinz immediately said. "It's my fault, it's all my fault. I should not have pampered this child.”

This was the first time Celeste saw Grace getting angry. Her powers were so strong that she was able to shake everyone up.

"It's true that you have a lot ofresponsibilityin this." Grace's tonewas calm, but the atmosphereturned cold Her face darkened. I -also have-an unshakableresponsibility too. This child actuallydared'to eavesdrop on otherpedple’s privacy. This is too-much. Ishould have punished her severelywhen I first saw her doing that, thennone of this would have happened.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


Heinz quickly nodded. "Yes, you are right, honey.”

Gary glanced at Heinz and coldlysaid, "Sylvia prebably doesn't careabout anyoR&in the family anymore,she thinks-that no one really minds?her actions. Besides, she's theyoungest in the family, so she canplay-around. Mom, you reallyneed todisgipline her. Since both Erfest andLeah left in the middle ofthe night, Ican tell that she has really crossedthe line this time." Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Heinz glanced at Gary. "Can you stop talking? You are only making things worse, your mother will really get angry.”

"Dad, when we talked about this yesterday, you didn't criticize her at all. I can tell from your behavior that you don't care. You only said that you willtell her off, but you still dote on her." Gary was not afraid of Heinz's sharp eyes, he continued to push him.

Heinz saw that Grace's gaze was darker again, he immediately said, "I won't go to visit Sylvia anymore this time. Tell her to live on campus. Tell her toreflect on her actions in school.”

At this moment, the butler had finished packing her luggage and was bringing it downstairs

Grace looked at the butler and said in a deep voice again, "Butler, you should tell Sylvia that she should stay in school because she was invading herbrother's privacy. She is not allowed to enter the house. Whoever opens the door for her to come in will lose their jobs."

"Yes." The butler knew that this was the final order. Poor Sylvia, she was definitely going to suffer.

When Sylvia received the luggage from the butler as well as the call from the school saying that they had arranged a dormitory for her, she was notupset. On the contrary, she felt greatly excited.

The butler locked at the flurried look in her eyes and wondered if Sylvia was happy or notWas she scared silly?

Why did he think that Sylvia's reaction was odd?

Especially her eyes, they were shining brightly.

The look in her eyes was one that could only be seen when she was doing bad things.He secretly thought to himself, "Not good, the school is really so unlucky.”

Sylvia had long wanted to stay on campus, but her father never allowed her to. She always said that she wanted to leave The Jones family. She feltreally helpless, as she had never been able to get what she wanted.

This time, her mother actually ordered her to stay on campus. This was truly a good thing for her.

Having complete freedom had always been a happy thing for her.

"Butler, tell my Mommy to not beangry. I will reflect on my actions. Iknow I wasiwrong. Tell my brothers~N

'm sorry,and I won't make themangry again. When they cool dowhand forgive me, I will show up_again.

wan't go back to get my clothesduring the weekend, send-them tome. Ha ha, I won't be anfidyinganymore.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

The butler's eyes twitched. He looked at Sylvia, he was dumbfounded.

Sylvia smiled, she turned around and left, her footsteps were swift. She looked like a happy little sparrow who had just regained its freedom.When the butler returned to report the situation, Heinz asked, "Did she cry?"

"She didn't cry," Gary said in a low voice. "In fact, she is very happy to finally be able to live on campus.”

Heinz frowned, he glared at Gary. He found it hard to believe, then he looked at the butler again

The butler staggered with his words, "Sir, I could tell that Sylvia was not sad at all. She even asked me to send her her clothes. She said that there isno need for her to come back to take them, she won't annoy anyone anymore.”

Upon hearing that, Heinz took a deep breath.Grace pulled a long face and said, "Then, let her spend the Spring Festival outside as well."

Heinz got up, he prepared himself to leave. What was going on? Sylvia was ordered to stay on campus, yet she was still so happy. He wanted to goto school and see why she was so happy.

"Heinz, you can't go anywhere today.” Grace said in a deep voice, "Stay at home with me."Heinz stopped, he looked at his wife. "Honey, I have something to do in the company.”Grace pointed at her stomach and said, "My stomach hurts.”

"Ah." Heinz's expressions immediately changed. His face was pale, he looked nervous. "Honey, let's go to the hospital. I won't go anywhere. I'll justaccompany you."

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