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Chapter 1828

Simon was stunned as Heinz mocked him unhurriedly.He shouted angrily in a low voice, "That was Marry's doing. so what does it have to do with me?"novelbin

“Haha, stop trying to shove your responsibility to a woman at times like these. What kind of a man are you? Do you still have any sense ofresponsibility?” Heinz looked at him coldly. "Just how shameless must you be? Do you want to lose your abilities to have descendants for the rest ofyour life?"

Simon's expression changed.

Heinz saw his reaction and smiled. He then continued, "Think about it, Simon. The reason why Grace and I have so many children is because wehave been kind and we have never gone too far in life. Life is about practicing cultivating.”

Simon sneered with disdain, but he did not say anything

Heinz felt that some things could be better off resolved by themselves, rather than holding grudges. He was not young anymore, and he wasnot afraid of anything. However, it would always be a good thing if the problem could be solved amicably.

Therefore, he wanted to try his best.

Sometimes while you saved others, you were saving yourself too

If he was really able to save Simon, then it would be a huge merit on his end too.

He looked at Simon and continued his lecture

"You used to do a lot of evil things. You had a relationship with Grace, but it went sour. You two didn't really start a relationship, but it could beconsidered as a beginning on its own. It was only because of your stubbornness that always made you think that the things you couldn't get are themost precious ones. You married Marry, and Grace was single for five years. Even after she had children, you still wanted to sell her children away tohuman traffickers. You are a completely heartless man.

These are the bad things that you have done. You have done bad things to Grace and Marry. When you were with Marry. you still looked for affairselsewhere. You are not loyal to marriage.

Even without any children, you would still have done your parents wrong.

Look at yourself, you are a scumbag who is not benevolent, loyal. or filial. That is why you went to jail. You have too many bad things that going to jailwas our only option.

Now that you are out, you could start your life again, but you didn't cherish it.

You could have gone and looked for Marry, but you didn't. You two never went through the divorce procedure back then, so you two are actually stillmarried

Look, you didn't look for her, and she didn't look for you either. You continued to hurt us after a few years too. Simon, there is no need to do this evenif you don't feel satisfied, right?"

Simon narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Heinz. He looked at him for a while, but he didn’t say anything.

However, Heinz had seen countless people over the years. With just a glance, he could tell that Simon was actually listening.He was processing what he said.

Heinz felt that his words did not go in vain.

He paused for a moment and continued, "If you still want a child at your age. you still can. Grace is able to get pregnant again, and it is the third timethat we are pregnant. If you want to have a child with Marry, you two might not be too old yet. If you don't want it with Marry, you can divorce her andfind another person."

However, Simon said as his shoulders were lowered. "My parents won't be able to see it anymore."

Simon's parents had died from an illness a few years ago

As Simon went to prison, the Brown family suffered a lot of torment, so his parents fell ill and passed away early on one after the other.There weren't anymore elders in the Brown family then

When he thought of his parents, Simon felt great remorse and regret in his heart.

A deep sense of regret flashed across his face.

He regretted it deeply.

He didn't let the bloodline of the Brown family live on

What about Marry?

He did not love Marry.

He knew it all too well that being with Marry back then was a mistake, and it was a scheme that Marry set up.

He really walked down the wrong path. If he had been with Grace back then, it would all be different in the end

However, there was no ‘what if' in life.

At the thought of that, Simon felt extremely upset.

He looked down with deep regret in his gaze.

It seemed like Heinz's words had touched him

Gary looked at Ernest and then at Heinz.

Heinz looked at his son and told Simon, "What do you think? Do you want to consider my suggestion to welcome a new family, and live a new life?”"Actually, it is still not too late," Ernest spoke as well.

"You are at your forties now. As a man, there are some things you might have just started to comprehend. Why don't you try again?" Gary asked in atimely manner.

"I want to see Grace," Simon suddenly shouted

"That's impossible." Heinz blocked out the possibility directly. “You can't see Grace. She is pregnant. so she won't come in contact with anythingdangerous. We don't trust you, and we are not going to take that risk."

Simon frowned. "Humph, I knew that you would refuse me.”

It was as if he had already expected that to happen.

Simon did not continue to dwell on that. He said once more, “Then, I want to call Grace. Can I havea word with Grace?"

Heinz locked at his sons

Both Gary and Ernest looked back at their father.

They were waiting for Heinz to reply then.

Heinz raised his eyebrows and said, "Call her? What are you trying to do? Are you not over her?”

"Uncle Simon, if my mom knows that you've been with 13 other women, she'll probably be afraid that your virus will travel over to her through thephone. Are you trying to disgust her, or yourself?”

Gary's words changed Simon's expression at once.

However, he still said in a deep voice, "I just want to see Grace, but you won't let me. Now, I taking a step back and only want a phone call with her,but are you going to refuse me that as well?"

"You don't have any rights to negotiate with us.” Ernest replied directly in a low voice. "I hope you can recognize the situation and remember that youare in no position to negotiate with us at all. That request of yours will only be a sign of humiliation to yourself. Why bother?”

Upon hearing that, Simon was stunned as well, and he looked very embarrassed.However, Ernest was right. What he said hit him hard. He indeed did not have any leverage at all.

It sounded like whatever he requested for was was just him humiliating himself. Simon laughed at himself and said, “You are right, I don't have anyrights to do that.”

Ernest smiled and said. “Good thing you understand."

“However, I still want to make aphone call taGrace. If you agree tomy requegtthen quickly tell Gracesthat I wilCeall her. Otherwise, I won'tgive UB, Even if I have to sacrificemy ltfe, I will not cease fighting withyous’ Simon said firmly, "I willcontinue to fight with you," Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

mpossible." Heinz coldlynterrupted Simon's fantasy. "If youthreaten us, would be more sure toot let you talk to Grace, or to havesany kindf interaction with her atall.It's impossible for you to meet fer,and its even more impossible to callher=lf you are humbler ancktalk to usniéely, maybe we will pityyou, andwe might agree to a call betweenyou and Grace, but now yourarrogant attitude annoys me."Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


"Heinz, I just want to talk with Grace for a little while, can’t you let me do that?" Simon looked at him anxiously."Well, I really can't agree to that." Heinz nodded and said seriously.

"He's not the only one who doesn't agree, we won't either. Uncle Simon, you'd better forget about that. Stop those messy thoughts of yours. There isno need for that at all." Ernest said

Gary smiled at Simon and said, "Why don't you just tell us what you want to tell her? Perhaps we will pass the message to her. Also, it is reallyunnecessary to threaten us. We are not scared at all."

"So, think about it carefully. If you still have something with you, you can continue to challenge us. Otherwise, it's better for you to be humble.” saidEmest.

The twins had really great tacit understanding while they spoke to Simon.

Gary continued, “That's right. If you talk nicely, we might be able to achieve something. We only sympathize with the weak and will never sympathizewith those self- absorbed and overconfident scumbags.”

Simon was aware that both Heinz’s sans had rejected him, not allowing him to see Grace. They were not letting him talk to Grace on the phone either.He could not help but to feel anxious, and he was even slowly losing his sanity.

He looked at Heinz and his sons, feeling that it was too unfair.They were all laughing at him

He was on the verge of losing his sanity.

"Uncle Simon,don't be so agitated,won't help with anything, but willonly make you ook like a fool. Are —you sureyou want to be a fool? Ordo youttnink youre smart even- ~though) you've been foolish alt yourlife?’ Gary smiled and reminded hirn.He © could see that Simon’s:emotionwas a little out of control. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

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